All Chapters of Reborn in another world : Chapter 241
- Chapter 250
315 chapters
[Double elemental master]
Reborn in another world /Scattered
"Well, let me see what you have." Zhi Ruo brandished her weapon. And the ancient weapon vibrated dully. Like it was being awakened. The air was hot, but it didn't effect Zhi Ruo one bit, she has faced much more painful heat from her wraith devourers than this pretty little trick Han Wanran was doing.'He's a double elemental master.' Zhi Ruo summed up. She doesn't have any proof now, but she has a gut feeling that it is. She looked as Han Wanran stayed fine even under the heat that he induced. After all, to be able to produce fire doesn't mean it grants you instant immunity from it.With keep eyes, Zhi Ruo watched as a steady stream of steam came out from her opponent's pores. 'Water?' Zhi Ruo thought, the element immediately came up in her mind. Her cautious nature proved to be useful, because she actually already guessed Han Wanran's second element.Water. Fire, and water was an unlikely combo, though Zhi Ruo guessed that Han Wanran probably didn't use his fire ability because of t
[Zhi Ruo's cooking show]
Reborn in another world /Scattered
Han Wanran choked on his spit, as the air was knocked out of his system. The moment he was hit higher in to the air, the wraith devourers were quick to act, and was chasing the flying Han Wanran through the air. Their intend was shown bluntly, it was apparent that they wanted him to get burned.With blurry eyes, Han Wanran muttered something under his breath. And a ball of water instantly enveloped his entire body. As the wraith devourers got nearer, Han Wanran realized the the air was threatening to burn him alive if he did not do something. In the heat of the moment, he conjured up a ball of water to try and subdue the heat. However, he could not maintain the temperature of the water. In the end he let the water disapate in the air, if he was still stubborn on keeping the water as is, he would have been cooked alive.Which was something he wasn't planning on doing yet. Han Wanran's body slowed down his ascension to the sky. He wasn't propelled higher anymore. Rather, right now, he
[Let's play a game called "the floor is lava"]
Reborn in another world /Scattered
"look at her go.""I bet my good money on her, she better win.""That weapon sure is amazing, to be able to withstand that throw. Even with the barrier on, I swore my eardrums is still ringing.""Forget about the weapon, did you see the damage the weapon made to that other guy? That must have hurt.""Hurt would be and understatement I tell you.""I'm surprised that the guy is still alive. If I was him, I would have already died on the spot.""Brother, you can't compare yourself to the people that are on the path of cultivation.""I'm just saying, you didn't have to take it far too literally."The fight continued, however, Han Wanran wasn't dreading the fact that he will crash down. He was now dreading the fact that he 'could not' come down. Even if he wanted to. He was now trying to find ways to make his body touch the ground, but he wasn't a wind elementalist. He could not weave his body through the air naturally.He had two to three broken ribs now, and because he was in the air, an
[Fighting fire with fire]
Reborn in another world /Scattered
Han Wanran let a curse slip past his lips, his knees buckled under pressure of Zhōngguó's doing. The water disk under him rippled, as it withstood the pressure. Han Wanran furrowed his brows, as his concentration was slipping slowly. His eyes flickered towards Zhi Ruo, who stood with her arms outstretched towards his direction."Alright." Zhi Ruo replied, she nodded slowly, but mostly to herself. "I'll do something about it since I don't like it." She continued. Her fingers curled into a fist. And slowly, Han Wanran felt the gravity increased. He felt like he was being suffocated by nothing, the panic in his eyes was palpable.With pale lips, and almost blank eyes. Han Wanran managed to raise his hand, though he was struggling, the water disk under him didn't break down like Zhi Ruo wanted to, merely rippled. With his arms outstretched like Zhi Ruo's, a word slipped past Han Wanran's lips."Fold." Was the word that he managed to utter. And without warning. Two walls rose from beside
[A damn shame]
Reborn in another world /Scattered
At some point, Han Wanran managed to catch Zhi Ruo. And it wasn't long before he was pointing the tips of his blades unto Zhi Ruo's neck as he struggled under the influence of Zhōngguó. Han Wanran proved to be a challenging opponent, as he could move even under all of Zhi Ruo's weapons and Zhi Ruo herself.However, Zhi Ruo wasn't the type of person to back down. She was quick to take advantage, of all the opportunities Han Wanran revealed to her. Seeing that her opponent came into her willingly, Zhi Ruo thought that it would have been a damn shame if she just let it pass by. Zhi Ruo made sure that the wraith devourers were satisfied, the twin flames were having fun devouring the clearly lacking skills of Han Wanran. But of course, Zhi Ruo took a page from Alberu's book and decided to act the part of the underdog, but she was never defeated. But it was odd, because she was portraying the role of the underdog perfectly. But she didn't stumble, nor did she flinch, she never gave the in
[A damn shame] pt2
Reborn in another world /Scattered
However, Zhi Ruo stuck to Han Wanran. Close. And it was visible that she was adamant on getting Han Wanran unto a state that was most advantageous for her. In this case, burning off Han Wanran's face would certainly be a good opportunity for her. The girl did not feel any remorse, even after she could see Han Wanran struggling.Unlike Zhi Ruo, who had the skill to resist fire and basically be immune to all heat or fire related stuff. Han Wanran did not have such skills at his disposal. He managed to claw off Zhi Ruo's fingers, breaking the digits as he did so. Making time for him to escape and move away.Zhi Ruo didn't even bother to let out a sound of pain, she watched as Han Wanran moved, running away from her. She didn't waste her energy trying to catch up with her opponent, their wasn't much space that he could take advantage, and hide on. The girl looked at her broken fingers, that was the first time she used the influence the wraith devourers had given her. Because the wraith d
[Who says I'm fine?]
Reborn in another world /Scattered
However, Han Wanran's face was slowly becoming more worst as the time passed by. His joints creeked of exhaustion, visibly not used to this kind of fight. Largely relying on hand to hand combat with his opponent, not throwing spells in the air like this and not even hitting the intended target.Zhi Ruo too, was tired and exhausted. Even more so than Han Wanran, who was leaps higher in terms of realm. But because Han Wanran's foundation wasn't as strong as his realm, it allowed Zhi Ruo to fight on even terms with him. However, as the time passed by, Zhi Ruo could not keep up with her MP consumption that she had to pause and eat a whole pill in the middle of battle.A bold and risky move, nonetheless Zhi Ruo's body was used to this kind of burden on a daily basis that Zhi Ruo 'herself' did not notice it. As for why Zhi Ruo did not mind this was because of her skill 'regeneration' that was far too busy healing and helping her with her wounds. It could not keep up with her MP consumption,
[Winner² chicken dinner]
Reborn in another world /Scattered
The appearance of the rolling blue and red veins on Zhi Ruo's arms took Han Wanran by surprise. He could not stop the twitch that appeared on his eyes upon laying his gaze on it. He instantly recognized what Zhi Ruo was suffered from. He also instantly recognized the burns along Zhi Ruo's palms.Zhi Ruo was suffering from Qi overload, and Qi exhaustion at the same time. Han Wanran could not fanthom how Zhi Ruo was still alive, he could also not believe the fact that his opponent hid this type of pain so easily. If Zhi Ruo didn't reveal this, he would have never known that she went through this.However, seeing that his opponent wasn't as untouchable as he thought she was. This greatly reduced the pressure on Han Wanran shoulders. Turns out that Zhi Ruo who his attacks would never fully work on, wasn't as uninjured as he thought.Given though, the injury wasn't directly caused by him. But it still counted... somewhat.."How are you even standing?" In his awe, Han Wanran could not stop
Reborn in another world /Scattered
Clasping her weapon securely, Zhi Ruo walked with Zhōngguó towards the exit of the arena. The medics around her that clamoured over the trival injuries on her body, stepped away upon seeing the injuries on Zhi Ruo's body being healed instantly. All of them looked at each other. And a awkward pause hung on the air.One of the medics who was watching Zhi Ruo's match beforehand, could not rip her eyes away from the rolling veins on Zhi Ruo's arms when she moved. She wasn't concerned about Zhi Ruo's injuries, rather, she was more concerned for Zhi Ruo's Qi coiles."Would your coils be fine?" The medic asked, stopping the awkward silence and Zhi Ruo herself. Zhi Ruo looked at the medic who asked the question. The medic knew— knows, that Zhi Ruo was more that qualified to deal with her own injuries, even more than her, 'even' more than her team.She herself was a fan of Zhi Ruo from the start of the tournament. Though she can't show in outwardly because of her profession. The medic saw how
[To look felt like a sin]
Reborn in another world /Scattered
You know that I don't mean that, Zhōngguó sighed at his master's prickly personality. He soon learned to find this personality to be endearing, but in these type of situations, Zhōngguó could not help but sigh helplessly. Though, the ancient sentient weapon could understand that Zhi Ruo was still high on adrenaline.And he who was near her, was the only thing that she could hoggle until she came down from her high. Which was sooner than expected. The moment the two of them went passed the third empty room door, Zhi Ruo was slowly and calmly walking together with her weapon as her breathing evened out.Both of them looked like they were walking a solemn procession. Zhōngguó held Zhi Ruo tightly and securely, and Zhi Ruo rested vigilantly as she walked. She could never put her guard down that easily. Zhōngguó could understand this too. Soon, both Zhi Ruo and Zhōngguó walked and saw a figure in the distance. The girl in Zhōngguó's arms clutched the ancient weapon's hmd more tightly upon