All Chapters of Treasure hunting in endless ocean: Chapter 111
- Chapter 120
266 chapters
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
Neil smiled at her. It’s visible that the smile and the light hearted banter is a bit forced. Adele is trying to stall this conversation. Neil is all too used to such a thing, for he has done it more than once or twice after his parent’s death. He deflected the help from his friends, he deflected care from his uncle… he deflected concern from his teachers. But .. suddenly a light bulb went off in Neil’s head. ‘ This kind of dialogue … aren’t they specialties of teen romances ? doesn’t this mean Adele likes him too ? ‘ for a moment, his mind went blank with strange anticipation. His mouth moved before his brain could kick start and stop him. “ Adele ! Do you like me ? “ he asked, in the exact same tone as Adele. Adele’s expression froze at his words. She became solemn. ...…The silence stretched for so long, Neil’s all senses have become overactive. He could even hear the slight sloshing of the waves brush by the raft’s sides. Neil was about to open his mouth to say ‘ Just
Sweet Kiss
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
Adele looked surprised at Neil’s confession. After a moment of thought, she realized why he never went for her directly. He was probably grieving too badly. Just like her right after the surgery, he probably did not want to have people around. However, she still remembered the day after very clearly. She arrived at the school. Neil was already in the classroom. The light from the window fell right on his face, lighting up his chestnut hair, pale skin and the red lips. He looked a bit ethereal, like a dark angel. In that moment, her heart felt like it’s being squeezed, for a moment, Adele was frozen dumb. She did not realize how long she stayed standing there, like a dumb little girl. She was too embarrassed to face him after such a display, so she deliberately kept her distance. God knows, Neil belonged to the type of introverted guys that take forever to take initiative. Even if she did not want to, her eyes are always drawn to him. So much so, Chad Warden, who was conside
brain fish
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
While Neil is trying to distract himself with this and that adventure, Adele was exploding in confusion over their decision to start dating. One says date, but what is a date ? Back on earth, Date had a clear definition. They meet at a specified time on the day, they do some activity that’s a bit fun, then, they go back to their respective homes. Here … don’t they always stay together all the time? If they both go out to have fun, who watches the children ? When she’s wondering this ever so ‘auntie & uncle ‘ age question Neil was standing in front of the abyss, wondering whether he should go in or not. If there’s one thing Neil had learned through all of their escapades in the endless ocean, it is that going from ‘hundred percent safe’ to ‘Dead as a rock ‘ takes only one centimeter distance. That was the feeling he got right now. Yet, there are two messages persistently hung in front of him, flashing in the corner. One is Jack’s mess
First contact
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
Adele activated symbiosis as soon as Neil jumped into the water. It has become a habit by now. If she’s not specifically doing any complex magical maneuver, then she activates symbiosis to act as mana battery for Neil. She also saw the messages of the MerCity shopping point activate. It’s a good thing, for this is on the channel. She opened the shopping point as soon as it got activated. There’s some gibberish on there that she did not understand. Just as she was thinking to call Merlin and Morgana back, she felt like her heart was being squeezed while slowly freezing over. Adele opened her console while gasping, trying to move her shaking fingers to go towards summoning your husband back ! But black ice started spreading around her on the deck. On the other side of the ocean, the vent towards outer space is opened. The green liquid in the vault is ejected outside forming large and small green globules. Neil has lost his consciousness as soon as he stored the last brain fis
the girl on side line
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
“ Yes. “ Neil answered reflexively. He knows this girl. She goes to the Spanish school next door, and hangs out with the emo kids. She’s the only Mexican girl he has seen in gothic makeup. Now though, she looked like a veritable hawaiian. The girl is dressed in a patched up sarong, over a yellow bikini. She probably did not have many other clothes either. Neil never realized how big the shortage of clothes was. Most of the people who got swept away only brought one or two sets of clothes, unlike Adele, who packed her entire wardrobe. They do have clothes in their market, but they were sold out long ago. “ Who are you ? “ Adele asked the girl. “ I am PinkPrincess. You are ? “ The girl asked curiously. “ Evilwitchqueen “ Adele answered calmly. The girl was taken aback. “ Oh! “ She exclaimed in surprise. Then, the realization dawned on her, as she scanned the single gigantic raft with a duplex home atop it. “ OH ! Oh! Oh ! “ She exclaimed continuously as the situation dawne
Raft Totem
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
Sarah insisted that she could not remember the correct coordinates for the dungeon. She must sail there in person to guide them, while Neil and company protected her. Adele was not convinced. At the same time, she could tell Sarah is telling the truth. If nothing else, Adele is sure their fighting prowess is along the lines of top brass in this transfer. All schemes were useless in front of sheer brute power. Since they have that sort of punch power, she is not afraid, yet … she could not wash away this apprehensive feeling. Adele did not agree for the girl to come over to their raft. Since Adele was so apprehensive about allowing her on to their raft, Neil followed suit. Sarah anchored a little ways off from them on the other side of the atoll. Neil consulted his console, and realized the planter squares are done. So were the planting stations. He is going to plant tomatoes, peas and cucumbers. Yet, above all, there is one task he must complete as soon as possible. “ Adele
Bad Customer
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
The man’s face looked like he had eaten a lemon. ‘There is something fishy here ‘ Neil thought, as he looked at all the people mooring around his raft. Why are they so intent on keeping watch on his raft ? It’s like a school of orca following a blue whale. Sure, they can’t kill it alone, but with big enough numbers, they could any time.The boy in front of him looked at his father’s sour face, and Neil’s apprehensive one and realized he put his foot in his mouth. “ Where do you get one ? “ Neil asked. The boy looked at him strangely, as did the man. “ You always have it. What are you ? an NPC ? “ The boy snarked at Neil’s ignorance. Always have it ? But … he arrived on his paddle board. As for Adele … well her raft was eaten by the kraken. Children arrived at the islands. …...Why is he the only one missing this damn totem ? Neil explained to the father and child how to associate their inventory boxes to the shop. The father and son also bought a blueprint, just because
First blood
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
While Neil was dealing with these people, Adele did not sit around doing nothing. She closed her eyes, letting her soul fly. There are not many birds in the sky here, only a few seagulls. There are many rafts headed to them, not just the ones who arrived. When she spied two rafts in a remote location, where the raft owner’s eyes lit up upon seeing another raft, she stayed in the air to watch the show. The raft owner picked up his totem, swam over to the seemingly abandoned raft. The abandoned raft’s totem changed into the raft owner’s totem symbol upon touching it. Then, the raft owner drove away the abandoned raft, joining it with his own raft. However, that was not all. A woman surfaced in the nearby ocean, her body full of wounds. “ You bastard ! Give my raft back to me. “ she screamed at the man. “ Finders keepers ! You are stupid enough to venture out with out a guard on your raft. You are begging for the raft to be taken away. Ofcourse, out of the goodness of my heart,
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
Ideally, Adele would stop her little sister from becoming a murderer. However, the way the eyes of paulo scanned over Morgana were still fresh in her eyes. While she had no proof he is a pedophile, she had enough proof to know he is their enemy. He also looked like a go-getter, who could go to any lengths to achieve what he wanted.Whether he wanted revenge on Neil or just plain wanted their riches, the man could not be allowed to live. Just as Paulo is about to croak, Adele tapped on Morgana’s shoulder. Morgana let down the men, allowing them to join the ocean. Then, as a whole, the family turned back, walked into their house. Even so, none of the present dared to walk to their raft any more. The father and son duo paddled away as fast as possible. Adele had a feeling they are running from Alejandro and Paulo's death more than they are running from their raft. Which proved Sarah’s information that there are two gangs in the area. Now Adele is sure that Alejandro and Paulo b
SMURF Account
Treasure hunting in endless ocean/BlackDaisy
[ KindlyAngel ] : I am sorry I Judged you prematurely. [ Error - @KindlyAngel : You can not reply to anonymous users. For violating usage terms of heart gem, you will be banned from chat for a day. ] Jessica screamed in anger, looking at the post. ▬ ●◘● ▬Adele closed the console, so she did not see the confession or repentance letter from Jessica. All the same, KindlyAngel lost half the angelic reputation she built up that day. After all, people are not stupid. When Kindly Angel's repentance letter appeared in the chat, they guessed it had something to do with skills and powers. On the contrary, Adele Young did not even enter the arena, but made a name for herself. She leisurely used a water wave to sweep bodies into the channel. The moment corpses entered the channel, the rafts vanished along with the bodies. On this side of the sea, Neil returned with the young lady on his speed boat. Adele and the woman recogn