All Chapters of The Clan Head System.: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
234 chapters
As soon as the old Lord Devon Manacre who was the sovereign of the island was subdued by the notorious Pirate Vice Admiral Morales, the defenders of Manacre Island suffered another blow but they did not give up immediately. Seeing the dignity of their lord being sullied as he was on his knees like a servant, the conviction to die in battle in their hearts only grew stronger. Despite their fierce effort, the motivated pirates of the Morales fleet hunted them with even more energy like bloodhounds who knew no exhaustion. It did not take long before the second line of defense of the island was breached, and through here, the pirates had even more access inside the island. Those pirates that didn’t have the privilege to become supers yet surged into the island with sub-machine guns and other lethal weapons in waves. Everywhere they passed, their bullets swept like a group of locusts moving across. They stampede through the island, taking enemy sol
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Somewhere far away from Manacre island, a medium-sized wooden multipurpose rowing boat with an engine was slowly propelled through the waters of the Larpotian Sea. This boat was covered with a big black veil without an insignia, preventing anyone who saw it from afar from knowing which faction or power at sea it belonged to. And inside this boat was a group of people. At this moment the boat was extremely silent, only the sounds of the water waves could be heard as the inhabitants of the boat rowed forward as silently as possible so as not to attract any attention. Inside this boat were the direct descendant and family of the Manacre family, precisely the family of the old Lord Devon Manacre who was the sovereign of Manacre island. One of the reasons why the old Lord debuted in the battle at that time was because of his family. Though he was already resigned to lose the island, he was also ready to die trying to protect it. Manacre Island was
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In a wide military field, the soldiers of Manacre Island who survived long enough till the surrender were lined up on their knees as they waited in the sun for the arrival of their new Lord. Though they already surrendered, most of them had stony expressions on their faces which said their hearts were still elsewhere. The Morales fleet pirates didn’t care about them though, they just bundled them all together. After they surrendered, things became a lot easier for the pirates. All the underground shelters were already accessed by the pirates, and all the civilians that were hidden were already brought out. After a few dozen minutes of meticulous working, the island’s operation and hidden resources were now firmly under the control of the pirate fleet. Beyond the military field where the soldiers kneeled, tens of thousands of civilians were gathered as they all waited for the emergence of their new Lord. Pirates were stationed at various strate
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Middle-Ray Island, the Clifford navy base. Inside the most important point of the Clifford navy base, Commander Arachnid’s office was currently gathered all the most important soldiers of this Clifford navy base. Together, they all watched the exploits of the Morales fleet that were being projected through a long-distance satellite projector in the hands of a spy trained by the Clifford navy. “To Trevor Peaks!” Hearing the confident and ambitious voice of the prince as he declared this to his fleet and his newly conquered island, a wide smile spread through the Commander’s face. Though the higher-ups of the navy that were currently in his office didn’t say a word, their silence already said a lot about how they viewed the ongoing operation. Commander Arachnid only had one word for the campaign. “Just like a Clifford!” … Faraway, deep inside the Larpotian Sea, the Serenity fleet roamed through the seawater freely without
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Unlike when facing Manacre Island where the island was prepared against the invasion, the Trevor Peaks Island was completely unprepared. This was not surprising though when this island was dominated by beasts.In terms of danger potential, it was not doubted that Trevor Peaks was probably about miles more dangerous than Manacre Island due to the powerful beasts residing inside the island.The only phase where Manacre Island had an advantage was when it came to the aspect of preparation and order in the face of the invasion.The danger of the island only surged more upwards due to the existence of the most dangerous mutated beast residing in it.The alpha mountain Wolf who was the strongest creature on the island according to rumors was already at the Grade D+ realm though it was also the only beast at the Grade D realm in the island.According to rumors, the Trevor Peaks had the potential to have created even more powerful mutated beasts at the Gra
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BOOM! This sound of such a high decibel that could basically tear eardrums apart reverberated 4 consecutive times as the Trevor Peaks Island shook and vibrated like the island was experiencing an Apocalypse. Even when secured inside the merged Manacre/Naga Island, Lord Devon fell backward after the first shot as he landed on his feet. The sound exploded in his brain, the shaky impact to the island vibrating felt to him like the nebula of a nuclear bomb explosion. Sweat flowed down his back in waves as he imagined the former Manacre Island taking this blow. He shuddered as he visualized the sight, he felt that he was experiencing the absolute pinnacle of power available to a planet like Beiger and he was not wrong. He was not the only one who had such a reaction to this attack. Even those who watched through projections felt the ferocity of this attack. Back in Middle-Ray Island, inside his room, Commander Arachnid’s face twitched befor
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Boom! Boom! Boom! An intense war between the 2 races of beast and man raged in the Trevor Peaks Island as both parties attacked each other with unrestrained aggression. The sound induced was like a battalion of Dragons battling against each other. Gunshot sounds reverberated as the pirates shot with accuracy, painful growls and groans reverberated as the beasts bit into their opponent’s flesh, painful yelps and growls reverberated as each beast died to the humans. In just less than a minute since the Morales fleet started the war, the island turned to a river flowing with blood, consisting of both man and beast. Despite all the meticulous preparations by the fleet, the beasts in Trevor Peaks proved to be an anomaly in this campaign. Despite the war weapons, the supers, and the long-ranged bombardment from the fused Naga/Manacre Island itself, the beasts stood their ground tenaciously, fighting like they knew no exhaustion. This was alr
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Filled with ups and downs, lows and highs, the battle in Trevor Peaks Island continued raging for 2 hours without any signs of stopping. Tons of mutated beasts already died, but there were no signs yet of them being annihilated. It felt like they were increasing in number as more of them died, which showed how much of a death-hole this island was. For over an hour already, the elite unit of the Morales fleet was dispatched in the battle. Their impact was felt from the onset, but like before, the battle didn’t seem like it was decreasing in intensity. From his new ride, Morales watched the ongoings of the war silently. Though he never showed it, like others, it took him some getting used to before he accepted the fact that he was currently riding inside a floating island. For over 2 hours since the battle started, he has been waiting for the emergence of his real opponent on this island before coming out but this opponent seemed to have no inte
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One Grade D expert entering the battle was already a huge cheat in favor of the Morales fleet as such an expert was like an apex predator on this battlefield, having no natural predators. Another Grade D expert joining not shortly after the first was a double cheat which tipped the small chances of the mutated beasts even further towards a downwards trajectory. Against the prepared forces of the Morales fleet, the mutated beasts of Trevor Peaks had no chance from the onset without their Mountain Wolf alpha. The apex experts debuting floored the mutated beasts completely. Lord Devon Manacre may be old, but he had his fair share of pride and a long history of numerous war exploits as a Grade D powerhouse. Another thing was that supers aged at a lesser speed than normal humans. Even in his current old age, this old Lord still got it. He was still vigorous and full of energy, vibrant to attack when needed and defend when needed. With one s
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Whoosh! The sounds of the wind blowing, the tree leaves waving, and that of twigs breaking reverberated in the island as Morales rushed through the thick forest that was in front of him. In-between the tall trees that dominated the island, his body moved in and out of openings, seeming like a flashlight in darkness as he rapidly navigated the forest like a secret ninja. Inside Trevor Peaks Island was a thick forest ecosystem. Greenery filled the background, both from the thick, broad and occasionally thin leaves of the tall trees and weed that filled the forest bed. Among the friendly bushy weeds that filled the forest were hidden thorns, thistles, and even carnivorous weeds. For these, Morales already detected them with his space vision skill before he got close. He either bypassed them completely as he moved, or his dawn spear gave them the judgment that they deserved. Apart from the aggressive carnivorous mutated beasts that
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