Hell DimensionPPolydegmon Vault The hall of Polydegmon, also known as the lowest domain in hell inhabiting various souls but was different from other domains available in the hell dimension. The polydegmon vault is a hall known as the gateway to both hell and heaven, any deceased souls would have to face the wrath of their sins be it positive or negative which would be the sincerity of judgement afterlife. In this domain, many believed souls to be judged, managed and controlled by one sole entity known as the elder god of the hellish domain, Polydegmon. The judge of the afterlife. As legend has it, before the existence of organic life on the planet, gods roamed the planet. Not just feeble gods or lesser gods, but primordial gods, first origination of gods known predominantly as the elder gods. Gods birth from the anus of one supreme god named Demigorus,
Last Updated : 2022-05-04 Read more