All Chapters of The Clan Head System.: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
234 chapters
Astonished, Morales found it a chore to keep his expression from changing on seeing the system’s notification. He already thought of a lot of things that would happen after meeting the players, but he did not expect this.For the first time, he was reminded of the fact which made his conscious mind really accept that he was now an NPC and no longer a player.As he was still standing before the player, he didn’t have the luxury of thinking long. His only saving grace was that Cabbage Lord was also left feeling over the moon by his player interface notification.Taking advantage of this, Morales rapidly started making connections in his mind. He remembered something; when the version was launched, he received a notification of the NPC interaction interface being updated.Perhaps, this was what enabled him to give this mission to the player.Though he still wasn’t sure yet, he already resolved to hold tight to this player. What just
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In the Clifford family base in Middle-Ray island, precisely at the strategic planning hall, another problem was presented on the table which drew the attention of all the experts of the island. Even Commander Arachnid was informed of this problem even though he was engaged in a dangerous battle with the Eye Demon, which showed how much importance was placed on it. At the front of a holographic projection in the hall stood a female Clifford navy officer, she was the one explaining the new problem to the soldiers present. Below the podium where she stood on the hall gathered a group of soldiers. They were precisely 50 soldiers, with a Grade E Pugilist as their leader. The lady explained. “15 minutes ago, we discovered a strange phenomenon in the island”. The lady pointed at a certain location in the map being displayed on the screen for emphasis. “The phenomenon occurred in the city trade square”. “Our surveillance system suddenly discovered hum
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“Grab him, quick!”As soon as Cabbage Lord revealed himself, he was captured and dragged away by the soldiers in the island. Once again, he was awed by the realistic mannerisms of the NPC soldiers.Their words, behavior, and reaction on capturing them reminded him so much of real soldiers. He just couldn’t believe that these people were programmed.Though he was astonished, he felt even more anticipation about triggering the mission. Thinking about the mysterious special NPC that he met only left him feeling like growing 10 extra hands and legs for efficiency.He was not the only player who was captured. As soon as the players knew of the mission that could be triggered, they swarmed towards the NPCs willingly to be captured.[New Mission has been triggered: Hired Mercenary!][Mission Details: …]With a lot of other players, he was taken to an underground hall where a group of NPC soldiers attended to them. 2
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After watching the players to his fill, Morales finally descended with his Wyvern to continue the battle. Though he felt really curious about them, letting fewer people die was still his priority. As soon as he descended, fire started raging again as Udrez went full berserk mode. As for him, with his Dawn Spear in hand, he spread havoc everywhere with the help of his special weapon abilities. As he fought, a smile was secretly always on his face as his experience points slowly started recovering with each undead creature dying to his spear. The war already passed the climax, and the intensity of the fighting already reduced by a lot, meaning that less soldiers died though the civilians still died stably by the attacks of the undead creatures who infiltrated. The undead creatures invaded with much less intensity; it was like their numbers were finally decreasing after what seemed like they could never decrease. Right now, the Grade C+ experts w
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Seeing the notifications that were spammed at him by his system, Cabbage Lord was not annoyed at all, he rather felt on top of the world. He felt a little relieved that a game announcement was not made this time. Such an announcement rate with him always being at the forefront would have easily made him the target of other players. As soon as the battle came to an end, not only Cabbage Lord, all the players who spawned on Middle-Ray Island except those who exhausted their revive times erupted in jubilation because they all benefited from this game event. They spammed the general player forum, expressing their joy with screenshots about the rewards that they got to the envy of other players. Unfortunately, their jubilation didn’t last for long. The same Middle-Ray Island NPC soldiers that hired them a few minutes ago came back, but this time they didn’t come with the same intentions. “Grab them”. The Sergeant ordered. “What is happening
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Inside one of the dungeons deep underground Middle-Ray Island, the players were still imprisoned as they waited to confirm exactly what would happen next after being captured. [I Want Power]- “These NPCs are actually so ungrateful. After giving our all to help them, is this how they pay us in return?” [Genius]- “I always hated things that looked too free. Once I saw the regional game announcement, I knew that something fishy was up immediately”. [Godzilla Suffered A Stroke]- “Oh shut up, you guys are disturbing my ears. Besides, I’m pretty sure that you knew no shit when the regional game announcement popped up so stop bragging”. [Genius]- “What? You’re doubting me?” As these 2 players got ready to start bickering with each other even while locked in a dungeon, the dungeon door opened with a clanging metallic sound. Without saying a word, the 2 soldier NPCs that came in went straight to where Cabbage Lord slept. They grabbed him on the
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Once again, Orlando felt a bright light flash and cover his vision. The next moment, he felt his body return back to reality. He slowly removed the VR helmet before letting his body to adjust to his surroundings. Immediately after he opened his eyes, the first thing that he saw was his 2 friends, Alex and Amanda sitting opposite him while looking at him curiously. “Bro, you’re really serious about this game”. Alex commented seriously. “What took you so long?” Amanda whined. “I know the game is super realistic and filled with potential, but spending so much time in the game can quickly hamper your health”. Seeing his 2 friend’s reactions, Orlando was stunned. “What says the time?” Amanda rolled her eyes. “Seriously? It’s 12:32pm”.                           “…” Orlando was stunned, speechless, and left
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As Middle-Ray Island was thrown into chaos with the upper echelons of the island cracking their heads to deduce what magic their prisoners used to escape so impeccably, Morales finally arrived at Naga Island.Seeing the metal ship arriving from afar, the workers and crew manning the ships at the harbor were hyped as they welcomed their leader back excitedly.Since about a year ago when Prince Morales just took over as the leader of this island, the island already underwent so many changes for the better that even the residents sometimes found it hard to believe.At this point, their respect for the Lord already went past the stage of normality, they now saw him as a god Emperor who they looked up to.Especially for the first group of people that saw the Prince before he officially took the island back, they believed that with him there, nobody, not even a thing could topple the defense of the island.Amidst the enthusiastic reception given to him b
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As Middle-Ray Island was thrown into chaos with the upper echelons of the island cracking their heads to deduce what magic their prisoners used to escape so impeccably, Morales finally arrived at Naga Island.Seeing the metal ship arriving from afar, the workers and crew manning the ships at the harbor were hyped as they welcomed their leader back excitedly.Since about a year ago when Prince Morales just took over as the leader of this island, the island already underwent so many changes for the better that even the residents sometimes found it hard to believe.At this point, their respect for the Lord already went past the stage of normality, they now saw him as a god Emperor who they looked up to.Especially for the first group of people that saw the Prince before he officially took the island back, they believed that with him there, nobody, not even a thing could topple the defense of the island.Amidst the enthusiastic reception given to him b
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A few hours after Morales addressed his subordinates, Bella reunited with the others before they all convened before him. After 4 hours, they were finally done with their preparations. At this moment, they were all already dressed in war-time uniform. They were dressed in masterpiece war vests made of leather and metal, combined and ingeniously made by Vice Admiral Machine himself. Of the perks in Morales’s reward system, getting a vest made by the Vice Admiral was one of the rewards for high-tier warriors in his fleet who were able to acquire enough contribution points. The preparations done by Bella and the others included informing the pirates under them of the possible pirate campaign to enable them get ready, also the law enforcement forces on the island and all those that needed to know. Under their orders, all the ships of the Morales fleet were serviced immediately by the expert mechanics in the fleet to return to perfect battle shape. Read more