All Chapters of The Clan Head System.: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
234 chapters
The enormous palace of the Giant King was really the highlight of this city in the middle of the island like Shadow said.Like most mansions of the old era, the palace was laced with gold. It was built to look like a big golden dome, with a golden statue of the Giant King himself erected on top of it to highlight the owner of the palace.The walls surrounding it looked like the ones Morales saw when he just came to the city, heavy and intimidating. The only difference was that they were still fresh and they were also coated with gold extravagantly.The palace seemed like an amalgamation of all the previous majesty in the city. It was beyond luxurious at this point, despite staying here for centuries ago, its majesty did not wane.The compound around the dome-shaped building spread out for kilometers, but Morales did not have the luxury of admiring it as he finally came to face his competitors.From what was before him, the other tokens already had
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Seeing what was written in the sky, Morales was stunned but this did not make his actions anyway slower as he immediately followed his 4 competitors inside the palace whose gates mysteriously opened to them. The burly Pugilist, Dani entered first in a brash manner, followed by the strange Undead Wraith, the Psychic expert, and then Vice Admiral Machine. “Take care of yourselves”. Morales did not forget to address his new subordinates before he entered. This was partially showing his concern for them as their new boss, but it was mostly to declare his ownership over them, which served as a warning for any pirate who originally set their eyes on them. “Yes, boss”. Shadow and the others replied immediately, feeling relieved. As Morales entered, the 2 words kept on reverberating in his head. “The competition has started…, you have only 2 hours”. He tried to guess the thought process of whatever A. I or person was expressing himself through
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“Free for all…, free for all…”The word kept on reverberating in high decibel echoes in Morales’s head when everything suddenly clicked. “Free for all battle!”Bam! Bam!Vice Admiral Machine reacted faster than everyone else and attacked first.In less than a second, he materialized a small pistol in his hand. He shot 2 bullets at his 2 closest opponents, the Psychic and the unknown Pugilist, Morales.Immediately after that, his boots pulsed in a blue glow as he stumped at the floor. In a second, he was propelled high into the sky, straight in the direction of the cube-shaped box that hung there like a chandelier.------------------------Passive Ability: Intuition of a Seer has been triggered.--------------------Before the bullet was even shot, Morales’s premonition senses were already triggered as he immediately ducked, dodging the teeth-like bullet that had a red las
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The rule of the island still applied in this golden-mist world. None of the warriors here could use abilities or any external help that was not a specialty of their main class, they could only fight with their real abilities. Despite this fact, all 5 of the people here were experts. Even as the Psychic effects continued affecting him, making him feel like he was going mad and making his eyes turn red, Morales was still able to grit his teeth and monitor his surroundings. From the corner of his eyes, he saw the Psychic already close to him as the fellow touched his lizard-head with one hand while focusing all his attention on him. Behind him, the Wraith was already flying closer, and the Boxing King was rushing closer with his Pugilist energy flaring wildly. From the golden sky, Vice Admiral Machine was already flying down with another gun in his hands. Seeing this, Morales made his decision. ---------------------------
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Seeing the cheat-like actions that were made by the entity controlling this virtual world, all the other competitors were stunned while Morales felt livid.In few seconds, he regressed to where he originally was, beside the Psychic who struck him with a barrage of skills a moment ago.From what happened, it was clear that the entity didn’t want a cheap victory. It wanted its competitors to compete fiercely for the prize and entertain it, which made everything a lot more complicated.Feeling the gazes of animosity being directed at him by his other competitors, Morales made a decision instantly.He raised the hand holding the cube-shaped box up before throwing it in a random direction.For the direction that the entity wanted the competition to take, the person holding the box would be the center of attention and attacks, he obviously didn’t want to be this person.As soon as he threw the box, he calmly retreated and observed his
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------------------------------A skill has been used on you: Wraith Possession.INT-INT judgment…, judgment commencing.Your opponent has more intelligence stat points than you at a ratio of 5:1.Calculating possession increase rate…, calculation completed.Your opponent's Wraith Possession will be 5× faster than normal.Current Possession Rate: 37%------------------------In moments, Morales’s thought process became slower and more sluggish as the possession rate increased. Despite this, it was still at the initial stage and he still saw the notification of the system.He was alarmed. “Wraith’s Possession!”When the Wraith died, he was already suspicious that the Gorge of Death would not give up so easily, but he apparently didn’t give the thought the needed importance.For a Wraith’s Possession to even start in the first place, the Wraith had to hav
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When Morales finally recovered from the influence of the thunderous voice, he turned to look at the source of the sound wearily.At the center of the golden-mist world, a throne-like chair already appeared at some point, and in this chair sat a Giant with a dignified gait to him.He was dressed in an oversized red royal robe that fit his size. In his head was a crown which Morales immediately recognized as an extremely high-grade artifact, and in his hand was an enormous hammer.He had an imperious air around him like he was the Emperor of the world, but this was not able to hide his real feelings and personality deep down.His one eye looked down at the human warmly, while his body reflected a vibe like he just watched the most interesting blockbuster action movie ever. His satisfaction could be detected from kilometers away.Seeing this, the corners of Morales’s mouth twitched. “Giant King?”“YOU GOT IT, KID”.
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Warp! Morales was directly transferred outside the palace where all the pirates were gathered. As soon as he appeared, every eye turned to look at him, including those of the experts that he just fought with. Greed immediately showed in a lot of the pirates’ eyes but they didn’t attack, it was clear that they were apprehensive about the power controlling this world. Who knew if attacking the winner immediately may seem like an insult to the mighty existence? Who knew if they would be smitten to ashes by thunder immediately? Boxing King, Dani, and the Psychic only observed Morales with narrowed eyes before restraining their gaze. They were now wary of this new powerhouse that suddenly appeared at sea. For Vice Admiral Machine, he looked at this new Pugilist with a scrutinizing gaze like he wanted to peer through his secrets and know his identity. For the Wraith, it was completely cold and silent. Its emotions were restrained, ju
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Immediately after the Ice Dragon fell dead after another last roar, the island world trembled a bit like a Giant stumped on it, then the gate standing at the front of the city flickered before turning into a portal.Even from a great distance, the bright orangish white light shining from the portal meant that none of the pirates missed it.Seeing this from afar and seeing the bleeding Dragon corpse on the ground, Morales hesitated on which decision to take.No matter who he was, there was no reason why he wouldn’t feel any longing for the monster core of the Ice Dragon.This was the first time that a Grade D monster was killed in his presence since he came to this world, and being such a strong monster with the unique Dragon bloodline, its monster core would definitely be high tier.Seeing the pirates already rushing to claim the treasure while he still stood contemplating, he felt a prick in his heart.He could already imagine the inc
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“The boxing King got the treasure… The boxing King got the treasure...” The word kept on reverberating in the minds of the pirates until it dawned on them. “The boxing King got the treasure!” The first thing that the pirates felt on hearing that was greed, then fear, fear for the feats that this Vice Admiral already achieved in the Larpotian sea, but then they remembered that they had the numbers advantage here. Even if they would not be the ones to get it in the end, they didn’t want to allow someone to get it so easily either. They would rather fight for it. Extreme greed immediately showcased itself in their eyes as they directed fiery gazes of desire in the direction where the portal was. Pop! The portal finally disappeared, and almost immediately the sun was restored to its previous glory. With the light coming back, everything at the scene of the portal finally presented itself to the world. The random pirates that escape
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