All Chapters of Building My Life: Chapter 101
- Chapter 110
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Chapter 101 Graduation Party
Building My Life/Anderson José
1981In the high school arena, in the evening, the prom took place.Couples formed by students, teachers, and some parents danced to the sound of "Just Like You", by Carly Simon.Among them, Josias and Melissa are dancing.Simeon and Dora were also dancing, recalling the time when they had their ball.William is furious at the dating of Josias and his older sister. He is sitting by the candy table, eating in anger. Countless girls ask him to dance, but he refuses, not in the mood for it.As Melissa had planned, she had managed to get Wallace to lend one of his suits to her boyfriend, and now Josias is looking good in a navy blue suit and tie.Melissa's dress made her look like a princess; it was pink, with short sleeves and lace details, plus a red ribbon at the waist.The school pedagogue prowled among the couples and took notes: she is evaluating who is going to win the crown of the king and queen of the ball.When the
Chapter 102 How Was the Party Without Me?
Building My Life/Anderson José
After hearing from Dr. Silvana that Pamela could be pregnant and have miscarried, Carmen feels that the floor has disappeared in front of her.How can this be possible? Did work her plan to go to Josias's bed? Was Josias the father of the child?Dr. Silvana tried to explain. "It is possible that fertilization took place this week. We will still see, Miss Chaves, but one thing I guarantee: there was not only blood on the patient's pants. Excuse me."Carmen didn't even dare to call her parents after that information. She decided to wait a few more hours until the blood test results.When the result came out, Carmen eagerly read the sheets that were handed to her: a Pamela egg was fertilized and was just beginning to form, but with the impact of the accident, Pamela's body could not support it and expelled it, in the form of bleeding...Well, six-month-old fetuses can't take hard knocks, let alone an egg of a few days!However, if Pamela was no
Chapter 103 Time to Revenge
Building My Life/Anderson José
Pamela exclaims at the top of her lungs. "Are you crazy? Where did you get that I got pregnant?"Carmen remains cold and icy. "There is no point in denying me, Pamela. During medical procedures, Dr. Silvana discovered that you are no longer a virgin. And that you unintentionally ended an embryo that had just begun to develop. It may be that you stayed pregnant for a day or two, but the accident caused you to miscarry."Pamela listens to everything with wide eyes, terror on her face. Was she pregnant? And did the pregnancy last that short?After pondering this for a few seconds, Pamela buries her hands in her face and starts to cry desperately. She cried, screamed, yelled countless 'no', sobbed, and trembled in the hospital bed.Carmen does not know if this was crying for mourning the baby's death or if it was crying for thanks for getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy."Now do you understand the consequences of your actions?" Carmen tries to discipl
Chapter 104 Inspired Preach
Building My Life/Anderson José
Josias returns from Uélton's house with apprehension in his eyes. Teodoro sees him pass by the lobby and approaches him. "Son, what is this grimace?""Uélton is thinking that I took improper liberties with Melissa. I have said several times that I will respect her until the wedding, but it seems that I am the only man on this Earth to think so!"Teodoro chuckles and approaches Josias. "Well, if that is any consolation, I did it too when I was your age, but that was in the 1940s!"Josias can't resist and laughs at the joke. "Yes, maybe I am an old-fashioned lover, just like Roberto Carlos's music. I even sent flowers to Melissa last week.""So, son, keep on behaving. Seu Simeon must be watching and he won't forgive you if you get his little princess pregnant. And didn't you say you still have a future brother-in-law who doesn't accept your dating? Well, you have to be smart.""It's really a shame that he still doesn't understand my hon
Chapter 105 I Need Thank Him
Building My Life/Anderson José
Outside the Church, Josias hurries out, passing among the faithful ones, looking back and forth, in a frantic search for Everaldo. How did Everaldo pass by and not even stop to greet him? Could it be that he hasn't recognized him for so long?On the lawn, Wallace approaches him, noticing the concern. "Hey, buddy, what is it? Looking for someone?""Everaldo! He knows me... you have no idea how he has an influence on my life, man!" Josias speaks in a mixture of anger and despair. Once again Everaldo evaporates as if he were not a human being!Wallace holds Josias by the arm, eyes narrowed. "Hey, hey, hey! Calm down, my brother!""Wallace, I'm not kidding! I'm since God knows when trying to thank him for the help he gave me and I can't do it, something always happens!""Let's go home and you will tell me more. I will call Uélton."When everyone is at the Freire family home, Josias is on the couch drinking a passion fruit juice to see if
Chapter 106 Secret Almost Revealed
Building My Life/Anderson José
"Hi, Carmen! You can come in. Do you have news about Pam?"Melissa opens the door to a completely distraught Carmen, with dark circles, pursed lips, and crossed arms."We need to talk seriously, Melissa. It's a subject I don't even dare to tell my parents about. If they know, they can kill someone or shrug.""Haven't your parents already visited Pamela?" Melissa gestures and the two enter the living room. They each sit on a sofa."Well, looking under the general medical picture, Pam will survive. Soon she will be discharged and finish her recovery at home with a nurse who will be paid for by the runner over."Melissa is surprised. Wasn't her father who was going to pay?"Father is very busy thinking about work and relies entirely on Mr. Bento's decisions.""We still don't know him well; I hope he doesn't cause any more problems.""My sister has had more drama than the heroines in the soap operas that my mother keeps watching."
Chapter 107 The Owner of the House
Building My Life/Anderson José
Monday, working day. Josias is sleeping peacefully, now using a more appropriate blanket, no longer the thin sheet of yesteryear. The thin sheet will be used on hot days, but yesterday it was cold. Even the balcony door was closed.And in order not to be caught by surprise, Josias now has an alarm clock. And it starts to sound loud as soon as it is seven o'clock in the morning. Josias stretches out and reaches the hand for his clothes. He couldn't help it, now that Josias has gotten used to sleeping naked, he can't sleep any other way.The alarm clock is on the dresser, on purpose, to force Josias to get out of bed, otherwise, he ends up falling asleep again.In the bathroom, he brushes his teeth with two neighbors taking a shower, but they do not leave the environment uncomfortable and even politely greet Josias. If everyone were like that, and not annoying like Jeremiah, Josias wouldn’t mind and get used to it faster.Now wearing old jeans, Josias
Chapter 108 The New Company
Building My Life/Anderson José
Josias takes the biggest scare of his life when he finds out who owns the house.Romualdo took him to the master bedroom, which at this point was being used as if it were the construction headquarters or Romualdo's office. It was there that he made important decisions.But on this day, the owner of the house was making important decisions. Josias was finally going to meet who was paying his salary.However, he felt like he was on a television prank. Was he? Is it another coincidence?Tiago Bento was sitting in a chair by the window, smiling with satisfaction when he saw Tiago."I am still waiting for your call, my friend." He starts the conversation."Tiago... are you the owner of this house? Are you going to live here?" Josias exclaims with enormous surprise."Absolutely, and I am much more pleased to see that it is being well built with you."Romualdo closes the door and stays inside with the two of them.There were tw
Chapter 109 New Job
Building My Life/Anderson José
Josias is now gaping at the new information.Romualdo and Tiago are starting a company and want Josias to be their helper... what do they mean?"Gentlemen, I must warn you that despite my young age, I don't want to be taken for an idiot." Josias frowns, "Do you think I serve as a leader because I am impulsive and like to solve problems? There are other ways to criticize me for that, you did not need to play this joke."Josias once again stands up as if there are ants in the chair."Josias, take it easy!" Romualdo tries to contain him, "We are not making fun of you. In a way, you explained why Tiago believes you have the potential for better positions.""But, I don't want better positions!" Josias exclaims loudly, "I'm barely learning basic service! What am I going to help them with?""You will be our supervisor." Tiago replies, "You will work with us at the office. You will help us solve problems. Did you never notice how people respect you
Chapter 110 You Deserve It
Building My Life/Anderson José
"Of course you accepted!" Uélton exclaims in a rectangular room, where the future garage of Tiago's new house will be, "You are not even asking me for permission, but confirming that you have accepted.""Actually, scandalous guy, I am asking for your opinion." Josias was regretting seeing Uélton. It looks like he didn't promise at the New Year's party that he would discipline the mouth.Uélton burst out laughing as if he were an Italian. "My Beloved Father... the all-wise man comes to me, asking for my opinion on something so obvious!""It's not that obvious." Josias defends himself, frowning, "Accepting to be their supervisor implies taking on a leadership position. It means that we will no longer be co-workers; it means that I will have to keep an eye on you if you are screwing the switches correctly; if Milton is doing the electrical installation properly so the house doesn't catch fire... do you understand now?"Uélton stop