All Chapters of Rhodia River - In the stream of love: Chapter 311
- Chapter 320
360 chapters
Chapter 311 Ricardo wanna know everything
Rhodia River - In the stream of love/Anderson José
RUBENS'S APARTMENT - DAYRubens opens the door for Penha, who enters kissing him on the cheek. Rubens backs off a little, she smiles slightly."Good morning, my boyfriend!"Rubens closes the door and frowns, "Is that what you called me for?"Penha divinely sits in the armchair, laughing, "I just want to cause my brother a headache. Who told me to make up lies for everyone, including his girlfriend?""He didn't lie to his girlfriend."Penha looks at Rubens, he approaches her, "He may not have lied about me, but he lied about everything else. The deal was to introduce myself as a girlfriend. Since he didn't want to, then I'm a free girl.""You know very well that you are not.""But, where's Anderson who shows no sign of life?"Rubens sits in the other armchair, "He must be busy with his master's degree, Penha. Be patient. You, on the other hand, don't write or call.""I write and call. He doesn't answer or answer the letters. He certainly abandoned me; he's sleeping with a European. May
Chapter 312 Queen Monica says no
Rhodia River - In the stream of love/Anderson José
COR-DE-ROSA STATIONERY - DAYRosa is interrogated by Monica if she had an accident, because of the bruise that can still be seen on her face."Did something happen, Rosa?"Rosa decides to answer in a serene, somewhat suspicious tone, "Yes, Monica. A silly accident right here at work.""Right here, at the stationery shop? What do you mean? Did any bookshelves fall on you?"Rosa smiles; that was basically it, "Kinda that..."Monica gets even closer, "It was ugly. Anyway, I came here to ask your forgiveness in advance."Rosa takes a step back and frowns. What does she mean? "Early apology? This is unusual.""It’s because I am a person who is aware of my crimes. Although for Fábio it’s not a crime but a matter of taking precautions."The mention of Fábio makes Rosa react tensely, "What did he say?""My second novel is practically done; but, due to the disastrous result of the first, I shouldn't lend anyone a copy. I'm sorry, Rosa."Upon learning that it was, Rosa undoes her scowl, relieve
Chapter 313 Fábio refuses to see the proof
Rhodia River - In the stream of love/Anderson José
MONICA'S LIVING ROOM - DAYMonica is disgusted when Ricardo accuses her of making Carina pass out. They stand and face each other harshly."Are you disgusted with what is happening and decided to discount everything on me?Ricardo makes his classic little silly smile, "Don't play innocent. Why couldn't you see that my angel was about to pass out?"The expression "my angel" makes Monica sick, "I was in a hurry to bash Miriam.""As usual, you are just a selfish person. Carina could have died because of you. What irritates me most is that Carlos Roldão was the one who found her, and now he thinks he has rights."Monica lifts the right side of her mouth, "I thought there were no more reasons for you to be insecure. Carina loves you, right?""Of course she loves me. And she is realizing the easy and comfortable life she will have with me when we get married."Monica clenches her fists. Marriage? Never!"Stop putting pressure on the poor little girl, it's too early for you to even think abo
Chapter 314 Who took the photos?
Rhodia River - In the stream of love/Anderson José
ENTRANCE TO MIRIAM’S HOUSE - AFTERNOONMonica faces Miriam for having recordings of her conversation with Célio. But, Miriam just smirks, because she didn't record it.Monica gets furious, "Why are you smiling? Didn’t I catch you, creature? You were recording and taking pictures of my house, just when Célio came to visit me!"Miriam opens the door again, but still doesn't let Monica in, "Let's make something very clear, you careless one: I didn't record a conversation. I don't know what you're talking about."Monica gets angrier, "Don't play the innocent! Someone was spying on me. I even heard the sound of someone holding their breath one night, when even Annie was there!""I can swear to you that it wasn't me."Monica takes a deep breath and attacks again, "OK, maybe you didn't record it... But, the photos...""What pictures?"Monica widens her eyes, she is shocked. Will Miriam deny that too? "Oh, no! Are you going to deny that too? Who besides you would be able to take such good pic
Chapter 315 Ed is warning the enemy
Rhodia River - In the stream of love/Anderson José
MIRIAM'S ROOM - AFTERNOONMiriam and Fábia Peres are attentive to the events and agree on yet another plan to harm Monica.Fábia nods, "I'm listening, friend. What's your plan?"Miriam smiles maliciously, "Handing the tape over to Fábio isn't working, right? He doesn't want to hear it.""Stubborn as a mule and blind as... I don't know of any animal blind by nature."Miriam rolls her eyes. It was so nice to have the smart Fábia Peres from minutes ago!"Well, then, we're going to have to be more creative. Do you know anyone who would be able to stick the tape on Fábio's radio without him noticing?"Fábia Peres opens her eyes wide and bounces on the mattress, "Friend! What is this, what crazy idea is that?"Miriam chuckles, "I thought you were going to be amazed. But, honey, it's the only way. He's going to have to listen to the conversation without having a choice to refuse."Fábia Peres puts her hand on her chin, beginning to understand the idea.Miriam continues to speak, "And this se
Chapter 316 Agent Cássio again
Rhodia River - In the stream of love/Anderson José
ED'S HOUSE ENTRANCE - AFTERNOONWellington and Luís are clapping their hands with some despair, as they have been calling Ed for a while, but nothing about him showing up.Luís cries out, "I think he's already gone to tell Ricardo! Our goose is cooked, we are dead!"Wellington is increasingly irritated by the cowardice and fear of Luís. Where was that guy who managed to steal money from Ricardo Oliveira? Now his pants are shitty because of a brat.The situation only worsens with the fact that Ed lives near the river, and the river reminds Luís of the possibility that he might be murdered by Ricardo and be thrown lifeless in the Rhodia River, with his family without ever knowing where to find the corpse.Wanting to end the anguish, Wellington claps more firmly and vigorously, but there is silence on the other side. Ed's dad is working and his mom is probably out."Let's go, Lou. There's nobody at home."This phrase does not reassure Luís, "What do you mean, man? We need to talk to Ed t
Chapter 317 Cássio finds out the truth
Rhodia River - In the stream of love/Anderson José
COR-DE-ROSA STATIONERY - AFTERNOONRosa is reading celebrity gossip magazines, while no customers appear. Cassio appears suddenly.She gets a slight fright, "Oh, Cássio! Anyone who sees you entering in such a sweeping way will think you are a thief running away from the police.""Do you take that chance of a thief just because I'm black?"Rosa is static, not knowing what to say. She did not want to offend Cassio by being racist.However, Cássio undoes his scowl and lets out a laugh."Oh, Cassio..." Rosa relieves herself and also laughs with her friend."Don't worry, Rosa, I know you didn't mean to offend me. And I'm not even that black, I would say chocolate brown. Wellington is really black.""That's right. I just saw him pass by with another boy."Cassio continues to mock, "Oh, Rosa, it's not what you're thinking! Wellington is very manly; the other guy is Luís, our friend too."Rosa burst out laughing, "I didn't mean it in that connotation. You are the one thinking about evil, huh!
Chapter 318 A bold plan
Rhodia River - In the stream of love/Anderson José
FÁBIA PERES’S LIVING ROOM - EVENINGFábia Peres is interrogated by Fábio and Monica. She only regrets the opportunity for someone to enter Fábio's house and put the cassette on his radio while he is with her.However, Fábio and Monica just want her to answer about the recordings and the photos."Aren't you going to answer, Fábia?"Fábia Peres shakes her head, "What do you want me to say? I received this information and passed it on to you as if it were a charity."Fábio and Monica burst out laughing.Fábio scoffs, "Charity? Was it charity, fake tapes, and pictures taken out of context?""You never got to hear the tape and apparently you barely paid attention to the pictures. Oh, blindness...""You make such a point of emphasizing the content, it's because you heard... or paid for it..."Fábia Peres is gradually thinking of a way to get away, "Me? Pay for it? Nothing like that, Fábio... Someone stuck the contents in my door, left the tape recorder in my mailbox... I didn't order it! I
Chapter 319 Arguing in the hospital
Rhodia River - In the stream of love/Anderson José
FÁBIA PERES'S LIVING ROOM - NIGHTFábia Peres lets the cassette fall to the floor, making the biggest bang, just when she, Miriam, and Sandra wanted to be quiet so as not to attract the attention of Fábio and Monica.However, time goes by and nothing happens at Monica's house. The three women sigh in relief.Fábia whispers, "That was close! But, let's go. Oh, Sandra, why did you ask me that?"Sandra does not want to take the blame for what happened and defends herself, "Well, for hearing you say that Fábio stays at Monica's house until the wee hours of the night..."But, Fábia Peres refuses to think about the possibility of Fábio and Monica reaching this stage of intimacy. They all leave Fábia's house, she closes the door without making a noise.MONICA'S LIVING ROOMMonica and Fábio heard the noise of the falling tape but did not give much importance.Monica thinks, "It sounded like the sound of a cassette falling."Fábio approaches her with a smile. The two are sitting on the couch,
Chapter 320 Three friend girls
Rhodia River - In the stream of love/Anderson José
CASSIO'S LIVING ROOM - NIGHTCássio opens the door for Célio. Because of the fateful question he is always asked, Cássio does not ask Célio how his first day of school was.Célio greets him, "Here I am, buddy. Boy, you could take the course with me. It's a new world that is emerging for me."Cassio laughs at his friend's enthusiasm, "Do you think the computer will replace the typewriter?""I think. My instructor said that when they start selling affordable computers to the working class, everyone will buy them. It's much more practical to type documents. Seu Tito, who already has experience with the typewriter, will love to learn."The two friends sit on the couch.Cassio begins, "So, are you ready for the big news that left me stupid today?"Célio leans forward slightly.Cassio continues, "I found out who Lou and Well are working for. Ricardo Oliveira."Célio shocks himself in the extreme and goes to the opposite end of the sofa, almost falling off him, wide-eyed and with a bizarre g