All Chapters of The Clan Head System.: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
234 chapters
Morales carefully moved through the forest while trying to minimize any noise made from his movements. He still didn’t understand most things about this island, so he was still in a passive situation.Even though he may have only 2 hours here, this didn’t push him to rush as his life was much more valuable than any treasure.As he walked while thinking about the uniqueness of the island, he suddenly felt his body become lighter.Before he could understand what was going on, his body phased then he saw himself standing before the city in the middle of the island.This scene shocked Morales so much that he staggered backward before immediately taking on a defensive stance. One second ago he was still in the forest and the next he was here; this was too strange and spooky.The first thought that came to his mind was that this was an illusion, but he rejected it immediately as his system didn’t notify him of any skill like that.<
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Without even thinking, the yellow-haired lady revealed her main class as she clenched her fists and was quickly surrounded with bright yellow Pugilist energy before rushing at the stranger. The black-haired young man blended into the shadow and disappeared, while the red-haired man retreated while drawing his bow almost at the same time. Seeing the red-haired young man, Morales was taken aback. Taking advantage of his moment of surprise, the lady Pugilist kicked hard at the gold-paved floor, sending shattered gold flying in the air as she closed the distance to Morales intending to hide behind the flying gold. The red-haired man shot an arrow at the same time. Morales’s eyes flickered on seeing this, he already analyzed their strength from their reactions. “A Pugilist, and 2 Espers, all Grade- E experts”. He could finish them in an instant but he didn’t, his eyes were focused on the red-haired man and his bow and arrow weapon a
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Entering the building, the 3 Grade- E experts were immediately exposed to the dilapidated environment of the inside. Dust and rust filled most parts of the building, but all these could not hide its former glamorous appearance.It just looked like a beautiful girl in baggy clothes.As soon as they entered the building, they saw Morales standing with his hands behind his back while looking outside through the broken window in a manner that could only be described as cool.It was shameless, but it was effective and brought out the desired effect.Seeing the expert, they immediately fell to their knees. “We pledge allegiance to you”.“…”Now, Morales was the one who was left speechless. He was already brainstorming on how he could lure the red-haired man to willingly become his subordinate, he did not expect it to be so easy.He was not stumped for long though, just like a veteran charlatan he turned around
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Under the direction of his 3 new subordinates, Morales moved through the city at an extremely fast speed. He didn’t activate any of his movement buff skills though, so the 3 Grade- E experts could still keep up with him.Despite already receiving their consent to become his subordinates, Morales did not believe everything that they told him and was still wary of them.They just got to know each other a few minutes ago, they couldn't have developed a sense of camaraderie for each other already.The information that they revealed may have been the truth, but they may have also distorted part of the truth to trick him into either dying or to be their slave worker and they would take all the benefits in the end.As a player in his previous world who was not afraid of dying unlike NPCs, he already did all the scenarios that he speculated.It takes a thief to catch a thief, this was his situation.They ran straight through the gold-paved roa
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------------------------------ You have been hit by an amplified version of the skill: Soul Shriek of the Undying Wraith. You have been afflicted with the chaos attribute: You will find it harder to control your Pugilist energy. You have been drawn into the world created by an undead ritual: Soul World. You are being suppressed by the dark energy of the Soul World: All your skills and attacks will experience a decrease of 20% in efficacy. You have been inflicted with the Hades Song: You will receive the Hades Soul attack for every 10 seconds that you remain inside this world. -------------------------- Seeing the notifications of the system, Morales knew that he was under attack already but he did not know when. Despite his cautiousness, he unknowingly fell into the domain of an artificial world created by an undead ritual. The fact still bugging him was that, how was a Necromancer able to dodge all the scrutiny of the
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Immediately after he killed the core Wraith and the world shattered, Morales felt like an invisible veil that was originally blocking his vision was just removed from his face. The other Wraiths in the corridor opened their maws that were filled with darkness and roared soundlessly, then they also shattered like a broken mirror before dissipating into the air. At a corner of the corridor, the 3 Grade- E experts heaved an audible sigh of relief. They looked at Morales’s figure with newfound reverence for his power. Though the situation looked easy, they knew that any mistake would have easily led to their death. And battling against unconventional creatures like undead Wraiths, anything could happen. Knowing that the ritual’s power was already destroyed, Morales calmly turned to survey his surroundings. They were still inside a long corridor with dim light, the only difference was that now they could see a heavy metal door at the end of the cor
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Seeing the huge black wolf with dagger-sharp teeth dripping with thick red blood, the pirates were stunned in shock for a moment before they reacted immediately and attacked.The purple-haired Esper was left bleeding after the ambush attack, he laid on the floor under the protection of his comrades to rest as he glared at the escaping wolf.Even for a Grade- D expert like Morales, when facing the concentrated attack of so many supers, he still had to be careful as the powers exerted by a group of supers could easily snowball more than 1+1= 3.Until a super reach the top-most grades, it was advisable not to place yourself in a situation where you are surrounded by supers, even if they are of a lower grade.Though the huge black wolf was clearly still a Grade- E expert, he came with a plan in mind to escape.Boom!As soon as the first round of attacks landed, his wolfy body became incorporeal like he was a phantom. He phased through all the fi
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The hard floor of the cathedral of the Giant King caved in as the bleeding Crocodile burrowed a large hole under through the fierce kinetic force that acted on its body from the slam skill. All its bones ached like it just suffered a blow from the Giant King himself, it felt enormous pain like its body was just dipped into the hottest frying pan ever. Throughout the whole Cathedral, an order for silence seemed to have been sent out as all the pirates looked on with mouths gaping open. “The heck! Who was this unknown Pugilist who could trash Devil Crocodile in one Punch?” This was the only thought going through their minds, their brains directly went numb when they reimagined the scene that just happened. Amidst the shocked and numbed pirates who looked on at this Pugilist in awe, only a certain group of people reacted fast enough. Number 1 was Wolfblood, despite seeing his comrade in a near-death state, he did not hesitate to continue
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The cathedral fell into a solemn silence on seeing this scene.Devil Croc escaping was not the highlight of the previous battle, Wolfblood escaping despite the overwhelming odds was not the highlight either, the highlight was this new powerhouse that arrived on this island.Despite entering here alone with few helpers, he was able to push The Rod of Thunder to the point of using his trump card. Not only that, he was able to decimate both the Devil Croc and Wolfblood to the point of despair.“El Fenomeno!”This word went through every pirate’s heart who was in the scene and saw the previous battle.They didn’t know how it sprouted, the word just sprouted due to the deep awe and fear now in their hearts.From today, they knew it in their hearts that they were witnessing the birth of possibly another extremely strong Vice Admiral who will rule a part of the Larpotian Sea for years.Instead of the eyes of enmity th
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Morales stiffened as he was submerged on the fierce aura of this strange undead expert. Feeling the Grade C energy that was being emitted by the undead creature, a lot of things went through his mind. Unlike him, Shadow and the others were directly petrified on feeling the energy aura that was being emanated at them. “A Grade C expert? Such experts are allowed inside this world?” Morales felt like all his efforts since then till now were directly going down the drain. After almost killing 2 strong Grade E experts for it, now he had to hand over the golden scroll to someone else. Of course, he was not ready to court death. Compared to his life, the golden scroll was worth as much as fart. The only problem was that he felt indignant. From the looks that his new subordinates were directing at him, he knew that they were already urging him to hand it over to safeguard their life. The headless phantom-like undead creature hovered in the air
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