All Chapters of The Clan Head System.: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
234 chapters
2 days later after Morales proposed his plans to his subordinates, Cabbage Lord finally came online again. Spending 12 hours at work was translated to him having spent approximately 2 days in the game. Of course, the player felt bad being forced to spend so much time away from the game but he didn’t have a choice as playing games would not feed his stomach, or so he thought. He felt even worse when he thought of the fact that other players who have been grinding for 2 days may have caught up or even surpassed him in level. His first advantage brought by the mysterious NPC would not last forever. With a thought, he quickly accessed the updated player leaderboard ranking. [Level Ranking:] [1. Cabbage Lord: Level 6.] [2. Sword Master Joe: Level 6.] [3. Optimus Prime: Level 4.] [4. …] “Phew!” He wiped away imaginary sweat. “Thank God, I’m still at the top of the ranking leaderboard”. This was something that
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Cabbage Lord was surprised on seeing this legendary VR game player as a lot of things went through his mind. He didn’t know the exact reason yet, but he seemed to have guessed why HMM was not in the top 3 in level ranking.[Fried Eggplants with Rice]- “Cabbage Lord! That’s the player Cabbage Lord, the one’s that has become famous recently, he’s also here?”[Godzilla Suffered a Stroke]- “Hmph! That lucky bastard is here too?”[Master of Disguise]- “If he’s here, that means something good must be happening here, rumors say he has heaven-defying luck so everywhere he goes, things happen”.[Godzilla Suffered a Stroke]- “That’s bullsh*t!”As the Godzilla player raised his voice, cursing loudly, HMM slowly walked down the stairs extending down the ship as he also looked at this player that was recently growing in fame.As soon as he looked, their eyes clashed, Cabb
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CHAPTER 193: WE’LL BE LEAVING IN 13 HOURS. [Player Godzilla Suffered a Stroke has ordered and bought an enchanted mage staff with 100 Contribution points and 1200 Experience.] [You have received 1200 Experience from a player purchase.] [Player Your-Dad has ordered and bought a complete offensive mechanical setup with 150 Contribution points and 1800 Experience.] [You have received 1800 Experience from a player purchase.] [Player XXX has ordered and bought…] [You have received…] [Player XXX has ordered and bought…] [You have received…] [Player XXX has ordered and bought…] [You have received…] [Player HMM has ordered and bought the blue grade mechanic class exclusive nano-metal transformable spear with 500 Contribution points and 3000 Experience.] [You have received 3000 Experience from a player purchase.] Seeing this, Morales was not too surprised, he even f
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“Welcome again to another episode of Professional Gaming Times”.“I, your humble no longer single man, Anderson Frost will be the host of today’s program again. Here with me today is a special guest”.“Today, we’ll be welcoming Chloe, the famous Chief Admin of the professional VR game club, The Thunder Progenitors”.The Thunder Progenitors was the name of the third game club widely ranked at the top 3 of all VR gaming clubs in Europe alongside Grand Achievers and Glory Kingdom.In the ranking, the Thunder Progenitors were ranked first due to their achievements in the professional VR gaming world for the past few years despite not having some advantages like the other 2 gaming clubs.Unlike the Grand Achievers who had an ace player in the form of Sword Master Joe, and Glory Kingdom whose ace was the famous player, HMM, the Thunder Progenitors was a club which emphasized team work more.They didn
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Sweat dripped down a player’s face as he walked down the streets of Naga Island with a calm look on his face. The spear attached to his back gleamed brightly under the illumination of the sun. As he walked, half his attention was on the road while the other was focused on the game interface notification before him. [The time for your hourly goal will be exhausted in 11 minutes.] [Missions taken: 10.] [Missions completed: 7.] Seeing this, HMM clenched his fists. His stamina was already going below the safety range but he didn’t care, he needed to finish the remaining 3 missions before the time elapsed. It was still the first day that he arrived at Naga Island but the numerous mission opportunities available to him already enabled him to leap jump directly to the top 10 in the leaderboard rankings, being at level 5 currently. This speed was outrageous to other players but to him it was still not enough, he wanted to climb to the
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As soon as Nightowl briefed the pirates about the campaign plan, leaving the minor commanders to explain the tiny details to them, Naga Island finally seemed to have awakened after months of hibernating. An ancient dragon seemed to have awakened from a millennia long slumber, the Morales fleet arose with a bang. None of the pirates questioned the order, none of them questioned the motive for the campaign. After staying in the island for months, they all had complete trust in their lord’s insight and his power. If he ordered them that they should invade every territory in the Larpotian Sea, or even the headquarters of the Pugilist Dojo, they would do it without blinking an eyelid. Morales didn’t even need to come out to give a morale speech, just the mention of his name in the announcement was all that the pirates needed for their morale to directly soar into cloud nine. Their commanders were already secretly preparing for the campaign for days
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Though the Manacre family was not rated among the superpowers at sea, neither was the Morales fleet. They were both not superpowers, but the Morales fleet in Naga Island was stronger than the Manacre family.This did not mean that the Manacre family was weak though, the ability to occupy an island in the Larpotian Sea and develop it to its current state was something impossible to incompetent powers.Lord Devon Manacre was indeed afraid of the notorious Pirate Vice Admiral, but the fact that he did not escape with his family immediately showed his confidence in the foundations already built by his family.When he knew that negotiations would not work again, he resorted to the hard way, the ancient way of battle.As soon as every civilian on the island was isolated underground, the military force of the ancient Manacre family erupted with force.Enormous mechanically made kinetic cannons and magic beam propellers were brought out from the family&rsq
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After both fleets collided, the difference in numbers and quality immediately became apparent. Compared to a normal fleet of 30 ships, a fleet of 70+ ships led by 10 metal ships was a nightmare in sea battles. The Morales fleet gathered frightening momentum after the first collision and without pausing, they rode on that momentum forward. The shields of the opposing ships flickered as they collided with each other with force. Orange, red, and other colors flared around them as weapon attacks, both magical and physical impacted the shields. The sea water raged, spreading towards opposite sides to present the ideal battlefield to settle this tug of war. The shields of both sides made sure that no side had an overwhelming advantage right off the bat, but the presence of the Wyvern and the superior number and quality of the Morales fleet’s ships played a huge role. The Wyvern didn’t just attack with fire, it attacked with hurricanes too that threw
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“Stop the invaders!” “Stop the Morales Fleet!” “Kill the pirates!” “Kill the savage, Morales!” As soon as the pirates of the Morales fleet started climbing into the island and slowly started gaining ground, the soldiers of the Manacre Island finally seemed to realize that their home was about to be taken. For most of them, they were bred and lived in Manacre Island all their life. They got married on the island, had a family with children on the island, and all their resources in life were acquired and inside the island. If the Morales Fleet won the battle, it meant that they lost everything. Their wives, their children, their family, their resources, it would be all gone. There was a significant difference between when they believed that they were fighting the battle for their Lord, and when they had the knowledge that they were fighting for themselves, for their own family. When they knew that they were fighting for t
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When Morales started making his plans on taking over 3 other islands to attach to Naga Island, he thought a lot about it, creating a lot of contingency plans but in the end, it seems that he was thinking too much. The overwhelming success currently being displayed in Manacre Island showed him how much his forces have grown during the past few months. Not only did the name ‘Morales Fleet’ become known across the Larpotian Sea, but the quality of pirate recruits in his fleet was also now miles stronger than months ago when he just started. Though he was still the only Grade D expert on the ship, the same could not be said about Grade E experts. The fleet was now full with them which reflected in the results in this battle. He thought that he may be forced to resort to using his origin core-powered Naga Island extensively, but it seems that he was thinking too much. When Lord Devon Manacre finally entered the battlefield and started killing his s
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