All Chapters of My Werewolf System: Chapter 671
- Chapter 680
927 chapters
Chapter 671
My Werewolf System/JKSManga
The system message had appeared, and recently, the system messages didn't appear around Gary much. Only when it felt like it, the system would warrant giving him any type of exp for the challenge he would face.In fact, that was partially the reason why Gary knew he had nothing to worry about when he met Haze, just like other Altered he came across, there was no quest when it came to defeating him.It did make Gary wonder, though, at what level would one have to be in the AFC for Gary to gain exp? Had he now reached the same level as Jayden? In his mind, he hadn't. He could maybe put up a fight at nighttime if he used everything he had, but that was all, putting up a fight.There wasn't even the chance of him winning compared to what had occurred last time. So if he wanted to gain exp through the AFC, then he would have to rise up the ranks fairly quickly.Right now, though, Gary was more concerned with the content of the message as he looked at the Altered in front of him. Haze no lo
Chapter 672
My Werewolf System/JKSManga
That thing right in front of Gary was practically a large beast that he would have expected to find in those special lessons he had attended at the AFA. Haze’s current form was frighteningly powerful and was using advanced skills such as web-based shooting from its mouth, as well as strange green acid it could produce. According to the rules and the contracts that Gary had signed before his match, certain skills weren't allowed to be used in AFC matches. Although not specifacally named as such, the teenager understood that they referred to those type of elementalized attacks like Jayden’s windstrike, which was also the reason why the Altered fighter had never publicly shown that ability of his. Altered were only allowed to showcase the powers that were naturally part of their body, like the pincers in Haze’s mouth, or Gary’s sharp claws. Unfortunately, at this point in time, rules seemed to be out of the window. As long as nobody interfered, the Crazed Altered was free to use whatev
Chapter 673
My Werewolf System/JKSManga
Some in the crowd had already exited from the fighting arena in fear for their lives, as they noticed something was wrong. Most guessed that Haze had turned into a crazed Altered. It had happened a few times in an AFC match before, when one was pushed too far, this one just seemed more out of the blue. Still, the majority stayed watching the fight, because they knew that they had nothing to fear, because if it ever became serious then the two top ranked assistants would have gotten involved. If the crowd saw them two get a beat down, then maybe they would have panicked a little. Those that did get to stay, were happy they did, very happy.“Did you--Di-Di Did you see that rookie!” The commentator stuttered. “Without transforming, Gary Dem managed to take out Haze Brunt and in style as well!” “You mean, take him out for a second time!” The other commentator added. Everyone knew it was an impressive feat, because of the destructive powers utilised by Haze that everyone had witnessed.
Chapter 674
My Werewolf System/JKSManga
The room was filled with journalists, bloggers, and the press. Each of them with their devices ready to capture every moment that was to be said. There was big news to be displayed and things to talk about.Gary had taken a seat on a stage with a table in front of him. By his side was Eddie. There were two microphones in front of him. On the other table, there was meant to be Haze and his coach, but only his coach was sitting at his table for obvious reasons.Standing in the centre, though, was a bald-headed man in a bright white suit. It was shining like a wedding dress and wasn't something one would typically wear to these types of conferences.This man was Buzz Tole. He was one of the PR managers for the AFC, and he was known for always standing out with his bright white suit."Everyone, before this press conference begins, I have to warn you that you are to stick to questions regarding the fighters themselves, the actual fight itself, and not what occurred after the fight," Buzz a
Chapter 675
My Werewolf System/JKSManga
The reporters were left confused talking amongst each other. They had already had ideas in their minds as to what the next article would be, and they felt like they could continue to follow Gary for a while hyping him up as the next big thing. However, this news was even bigger, and soon they would pop up with questions, such as why had Gary decided to no longer be part of the AFA? It led to questions such as, just who was Gary Dem and what about his past? At the moment, everyone was in research mode, and they were looking at one in particular for answers. Buzz was breaking out in a sweat at all the questions that were thrown at him.“Everyone should know that we don’t force our contestants to participate. Everyone has their own lives, and we should respect the decision of Gary Dem.” Although Buzz was saying all of this, the questions continued to be hurled at him. At the end of the day this was his job but he couldn't help but feel slight anger at the AFA.‘A little heads up woul
Chapter 676
My Werewolf System/JKSManga
The surprise party for Gary had been cancelled. After what happened, when he returned to Slough, the others assumed that he would want to rest most of all. He had arrived at the apartment building block in Cipen. It was in the upscale end of Slough, and the block of apartments he was staying at was where his sister, White, and Crawley were staying. Before driving off and leaving Gary be, Tyler handed over two sets of keys. “What’s this for?” Gary asked. “Kai told me to hand them off to you.” Tyler answered. “One is your apartment. It's on the top floor, you have the entire floor to yourself. It's been renovated with some funds. He tried his best to decorate it for you, and try to make it feel like home.”It was strange to hear those words, for a while now Gary felt like he didn’t have a home. There was still the apartment block he lived in with his mother, but it was quite clear why he could no longer live there. The security was lax and Gary had become a big name in Slough and ou
Chapter 677
My Werewolf System/JKSManga
Gary never had an appreciation for cars, he was too poor to even dream about owning anything luxurious. When he was younger he thought that as long as he got anything that would help him get from A to B, then it would be fine. Although he knew nothing about cars, he could tell that this was expensive. He hardly saw any of these on the road in the first place, let alone a gold one. “If people see me come out of this thing, then everyone in the town is going to know where I am!” Gary thought. Heading towards the door, he opened it, and the lights and multiple screens inside the car turned on. Looking down on the floor he could even see the logo of the car projected outward. He took a seat in the car, and after closing the door, the seat he was in started to massage his back. While he looked at all of the welcome screens. ‘This is all a bit too much.’ Gary thought, but he didn’t realise it. He had a big smile on his face. Anyone would, sitting in a vehicle like this, it was just sur
Chapter 678
My Werewolf System/JKSManga
As Kai had expected the reporters had managed to gather quite a bit of information on Gary. First, it was the fact that his sponsor was the Howlers. Research into the Howlers had come out, and information about them being a gang was broadcasted. Internet articles, TV reports and more. With this, rumours came about claiming that Gary might have been forced to leave the AFC, in order to help out the gang more. However, more information started to come about. Those that lived in Slough started to write about how much better life has been since the Howlers had taken over. This seemed bizarre to those from the outside. How could a gang make them feel safer, it just made no sense. Soon, it was revealed that Gary Dem was also a person that worked with the Howlers to invest heavily in the town of Slough. Using his money for improvements in multiple areas. He had multiple projects he was running at the same time. A lot started to think this was the reason why Gary had left, because he wish
Chapter 679
My Werewolf System/JKSManga
The main group spent most of the night together, and Gary was starting to see a friendlier side to Olivia. The fact that a few months had gone past and she hadn’t bothered to challenge him was also a good sign. There was a thought in him that maybe she was trying to use Marie, but based on their interactions and what had happened when they met the vampire that day, Gary no longer felt like that. The group went on to talk about general things and Gary’s time in the AFA, and of course the subject of vampires was brought up a lot. Each of them wondered how their strength compared to the mythical beasts.If the head of the Altered Hunters Association was anything to go by, then they certainly were stronger. However, Kai had a feeling that Edvard might be a special case. “Ah, if Tom was here he would have loved to have heard this conversation, he was always into things like this.” Gary stated. Tom was also another that Gary had no time to catch up with, due to his own job at NIRV. Stil
Chapter 680
My Werewolf System/JKSManga
There were a number of times where Gary wished to tell his sister the truth. The two of them, although maybe not as close with each other as best friends were, were still quite close as a family. Both of them had gone through a lot, with their father leaving them and sharing a room together. They hardly ever complained about it, because they always knew their mother was trying her best, so in their own way they would constantly help each other out. No matter what situation the other was in, they both knew that they would try their damned hardest to help the other, and Gary had done so on a particular occasion. Although he had at times told parts, he had never explained the whole thing, leaving her to fill in her own gaps. Now he had summoned up the will to tell her the truth, and that included finding out what he really was.“Amy… there is a lot I need to tell you, and for all of it to make sense, I should start at the beginning. Over the summer school holidays, in order to help th