Shadow soldiers, mysterious entities that are in a mysterious dimension that only Alvine could access as he pleased. He knows neither their origins nor the reason for their existence. As for the dimension that is probably a planet, according to his analyses, he had neither heard of the existence of such a planet which was probably a higher rank than the Tier One planet like the planet of the Punishers, nor the reason for its existence. Whether it was their skills, weapons, or armor, Alvine knew almost nothing about them!But the most mysterious remained the only mysterious entity that constantly asks him to merge with him. And probably also the reason for the existence of the little thumb that had germinated a private dimension of life and who constantly harassed him with her story of the opposite!A new powers, a new world, and new servants loyal and faithful to him. Anyone could, who did not know his situation, could think that he enjoyed having been the luckiest person in the unive
Last Updated : 2022-07-28 Read more