Obi looked her dead in the eyes, and saw she wasn't even thinking of this as a joke."I see",He replied and turned around I took five steps away from her, But then stopped as if he had realize something."Oh yeah that might work, in our favor to be honest".Ulia looked at the back of his balded head wondering what is he getting at,"Tell me if I'm getting this right, Lieg's in there right now working out a deal for our protection"."Yup That sounds about right" Ulia replied,"Even though you don't care whether we live or die, and if it was up to him you guys would personally do the deed?",Ulia pause after hearding this."… For now yes, if that whats you want to hear",Obi then "And you guys really are demons",Ulia added "Well we certainly aren't humans"."So even though you saved us, we can't ask the church for help because they might be involved in this takeover?. The same church that has
Last Updated : 2021-07-15 Read more