All Chapters of WELCOME TO OUTLIVE: Chapter 11
- Chapter 20
78 chapters
Hurry, pull him up
The players reached the elevator and Den pressed the button and unlike the other one this one actually worked. The elevator was on deck 5 and began to come down; with each one looking at the display giving out quiet sighs of relief. Finally something was going their way.The elevator reached deck 3 and dinged open."Alright let's go," Den said."Hold up," Bella said."Oh my gosh what now?""Look at the capacity, it says 5 people only, which means only 5 of us can ride it at a time.""5? That'll leave one of us to ride it alone," Mandy said."Yeah.""Not it.""So not it," Reggie said."Who's riding first?" Sue asked."The women will go up first," Den answered."But there's 6 of us," Hannah said."You guys go. I'll take the next one," Bella said."Are you sure?" Sue asked."Yeah.""And then who's going to ride alone?" Grayson asked."It's not a problem, I'll ride alone," Den said. "Come on inside go," he then said and all the women except Bella went in. The elevator doors closed and ins
What does it look like I'm doing?
More water poured in with more creatures in it. They leaped out at them but the players held their on; except Reggie who was still down and went on hiding. "The room is filling up, what's the plan?" Emily asked."Up," Den answered and they all looked up. "The lights, everyone get up onto the lights, quickly!"There were hanging lights made of a thick wooden frame right above them that was about a meter long and they all began to climd up onto them; all except Reggie who was still cowered by the table, shaking even like he was out in the cold."Bro what the heck? Get up," a boy watching on his laptop said."Reggie! Get up," Bella shouted."No," Reggie responded."Reggie!""Reggie get your ass up onto the light now!" Den shouted as the creatures tried to leap out of the water at them but couldn't get them."No!" Reggie shouted and started crying."Oh my gosh crying, is he crying?" a girl watching on her laptop with her friend asked."He's crying," her friend answered."Oh man dead, Reg
Nothing's wrong, they're going to make it
***Bella was swimming in an Olympic sized pool from one end to the other with Mr. Henderson waiting for her to reach him with his stopwatch in his hand timing her swim from point A to point B and back to point A. BOOF! She reached and popped her head out of the water."How did I do?" Bella put her goggles over her swimming cap and asked; breathing in and out heavily."Good but not good enough," he responded."What was my time?""1:10. I need you to get it down to fifty seconds.""That's twenty whole seconds," she said."Yes it is.""You want me to get from here to there and back here in fifty seconds?""Yes," Mr. Henderson answered; like there was nothing at all extreme to what he said."Goodness what does swimming even have to do with being an assassin?""Sometimes things go wrong and you need to get away and what if the only means for you to do so is through the water, you will need to know how to swim. And not just but fast, because how fast you get away could be the difference be
You have to tell them
Bella hit the shower and as she walked out, freshened up and dressed in a bath robe, suddenly her TV went on, and looking at it she was immediately shaken by what she saw. It was a live feed coming in from the morgue with Mark's and Grayson's lifeless bodies on steel beds. Their bodies were in tact and they were still in their suits but their skins were as pale as clouds."Oh my gosh," Bella said, throwing her hands over her mouth as tears immediately came to her eyes like she had a tears switch and it had just been turned on."Sad to see your friends dead isn't it?" a voice came in through the speakers. Mr. Kingman's voice. "Especially Grayson, you really did try to save him but your efforts were just not good enough, shame.""Oh my gosh." Her heart sunk. "They really are dead.""Yes they are.""I thought . . .""What? You thought I was bluffing," his voice said and laughed. "Oh no Ms. Knight, I may do a lot of things but the one thing I do not do is bluff.""They're dead.""Yes. Lik
I'm in accounting
"Well we're all here so whoever this Bobby friend is he's probably an NPC," Bella said. "And those can be a whole lot of work when they want to be," Sue said. "Yes they can." "Well let's hope he's not one of the dumb ones or else we're in for one heck of a brawl," Den said. "O.k. so how are we doing this?" Brian asked. "We find our buddy and we rescue him." "How do we find him?" Hannah asked and Den looked around. The forest was dark with a few rays of the full moon's light shining here and there, through the spaces in the tall trees. And it was quiet; nothing but the sound of a gentle breeze blowing through the leaves, crickets screeching in the grass and an owl hooting about in the distance. "I don't know, it's so dark out here we can barely see a thing." "We have light," Mandy said. "Yeah but it would help if we knew where we were going; he could literally be anywhere." "True," Roy agreed and Bella looked up. "A tree," she said. "Climbing one will give us a good scope of
There's too many of them
Den and the rest moved back and took their position as Bella, Sue, Mandy and Emily crept around the settlement, using the trees and the bushes as their cover, and stopped right opposite where Bobby was tied up; hiding behind the large bush that was there. "Girl squad let's go," a girl watching on her phone said. "There he is," Bella said. "You got your knife ready?" she then asked Emily. "Got it," she responded; holding the very knife strong in her hand, ready to use it to cut Bobby loose. "O.k. Sue you're going to take out these two, Mandy the two to the left and I'll take the ones to the right." They nodded their heads. "Alright, let's move." The women took their positions and after signalling at each other, BANG! BANG! BANG! The three opened fire at the six guarding creatures as Emily ran up to Bobby to free him. He was sitting on the ground with his hands tied behind his back and her knife sliced through the rope like a sword fish through the water. "Oh my gosh you found me,"
Don't mention it
The creatures kept on moving in but the players stood their ground; firing shot after shot and reducing them to lifeless corpses falling off the top of the mountain and landing all the way down on the ground. "They're not stopping, more just keep showing up," Sue said. "Did we do something wrong?" "The mission was to keep him safe and he's safe so I don't know," Bella responded. "Just keep shooting, this is the mission," Den said and they carried on. Thank goodness they had an unlimited supply of ammunition otherwise it would have finished on this level because they didn't just kill the creatures, they killed a whole lot of them and when they killed their last one; they looked around and were just about to give huge sighs of relief that it was over when just then, GROWL! The leader leaped off a tree branch towards them; knocking Wendy off the mountain and landing right in the middle where Bobby was. The players saw it and as Bobby screamed for his life, they pointed their guns at i
I saw what I saw
"Players of OutLive welcome to level 4," Lora's voice said. "In this level you are explorers and your mission is to follow the map and find a priceless artifact hidden within one of the rooms of the ancient buried tomb in which you stand. And only when the artifact is safely in one of your hands will one of you light your flare and signal the end of the level. Any players that die along the way will be eliminated and the players that survive will move on to the next level with the hope of you winning the grand prize of $10 million still alive. Should the artifact break then the mission would have been failed and none of you will make it to the next level and your game will be over. Players as always the stakes are high so you must make sure to work as a team or else you will not make it. Your mission starts now.""Oh man ancient tomb things, I am here for it, let's go," a girl watching on her phone said."Ugh this is giving me serious mummy vibes and I am loving it, let's do this," a
You have got to be kidding me
Just then, SWISH! Something moved in the sand again, this time next to Emily. She screamed and they all turned to her. "What?" Brian asked. “I saw it too," she said. "I just saw something moving in the sand, right there." She pointed. "O.k. two people see something moving in the sand, there is definitely something moving in the sand," Sue said. "Great, just great," Reggie said and his body immediately broke out into shivers; the grand prize of $10 million was a really sweet one but he was seriously beginning to wonder why he had signed up to play. He was scared of everything and had literally only made it as far as he did because of Bella; if it wasn't for her he would have been long dead. "Should we keep moving?" Hannah asked. "Hold on," Den said and they just stood there quiet for a moment, looking around; hoping to see the something move again so that they could try and make out what it was but it didn't happen again. The sand remained calm. "O.k. I think we're good." Sudden
I'll do it
The players looked on at the task before them and Bella came up with the idea of someone hanging onto one of the ropes to see how much time they had before the block completely fell out; whilst holding onto the next rope so that when that one fell out completely they would have something to hold onto."But then that rope will begin to slide out too," Mandy said."Thank you for taking that question right out of my head," Reggie said."It's going to begin to slide out too yes but then the person will quickly jump off, be safe back on solid ground and Bob's your uncle," Bella said; so casual like she wasn't talking about something that if went wrong could easily lead to their elimination."O.k. and who is the person that's going to do that?" Mandy asked."Don't look at me." Reggie threw his hands into the air. "I'm afraid of heights remember.""Reggie please no one was even looking at you," Bella said and they chuckled. "I'll do it.""You sure, because we can let the fireman do it," Den