Somewhere far away from Manacre island, a medium-sized wooden multipurpose rowing boat with an engine was slowly propelled through the waters of the Larpotian Sea.

This boat was covered with a big black veil without an insignia, preventing anyone who saw it from afar from knowing which faction or power at sea it belonged to. And inside this boat was a group of people.

At this moment the boat was extremely silent, only the sounds of the water waves could be heard as the inhabitants of the boat rowed forward as silently as possible so as not to attract any attention.

Inside this boat were the direct descendant and family of the Manacre family, precisely the family of the old Lord Devon Manacre who was the sovereign of Manacre island.

One of the reasons why the old Lord debuted in the battle at that time was because of his family. Though he was already resigned to lose the island, he was also ready to die trying to protect it.

Manacre Island was


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