All Chapters of THE CONSPIRACY OF THE ELITES.: Chapter 261
- Chapter 270
470 chapters
>Main Research Target: Bean Quadrant Enhancer> At the top of the large dome-like structure hanged a big whiteboard, and this was written on it in bold font. Reading it out loud made it seem so epic and important, Clark and Dickson were left breathless. “We really found it!” Clark exclaimed for the 3rd time in disbelief. Though a lot of evidence was pointing out that they came here first, it was only natural that they still had doubts. Remember, they were not the most exceptional soldiers that came for this mission. Veteran 3rd rank high-grade soldiers also took on this mission, them getting here first was an astonishing achievement. “It’s all thanks to the king of demolition”. Clark felt it unreal, what did the man see in them that made him help them so selflessly? Despite his feelings, he was still nonetheless extremely excited by this discovery. After months staying in this extreme region, after going through a lot of hardships
Clark was stunned speechless in one place, he looked at this man that suddenly appeared before him with eyes glinting with curiosity. It was not just an exaggeration that he referenced the great warlock Gandalf immediately on seeing the old man that appeared before him, the resemblance is uncanny. If he lied, he was ready to go 2 hours without food. Hearing his question, the old man chuckled heartily. “Young man, it's nice to meet you. It’s been long since I met humans, I feel even more blessed knowing that someone of this era remembers the great Gandalf as I do”. After observing for a few seconds, Clark felt that something was wrong. Curiosity left his face, instead, it became grim. “What are you?” He asked. “You noticed quite fast. Are the soldiers of this era this era so exceptional, or is it just you? I’m impressed”. The old man commented smilingly. Clark did not reply, he now had a poker look on his face. He already notice
3 black humanoid silhouettes moved swiftly across the snow-filled mountain range, hiding their trails by moving and blending with the shadows surrounding them. Extreme cautiousness was radiating from them, making them seem as inconspicuous as dead trees. They wore white cloaks to cover their climbing uniforms, this time they also covered their heads with white hoods to further blend with the environment. Josh, Anna, and Diana moved swiftly in a tight formation that let them watch each other’s back. Their eyes shone like those of eagles, this region was too dangerous for them to let their guard down. After the king of demolition revealed the good news to them that a few of their subordinates survived, they became extremely enthusiastic to rescue them. Only a tiny difference could separate them from drug addicts as their faces were filled with sturdy devotion for this mission. Josh was the temporary leader of this group. He stood at the
The battle started immediately. There was no prep time in-between, no elaborated preparations, just a brawl between soldiers of 2 extremely volatile enemy countries. When Spartan and Mocan soldiers jam, what results from it is not hard to imagine. Though Josh was not a Spartan soldier, he already stayed with them long enough to understand the gist of their enmity with Mocans. Lifting his enormous rifle, he pulled at the trigger. Bam! Bam! “Come at me bastards!” With him taking the lead and Diana with 5 other soldiers following closely behind, they rushed outwards to meet their new opponents with impressive grandeur and seriousness. Anna stayed behind, taking refuge behind a mold of rocks stacked together as she brought out her sniper rifle. The last 3 soldiers were beside her, together forming the ranged squad. The battle started with full force and immediately climbed to a climax. This Mocan squad contained 30 soldiers
Amid the ongoing battle, as soldiers of various countries threw themselves at each other, tearing and biting at each other like savage beasts, King watched quietly from the background. The number of soldiers before him was mind-boggling, probably up to a thousand already as they moved like a colony of ants, cramping up all the space in the corridor. “How many squads got here actually? This is a little exaggerated”. King got more and more shocked as he watched. When he first started trailing behind these battling fanatics, his heart was on his throat as he was afraid of being discovered. He did not know what caliber of detection devices that they brought here. If he was found out, being torn to pieces would be his only fate. There was no way that he could survive an assault from so many soldiers. After 5 minutes of trailing behind them and not being found out, he finally heaved a sigh of relief. He could rejoice a little now, this meant he was
“That’s the cover-up that I used to convince the then Aragan superiors to approve my research, my ambition for the project was much more unbelievable than they were led to know”. The white-bearded old Professor Granit kept on pouring insights to his much younger new test subject, answering all his queries. Clark was focused, listening with rapt attention. “Acute brain dysfunction, pneumatic brain radiation, radical wear and tear of the brain, these and a lot of other brain diseases was the reason that I gave them”. “They easily believed in my project as those diseases were the main enemies of humanity after the age of exotics and technology began, there was no way that we could avoid it”. “Though medical technology improved a lot after the discovery of exotics, our exposure to radiations and a lot of other harmful things brought lots of new mutated diseases that haunted us for years”. “The appearance of the alien led us to a tremendous increas
Looking at Clark’s eerily convulsing body, Professor Granit closed his eyes, a lot of complicated emotions flashing through them. This was the same bed that his one and only son lied down on, this was the same bed where his only son’s life was slowly snuffed out before his own eyes, this was the same process that led to his only son’s death. “Magnus, Rose, I’m sorry”. Tears streaked down his face. Just a few seconds later, he cleaned the tears from his face, the focused expectant look of a passionate researcher back on them. Clark’s body kept convulsing at a rapid frequency as bloodcurdling screams kept on echoing from his mouth, filling the dome in a tense atmosphere of death like those in an execution ground. This brought the Professor’s most frequently asked question again. Is this place really a research lab or is it an execution ground? He could not think further as Clark’s scream interrupted his thought process. Electrici
Clark felt like he was captured and trapped in a cage where he was being tortured for a thousand years. His eyes were already leaking blood but the strange healing fluid kept on healing his injuries. Being restrained to a bed and having to take so many painful and traumatic sensations was worse than hell. To the current him, dying now was better than persevering. He already tried various ways to commit suicide but the healing fluid was relentlessly pumping inside his blood, making sure that his body kept functioning optimally. His consciousness was already on the verge of shattering numerous times, but another strange liquid pumped inside him kept on stimulating his brain. His adrenal gland was at work, keeping him conscious against his will. “Stop!” “Please, stop!!” He already yelled this countless times along with his screams but no one seemed to be listening to him. His voice was already hoarse, a sign of what he was currently going
As Clark walked down the spiraling staircase that the Professor showed him, a lot of things went through his mind at the same time, making his thoughts become a jumbled mess. Though he told the Professor so casually like it meant nothing to him, he felt crushed knowing that he just failed a breakthrough. “What happened? Is it because of the quadrant enhancer? Do I really have an artificially made biological device apart from my implant on my head now? Did Professor Granit’s son really die to this same fusion?” The questions in his head were too much, having no one to answer him only intensified his frustration. And the Professor said something about an invasion, what did he mean? Though thinking of the pain that he was in a moment ago still left a sour taste in his mouth, he tried to forget about it. The Professor was right in one thing- that everything had a price. Though he could not finalize his breakthrough after waiting for so man
Among the 200 soldiers that survived, a notable fact was that none of the Spartan soldiers died. They were the only ones who noticed this abnormality though, the others were still kept in the dark. “Who is that mysterious figure? How is he acquainted with our comrade?” Despite the many questions in the Spartan soldiers’ hearts, they were still left standing in a daze in shock. All the other 200 soldiers still stood shocked also, looking with disbelief on their faces at the destruction that was just wrath by this mysterious soldier. “How strong is that figure, killing over 600 soldiers in one strike? 4th rank high-grade strength? 5th rank? Or even higher strength? What???” The soldiers freaked out immediately as their thoughts kept on wandering to uncharted territory. They couldn’t even confirm if the figure that appeared before them was a human due to the hood that covered his face. Despite his human frame, research already speculated