In the far east sea, the waves rise, in the depths of the ocean...A powerful demon world that dominates existence, the king of the sea, the ruler of darkness that rules over all other demons. the oligarch of the demon race set up his headquarters in this place, day and night cultivating and running his demon corporation.At the bottom of that deep and dark ocean, countless strange strange beasts of many values, large and fierce in size.At a golden palace with all kinds of pearls, ivory, leopards, exotic flowers, very rich and luxurious.The most powerful ruler sat on a throne full of glittering diamonds. he leisurely enjoys delicious dishes with wonderfully beautiful palace ladies, attentively serving and obeying his orders."Good job girls, come here, I will reward you..." The Demon King was very pleased and immediately grabbed a handful of gold, silver and precious stones and threw them on the floor. When the palace maids saw this, they raced to pick up as many as they could, thei
Last Updated : 2022-06-21 Read more