All Chapters of The Clan Head System.: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
234 chapters
6 months later.After 6 months of development, Naga Island was already completely different in every facet than it was before. A huge boisterous city was now residing on this island.After 6 months of constant improvements, the Naga harbor was already one of the most renowned and popular ship harbors in this region of the sea.Its size was now extremely huge, and it was now the only legitimate entrance inside the island. Even right now, a large number of ships docked while others sailed away, making the scene extremely boisterous.At the very edge of the island stood a huge metallic signpost, it presented the name of the city on the island to the whole world.>MORALES CITY>This city was now part of the most developed cities in this region of the sea. It was hard to see it as the territory of a dreaded Pirate Vice Admiral, it looked more like the city built by a benevolent billionaire CEO.Residential buildings, including high-r
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“My Lord, your schedule today is to visit the Middle-Ray harbor”.“Yeah, I remember”. Morales turned his head to look at Bella who had a serious expression on her face as she read his schedule.After staying together in the same mansion with her for the past 6 months, he already understood her in ways that the clueless owner of his body couldn’t before so they flowed well.For her calling him ‘my lord’, he was already used to it as she was adamant on doing it despite his numerous reminders.The more his status grew, the more adamant she was about addressing him that way so he simply gave up.For his decision to go to the Middle-Ray harbor today, it had a lot of implications in his plan. The first reason was because the Clifford family Commander there specially invited him.As his status grew in the sea, so also did it grow back in the Clifford family. He already had a faction supporting him, and this
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Honk!Lots of ships moved about, some going in while others coming out of the famous Middle-Ray harbor, forming a cacophony of loud noise as activities went on uninterruptedly.The Middle-Ray harbor being the biggest sea harbor in this region meant that it was extremely famous. The Middle-Ray Island was hardly referred to, people rather knew the harbor which was much more famous.Unlike other islands in the Larpotian Sea, the Middle-Ray island was one of the few big islands in the sea. Its size was easily 20 times that of Naga Island.Inside it was like a metropolitan city and virtually all the powerful and recognized powers in Beiger planet had a base here, including the Clifford family and the big 5 main class organizations.With the convergence of so many powers, the island had a divided government and no one was the absolute ruler.All the main organizations worked together to keep order and security on the island, and they each had thei
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The Clifford Commander had blonde hair with a bit of gray already tainting it which told of his age. His eyes were sharp like an eagle, his face was stony and proportioned to look like a rock which betrayed his main class as a Pugilist.He was dressed in a dark blue military uniform like the 2 soldiers who escorted Morales in, but his badge had the rank of a soaring eagle and 5 stars which was the rank of a Commander in the Clifford navy.At this moment, a bright proud beaming smile was on his face as he laid his eyes on the royal prince before him.“Prince Morales, I finally met you!”His voice boomed like thunder in a storm but Morales was not affected, the treatment from the Giant King was far worse than this and it made him more resilient against such things.“It’s nice to meet you too, Commander Arachnid”.Morales bowed slightly to show respect for this elder of the Clifford family. Though the Commander was
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In his silence, a lot of things went through Morales’s mind as memories of Space World in his previous world flashed through his head.This event happened before the version 1 update in his previous world too, but the interface explained the events to them. Then, according to the interface, these serial kills were part of the requirements for the World Transversal ritual.With the blood of innocents flowing like a river and a lot of the other requirements complete, this was when the replica of the pyramid of Giza which was the climax of version one would descend.Morales was not too anxious because he was pretty sure that the pyramid would only come in the late parts of version 1.His actions in this world were not so significant enough that he would affect such an important subject yet, so he was not afraid that the trends of fate would change mid-way.Despite this, this was a cause for alarm as the first ritual’s success meant that mo
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After hiring the whole hotel for himself and his crew, Morales finally found some leisure time for himself since coming to this island. With his brain now cool and refreshed, he thought back over his encounters. After his lengthy discussion with Commander Arachnid, he felt mixed feelings as he finally experienced the feeling of having a supporter for real. Originally, he didn’t really have a yearning for the throne of Beiger but as it was indirectly tied to him having the necessary channels to search for his fellow earthlings, he was fine with fighting for it. Like a dream when it just started, he now grew so strong already that Grade E experts were his subordinates and he was the strongest Vice Admiral ruling over the Larpotian Sea. With a wide slightly mischievous grin on his face, he put all his ego aside and seriously started thinking over his next plans. Of course, his main plan now was to stall for time and stay on this island till versi
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For the next 2 weeks in Middle-Ray island, Morales engaged in hunting the Necromancers with the official forces on the island. He and his 3 Grade E experts were busy throughout the period.After another serial killing that was intercepted where almost all the Necromancers who participated died, instead of the frequency of attacks decreasing as Morales expected, they increased instead.The Necromancers now seemed desperate to get something done, so most of them came for the attacks with the mindset of a suicide bomber.When the going gets tough, explode the going.This became their watchword as from an attack in a week, they increased it to attacks every 2 days which resulted in even more death.For the soldiers guarding the island, as more attacks happened, they finally started grasping the attack pattern of the Necromancers. With such information, their interceptions became more successful.With Morales’s help, things became countless
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Inside the hotel rented by the Morales fleet, the atmosphere was boisterous as the crew of the ship did various activities to kill time. As they didn’t have someone like Commander Arachnid who had information channels and invisible tentacles all over the island, they were still not in the know of the impending danger. At this moment, at one of the upper-most rooms in the hotel stood Nightowl. This always serious stern-faced Esper was currently at the side of the window, looking down at the activities going on below. Before he could think further, he heard a loud sound like the surrounding air space was being torn apart. Warp! Without hesitation, Morales directly activated his race specialty skill; Space bomb- detonation. The space power went through the portal and arrived at the hotel almost instantly. Boom! The ravaging power detonated like a bomb, tearing outwards with tyrannical power as it arrived before the startled pair o
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Nightowl’s voice was extremely loud as it reverberated through the whole hotel like it was being amplified by some kind of device.Inside one of the rooms on the lowest floor in the hotel, as soon as the sound reverberated, the Juggernaut abruptly stood up as his already alert eyes immediately scanned his surroundings warily.His eyes clashed with a pair of scarlet eyes behind him.The eyes constricted like it was strangely smiling at him but he was not fooled. He kicked the floor and jumped back immediately, while from the place where he kicked a wall of earth rose up.Crack!The super sharp claws struck through, shattering the wall of earth to pieces immediately. Seeing this, the Juggernaut was shocked but he did not feel discouraged in the slightest.While rapidly retreating, his alert eyes scanned the scarlet pair of eyes while also multi-tasking to observe his surroundings to detect any sudden change in the airflow of the surround
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Morales knew of the Parasites of Eye Demons, this was also the main reason why he attacked so decisively in a confident manner. Eye Demons were terrifyingly powerful opponents, but that was still not their most dreadful trait. Their most dreadful trait in battle was their cautiousness, cunningness, and shamelessness. Among their numerous powers, Eye Demons could parasitize enemies after killing them. After a few years, the parasite would undergo 3 growth stages before turning into this invisible demon. The 3 parasites that attacked were at the pinnacle of the Grade E realm, just below Grade D which showed how powerful the Eye Demon behind them was. Most Eye Demons prefer battling with their parasites than revealing their real bodies. They were so cunning that by stacking dozens of parasites together, they could kill enemies of the same level while not revealing their real body. Morales was both fearful and grateful that the real body did not a
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