
As soon as the terrifying Eye Demon appeared and pulled at the air, the very fabric of reality seemed to have been torn away as the sky visibly shook before revealing a huge crack.

Through this crack, the fire conjured by the Grade D+ Mage powerhouse of the Mage tower was sucked and dumped into the void.

At the same time that this happened, the Eye Demon turned to look at the Necromancer. The huge eye at the middle of its forehead suddenly flashed a bloody red glow which reflected on the necromancer’s body.

Immediately, the invisible shackles placed on her by the powerful mage shattered with a loud crack sound reverberating through the battlefield.

With this done, the both of them finally turned to face the extremely powerful experts that Middle-Ray island brought out to fight them.

At the front of these 3 groups of super powerhouses stood Commander Arachnid. To his left side stood the Grade D+ Mage powerhouse of the mage tower,

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