6 months later.

After 6 months of development, Naga Island was already completely different in every facet than it was before. A huge boisterous city was now residing on this island.

After 6 months of constant improvements, the Naga harbor was already one of the most renowned and popular ship harbors in this region of the sea.

Its size was now extremely huge, and it was now the only legitimate entrance inside the island. Even right now, a large number of ships docked while others sailed away, making the scene extremely boisterous.

At the very edge of the island stood a huge metallic signpost, it presented the name of the city on the island to the whole world.


This city was now part of the most developed cities in this region of the sea. It was hard to see it as the territory of a dreaded Pirate Vice Admiral, it looked more like the city built by a benevolent billionaire CEO.

Residential buildings, including high-r

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