All Chapters of The Clan Head System.: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
234 chapters
Most soldiers in Middle-Ray Island, they’ve heard of the undead attacks on land but this was the first time that they were seeing such an undead army from a first-person perspective.Despite feeling a little flustered and alarmed, they were still able to respond appropriately to go form their defense formations under the guidance of their military leaders.In just a few minutes after the alarm was sounded, the emergency joint army formed by all the main organizations on the island formed a huge blockade.The soldiers from the Machinery Temple erected a thick metal shield at the gate leading inside the city on the island.Numerous military weapons were attached inside it, and mechanic supers were personally operating them inside the thick shield. It looked more like a war machine than a shield.This was the first line of defense of Middle-Ray Island.Just behind the huge shield was the 2nd line of defense which was held by the soldiers
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Inside Middle-Ray Island, the city already experienced significant changes after the news of the undead invasion was spread everywhere. None of the major powers on the island put effort into suppressing the news. This was not land; every Island in the Larpotian Sea was a bedrock of danger and civilians staying there already calculated the risks before they stayed. Apart from the undead invasion, every month, Middle-Ray Island encountered at least 2 large-scale attacks from sea creatures. This and a lot of other reasons were why the civilians did not panic when they heard the news. Of course, they tensed up on hearing the now infamous term ‘undead army’, but they reacted impeccably to it. Due to the frequent attacks from sea creatures, the island already had an elaborate effective response system which was explained to every civilian to follow in times of danger. Immediately after the news was spread, every civilian reacted appropriately. The d
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Bzzz!As soon as the terrifying Eye Demon appeared and pulled at the air, the very fabric of reality seemed to have been torn away as the sky visibly shook before revealing a huge crack.Through this crack, the fire conjured by the Grade D+ Mage powerhouse of the Mage tower was sucked and dumped into the void.At the same time that this happened, the Eye Demon turned to look at the Necromancer. The huge eye at the middle of its forehead suddenly flashed a bloody red glow which reflected on the necromancer’s body.Immediately, the invisible shackles placed on her by the powerful mage shattered with a loud crack sound reverberating through the battlefield.With this done, the both of them finally turned to face the extremely powerful experts that Middle-Ray island brought out to fight them.At the front of these 3 groups of super powerhouses stood Commander Arachnid. To his left side stood the Grade D+ Mage powerhouse of the mage tower,
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It was a day and a half already since the undead invasion started. Inside Middle-Ray island was already a scenario of chaos though the soldiers tried to lower it to the barest minimum. As soon as undead creatures started penetrating the defense line to invade the city, things went wrong. The undead creatures rushed in and spread chaos everywhere. With them deliberately targeting only civilians, the protection job of the soldiers suddenly became countless times harder. The different shelters scattered across the city were tightly protected, but the undead creatures still breached inside with their sheer number. Innocent civilians’ blood was spilled. Adventurers died, disguising pirates died, businessmen died, merchants died, children died, old fellows died, the scene was a disgusting red as the undead army spread their tentacles of death. At the defense formation at the gate leading inside the town, the soldiers already suffered losses but they
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“Good evening, madam Tim”.“How are you, Orlando?”“I’m fine”.A vibrant youth moved through the familiar roads of his childhood street while exchanging greetings with the neighbors that he was familiar with. A bright smile filled his face as he heard the replies of the familiar neighbors.Right now, he was rushing back home for the version 1 update of his favorite game- Space World. This was the first launch of the game, but being among the lucky players who played the beta, he so much anticipated it.Not only was the game background super realistic, but the characters were realistic too, just like they were real people.Since a month ago that he played the beta, he just couldn’t stop dreaming of starting the game for real. Now, today, his dream was finally fulfilled and Space World would officially launch in 5 hours.It was currently 7:00 pm, which meant the launch time was midnight.Read more
As soon as the magical words appeared before him in the air, Orlando opened his mouth wide, feeling like he was in an extremely realistic dream. As he kept on looking at the words, a bright light flashed, blinding him slightly. “Shit! What was that?” While squinting his eyes slightly in pain, he cursed as thoughts of giving the game company a bad review already started sprouting in his mind. The next second, his vision was restored and the words came back. [Young Adventurer! Welcome to Space World!] [Character Name: Cabbage Lord!] [Level: 0 {Normal Human}.] [Main Class: None.] [Sub Class: Civilian.] [Current Location: Middle-Ray Island.] [Remark: A new player with a unique name, but no strength and meaningful achievements to his name.] As soon as this stat table was displayed before him, Orlando’s eyes glittered like stars as he carefully scrutinized them. Though he was still a normal human with
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“Shit! That looked painful!” A player yelled, slightly horrified but excited. Most of the players that were here, including Orlando were avid gamers who already played most if not all the popular virtual reality games. They even had the privilege of enjoying Space World’s predecessor, Galaxy. With all these experiences, they were definitely not new to virtual reality games but the sight before them was still stunning. The ravaging zombies looked so real that it evoked a sense of fear and dread in their hearts. Though the zombies looked terrifying and disgusting, this still couldn’t eclipse the excitement in their hearts. Also, the extremely realistic and vivid show as the first player was killed struck terror in their hearts like they were living in a horror movie. As they looked, stunned in place, a player suddenly yelled. “Attack them!” “What?” The others asked. [The Legendary Cuckolder!]- “Who cares if we die? Let’s attack t
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While frozen in one place, Morales felt a deep sense of nostalgia hit him. He could see an excited him again, feeling all hyped up for the fateful day that was designated for the launch of the VR game. Like other players, he logged in excitedly and joined in the adventure at 12:00 midnight and didn’t stop playing till the next morning where his eyes were red, swollen, but still excited. Right now, the time came again but instead of joining excitedly with the others, he already entered since, and his wish was fulfilled though, in a different way, he was now an NPC instead of a player. Also, right now, other creatures probably feel excited like the previous him logged in too to experience the extremely realistic game world of Space World. He used the vague term creatures because he still wasn’t sure if the people who logged on were humans or aliens, this was a conundrum that he still wasn’t confident of. Even if they were aliens, he instantly ma
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After watching to his fill and confirming what he wanted, Morales felt a strong urge to go meet the players and strike a conversation about the latest celebrity news on earth but he held himself back. “F*ck, does that even work? They’ll be so scared that they’ll suffer a stroke. Their reaction will be- NPCs actually know about celebrities on earth, awesome!” In the end, he could only abandon the plan, deflated. Despite the strong sense of kinship that he had towards the players, he knew that an NPC striking such a conversation with a player was plain creepy. He didn’t even know his current situation yet. What if he was correct? What if a wizard programmer on earth was the one really behind his transmigration, and what if him striking such conversations with players would anger him? Perhaps, the wizard would suddenly become so angry and snap his fingers then boom, Morales was dead and dead for good. He shuddered at the thought. “F*ck!”<
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Hearing what the NPC just said, Cabbage Lord felt on top of the world as a myriad of thoughts immediately filled his tiny mind. His knowledge and experience in virtual reality games came surging back into his brain.“A friendly NPC described as extremely dangerous by the interface, probably a powerful Pugilist, sitting nonchalantly on a chair lonely in a zombie apocalypse, and calmly asking me what help I want…, what did this mean?”“This…, I can’t believe it, I met a special NPC”.For the first time in years since he started playing virtual reality games, Cabbage Lord felt that perhaps he indeed had luck but it had been dormant since.Special NPCs were those specially designed by the programmers, and they were not only filthy strong, but they sometimes helped players, and they probably had a big role to play in the game as a whole.What made Cabbage Lord confirm this thought was how the NPC initiated the
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