All Chapters of The Alpha's maid: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
35 chapters
Chapter 11
[Alpha Monroe]   It wasn't a promise but I want the Luna to be happy. All I ever wish for is her happiness but I can't see Jenny as my wife to be.   I prefer the word best friend between us... is rather than an item.    It sounds odd. Complete bizarre.    "I know it's about Jenny, right? Why are you finding it difficult to accept her?"   "Man. That girl has everything, she's beautiful, classy, sexy, and to crown it all, she has a killer shape," he said and I scoffed.   Sira is the most beautiful lady I have ever seen.    She's beautiful, sexy, curvy, cute, a good cook, and to top it all, she has self-value.    Not some people throw themselves at me because of my good looks and wealth.   That Sira girl rejected everything. She paid less or no attention to my handsomeness and she
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Chapter 12
[Sira's P.O.V]   "Who are you?" I asked.   "Adam. I am Adam, Alpha Monroe's best friend."    "A flirt like him I guess," I said, narrowing my eyes and he chuckled.   "What makes you think so?" He amusingly replied.   "Well, birds of the same feather flock together."    That made him burst out laughing.   What's funny? I am stating the obvious.    A friend of a thief is no doubt a thief too mostly.    "You shouldn't view me from that perspective Sira?"    Huh? How did he know my name?    "I know that look, Alpha Monroe told me about you."    Oh. Alpha Monroe but why will he tell him about me? That's gossip.    "Are you going to usher me in or stay out here?" he said and that w
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Chapter 13
[Alpha Monroe P.O.V]   "Anything Jenny but don't post that please, you're a daughter of a well-respected family and so am I" I said.   I know she can do that but why?    "Just a one-night stand, that's all I want. I want you to have sex with me"   "W... what?" I scoffed.   "You heard me right Alpha Monroe, I will discard this if you have sex with me." she said tossing her phone in her hand while I stared at her in utmost surprise and shock.    How did she get that? And just to make me have sex with her?    "What's this Jenny? Are you blackmailing me?" I asked and she smirked.    "If that's what you think, are you in or not? "    She asked.    I can't let her upload that on social media, I won't be able to walk, my company I suffered to build
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Chapter 14
[Jenny's P.O.V]   I sliced some in my plate munching it with so much ecstasy.    It's very tasty. Uhm.    I just can't wait to get married and make pizza for my husband and I then he will feed me.   The day I am going to meet my charming prince, I will have to smack his head to keep me waiting.    I put the remaining pizza that I have prepared onto my plate again.    "Are you seriously going to finish that pizza alone? "    Huh? Alpha Monroe. How long has he been standing here?      [Alpha Monroe]   I watched as she ate in ecstasy. The sight of the pizza alone is mouth-watering. The scent was what drove me here    It was everywhere in the house and she's here eating alone?    Why will she make it for her
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Chapter 15
[Sira's P.O.V]   "Hey." I turned to see Alpha Monroe smiling at me.    I rolled my eyes at him.   When did he become all nice?    "Good evening Alpha Monroe."    "Evening Sira."    Really?    He didn't just nod. He answered my greeting. Wow. Impressive    I glanced at him and saw he was nervous about something.    Seriously?    "Do you want anything?" I asked and he nodded.    "Actually, Jenny is out and I am bored. I was thinking if we could play a little game, I know it's surprising but please don't say no" huh?    "Alpha Monroe"    "Please Sira" he pouted and I sighed.   "Fine" at least this is the first time he's asked me for such a thi
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Chapter 16
[Sira P.O.V]    The sunlight piercing through my window woke me up.    "Ouch" I winced holding my head. It hurts like hell.    What happened? Ouch. Why's my head hurting this much?    I felt an urge to puke and I jumped out of the bed only to land my butts on the floor.   I puked all over my room still sitting on the cold floor.    What's happening to me?    Why am I feeling pain in between my legs?    Is my menses about to come?    I shook my head at that.    Even if it's a cramp, it can't possibly make my private part hurting this much.    Or maybe, it does change. Maybe it is normal.    I shook the thoughts trying to stand up on my feet.    I feel so we
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Chapter 17
[Alpha Monroe]   I can't believe this.   I just hope the Luna's pulling my legs.   But she can't be joking with such news.    Why the hell did Jenny inform her before me?    I don't know how it's going to be but I am not ready to take responsibilities.    I am still not done with what I did to Sira and now this?    How do I tackle everything? Am I ready to be a father?    Heck. I am not dreaming of settling down soon.    Later on.   "Where is that stupid maid?" I shut my eyes tightly, sighing loudly.   Is she the first to get pregnant?    "Sira. Baby she's not answering me, I am sure going to throw her out of this house Alpha Monroe, can't you see she's not capable?" Jenny yelled angrily.  <
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Chapter 18
My best friend is in love with my brother but how do I connect them?   Miguel is not your typical kind of guy. He's way too different that sometimes I wonder if he's truly from Earth.   "I know but please, give it a try. I love him so much and you know that"   "Okay fine, I will try"   "That's my girlfriend, I love you"   Hisses.   [Sira]   I woke up feeling so weak and still sleepy.   Alpha Monroe was so kind enough to help me to my room.   I could kill to see the look Jenny face. If not for my condition at that moment, I could have laughed my ass out.   I lazily stood up from the bed heading to the bathroom to take a shower before I went to the pharmacist down the road to tend my complaint.   Does sleep make someone tired? I thought I ought to be strong
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Chapter 19
[Alpha Monroe]   " I... I know Alpha Monroe, but trust me, I am fine." she stuttered turning away.    "Sira you..."   "Believe me when I say I am fine." she replied rather harshly and I sighed.    I just have to let her be but I will surely find out.    "Okay if you say so but do not hesitate to tell me anything please."    "Thank you, Alpha Monroe." I smiled at her as I headed to my car.    I need to pick my camera and use it for something.    I even forgot I left it in the car three months ago, maybe that was because it wasn't useful then and I rarely use the car.    I inserted the key and opened it entering inside.    How I miss my camera. Going wild, snapping and making videos.    I smiled widely. I am sure
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Chapter 20
[Jenny P.O.V]   "I am so disappointed in you Jenny; how could you have done that? Was that the only way to make him love or marry you?" His The Luna said disappointedly.   I didn't know he was going to find out. How did he find out?    And now he doesn't want to see me?    "I know I was wrong the Luna but please, help me beg him to forgive me, I am really sorry."    I said in tears.    Everything. I am losing everything I worked for.    I did all that to get him and now it's taking him far away from me.    "I am sorry Jenny, I trusted you enough, that was why I suggested you for my son but with this? I can't force him to marry you."    "But you can stay with me till you give birth, just maybe, you will be able to settle with him before then."   
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