All Chapters of The Clan Head System.: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
234 chapters
Somewhere in the Larpotian Sea, the enormous K.O fleet hovered on the surface of the water without moving. All the ships’ anchors were already thrown in the sea, keeping them in one place.With no meaningful activity going on in the fleet, it made them look extremely idle and lazy but this was not the case.At the deck of the main ship stood 2 burly men who were clearly Pugilists. The 1st and 2nd mate of the K.O fleet had exasperated expressions on their faces, but they pursed their lips without saying a word.Occasionally, booming sounds would reverberate down from the sea, rapidly stirring the surface water like a fierce battle was going on down there.Despite all the tremors and destruction caused by it, no pirate in the 20+ ships fleet dared open his/her mouth to complain.If the tremors rocked the ships, rocking them in the process, they could only fall, then stand up and go with their activities when the tremors stopped.They did
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A few days later after the Giant King treasure event, every pirate in that vicinity of the Larpotian Sea already more or less heard of the new star pirate, Vice Admiral Morales. It was not official before, but after the Morales fleet attacked and annexed other strong pirate fleets in this period, the pirates finally acknowledged his strength and that of his fleet. Not only was he a new Pirate Vice Admiral, every pirate already referred to him as the strongest Vice-Admiral of the Larpotian Sea after dethroning the God of Shapeshifters. From his one battle exploit where he not only won a competition between 4 other Grade D experts but also thrashed the God of Shapeshifters, he already formed a legend for himself. In just days, his name already became a fleet household name which pirates used in bragging among themselves. Exaggerated stories of him filled the sea, all these only served to increase his status more. In these few days, Naga Island b
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Somewhere in the Larpotian Sea, a fleet of 7 ships moved through the waters as they proudly flaunted the flag depicting a Wyvern in a world of fire.Inside the main ship, Morales stood in his cabin as he looked at the raging waves of the sea that kept on colliding with the ship. 5 days after leaving the K.O fleet and regrouping with his then lone ship, he and his subordinates went on a rampage as they started targeting every nearby pirate ship.A rule that he enforced in his rampage was that he did not target innocent fleets or merchant fleets, he only targeted pirates who already had their hands stained and submerged in the act.He wanted to be an adjudicator, one who decreed judgment upon the pirates. It was hypocritical but it aligned with his goal so he did it.Right now, his main plan was the rapid expansion to have a wider reach and information base to search for more of his other earthlings. Not only that, he was preparing for the emer
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Thud! Nightowl, Trissy, and Jack entered their boss’s cabin after getting permission from him then they dropped the target of this mission to the floor. The Juggernaut staggered before kneeling in the cabin. This once extremely powerful Grade E expert now had a weak aura, his face was bloodied as he gritted his teeth angrily. Though he was already defeated and captured, he did not yield as he still had a stubborn air of ‘I’ll rather die than serve you’ on his face. Through his Space Vision skill, Morales could see all the changes in his captive’s expression though he was still looking outside through his cabin’s window and his hand was behind his back. Then, he finally turned to face the captive with a smile on his face. Seeing his smile, the Juggernaut could not help but shudder as he felt a chill go down his spine. He felt nothing happening physically, but his gut feeling told him that this Vice-Admiral was up to something. -
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As the Poison Nova rained down, the Lady of Crimson finally reacted. Her red hair flew rapidly behind her like snakes, her magic power raged around her as she chanted an arcane word that stirred the powers of nature. “Esilio!” Immediately, an ancient aura descended like one of the ancient gods of myth were walking the land. A rift was torn in the space above the ship, through which the poison nova was absolved. A distance away in the sea, another rift was torn open as the poison nova was deposited in the sea. The seawater raged and bubbled as the terrifying power of the poison nova contaminated it. Zoe was a Mage who specialized in fire magic hence her title ‘the Lady of Crimson’, but she knew a bit of chaos magic which she just used. Among the 7 Pirate Vice Admirals, she was ranked 4th, above the Boxing King. As soon as the poison nova was exiled, her eyes turned back from pitch-black to a fiery red as she turned to glare at the enemy
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After the Lady of Crimson disappeared with the remnants of her fleet that she could escape with, a strange silence descended into the battlefield. The surrounding air revolved around Morales in random circular patterns, enabling him to levitate stably in the air as he looked into the distance where the Lady of Crimson escaped to with her ships. This level of levitation was a result of his increased proficiency in his use of his Space Manipulation race specialty. For the past 2 months, increasing his proficiency with his skills was another thing that he focused on. As the strange silence persisted in the battlefield, every pirate in the vicinity looked up at the levitating Pirate Vice Admiral. Those of the Morales fleet felt awe, reverence, and pride, while those of the enemy ship only felt despair and helplessness. The 11 ships left of the Crimson fleet hovered lonely in the water. Despite their despair, the pirates of the Crimson flee
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At a deserted part of the Larpotian Sea.Bzzz!The air suddenly rippled like space was tearing apart, black and white wisps of chaotic space streams filled the air as chaos magic tore rifts one after the other through the atmosphere.By the time the chaos magic settled down, 13 ships appeared in the water all flagging the emblem of the Crimson fleet.At the top of the fleet hovered the Lady of Crimson. Compared to before in the battle where she was extremely vibrant and active, her face was now pale like all blood was drained out of her body.Chaos streams raged around her body as her hair and clothes fluttered. As the chaos slowly resided, the pitch-blackness in her eyes also did the same.A few seconds later, her eyes reverted to normal and the chaos disappeared.With a thud, she landed on her main ship. Without any waste of time, she immediately transmitted a new order through the fleet.“Leave this region, move east!&
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Morales didn’t give a speech to the citizens who welcomed him at the harbor, just him waving at them was enough to send them into a frenzied state and he wisely decided that it was enough. Amidst the cheers of the enthusiastic Naga Island citizens, he came down from the fleet’s main ship with Nightowl and the other Grade E experts following closely behind him. As soon as he came down, a group of people in a red and black outfit came to meet him and Bella was the one leading them. They all bowed respectfully. “Welcome, Lord Morales”. They followed Bella’s lead and greeted amid their bowing. Seeing this, Morales chuckled as he directed an inquisitive glance at Bella who smiled back at him before answering. “These are the Island guards, I formed the unit recently”. “Oh, that’s nice”. Morales complemented while feeling impressed in his mind, he did not expect her to already start thinking so broadly. After the introduction,
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-------------------------------Special Object Found: Origin Core of a Dead Planet.Grade: ??? [Gradeless.][This is a special mutated origin core that was formed after the death of a planet. Though the planet is dead, it still retained most of the energy that it had at its peak state.][It can be used as the energy driving force of a mechanical war fortress, an Island, or a city on land.][Due to not being used for a long time, it is in a hibernation state.][To get it back to its optimum state, attach it to an Island and let it gather origin energy from the atmosphere of this planet for 2 years.]---------------------------Seeing this, Morales was not surprised as he already saw the same after checking it when he was still at sea.Due to a strange knowledge infusion that was done by the Giant King, he didn’t need to grope in the dark cluelessly as the knowledge on how to activate and make use of the origin core
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The next morning, Morales was woken up after being prodded by his pet. Opening his eyes, the first thing that presented itself to him was aches all overall over his body, while the next thing was Udrez’s large pair of eyes that were directly above him, looking down at him suspiciously. “Ah!” He jumped. “Don’t f*cking scare me like that”. The Wyvern was also startled by its master suddenly jumping while screaming. Its huge eyes flickered with confusion as it looked at him curiously. “Damn! Will you stop looking at me like that?” While complaining at his pet, Morales bent his waist left and right as he still felt aches over his body like he did unspeakable things the previous night. “Is this an aftereffect of coming into contact with the origin core after fusing it with the island’s core? That sucks”. Amidst his complaints and his pet’s curious look, there was a gentle knock on the door which pushed his complaints away. “
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