Most soldiers in Middle-Ray Island, they’ve heard of the undead attacks on land but this was the first time that they were seeing such an undead army from a first-person perspective.

Despite feeling a little flustered and alarmed, they were still able to respond appropriately to go form their defense formations under the guidance of their military leaders.

In just a few minutes after the alarm was sounded, the emergency joint army formed by all the main organizations on the island formed a huge blockade.

The soldiers from the Machinery Temple erected a thick metal shield at the gate leading inside the city on the island.

Numerous military weapons were attached inside it, and mechanic supers were personally operating them inside the thick shield. It looked more like a war machine than a shield.

This was the first line of defense of Middle-Ray Island.

Just behind the huge shield was the 2nd line of defense which was held by the soldiers

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