All Chapters of Dark Universe System: Chapter 91
- Chapter 100
177 chapters
Chapter 91
Dark Universe System/Jibu
After Lucian had completed everything, he observed that the magic was gradually losing its effect, and he started to feel a severe ache in his body. He was conscious of the fact that he had once again used up too much of his magic, and the consequence of this action was that he was now vulnerable. Despite this, Lucian breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the man beneath him open his brown eyes. Before uttering the straightforward word "thanks," he mustered up a feeble smile in her direction. Someone was pushing the matted light brown hair away from his face, and as his grizzled face became more visible to him, he felt gratified.Reluctantly, Lucian gave a very slight nod and murmured in a low voice, "Just returning the favor..." after he nodded. He had just used a significant number of his reserves of energy, and as a consequence, he was beginning to experience symptoms of dizziness and lightheadedness. Someone quickly reacted and grabbed him to prevent him from falling on his face.
Chapter 92
Dark Universe System/Jibu
When they were only a short distance away from The Defense Academy, they stopped moving forward and remained motionless. Samsonova was standing in front of the door, consulting with a couple of other people, as a steady stream of people came up, seemingly reporting, getting barked instructions from Steven, and then leaving. Nick, who was concerned about the situation, took the initiative The security guards returned to their previous level of alertness as they quietly followed behind him."What are your thoughts on the subject, Steve? Do you think there's a problem? Is there anyone who appears to be struggling?" Steve let out a long sigh and ran his hand through his thick, dark hair. “Nick! Lucian, have you seen her? She hasn't been seen in hours. Micheal mentioned that she had left the library, but she really should have returned by now. We have information that a mesmer is currently on the run, and it appears that she is a... why do you have guards with you at this time? To be more
Chapter 93
Dark Universe System/Jibu
He gave a nod. "As you mentioned, the presence of your blood would be a powerful magnet for those organisms to seek you out. That is exactly what you mean. It's always the same, and as a result, I'm not sure how this one got in there in the first place. However, because it is always the same, I don't mind. They can hypnotize anyone who does not have an exceptionally high level of mental fortitude and the ability to move at breakneck speed. They have the power to do this to anyone who comes into contact with them. Because they are light sensitive, you will only be able to see them after the sun has set. This is the only opportunity you will have. The fact that this group does not immediately execute its victims after capturing them is by far the most disturbing aspect of this group. They are then returned to their hiding places in the forest, where they are kept alive for an extended period of time as a reliable source of food... "Everyone at the dinner table had a sad expression on t
Chapter 94
Dark Universe System/Jibu
Joan jumped to her feet, giving off the impression that she was in a state of total panic, and darted in the direction of the kitchen. A little while later, the front door of the structure opened, and a worn-out looking Luke who appeared to be absolutely out of breath entered the structure. His eyes traveled the entirety of the room, and as it did so, he quickly recognized their private congregating. It didn't take long for a huge smile to break out on his face, and he ran over to join them like a dog that had just been given a bone.“Lucian! It seems as though you are doing well, praise be to the Lord." Before giving his report, which was as follows: "Two wounded on the wall, but no one's dead," he sat down and looked at Steve and Jason first. This time, there were only the two of them together." It seemed as though. Jason, Steve, and Raph had all let out a little bit of thestress that she hadn't seen any of them holding in until just now. He hadn't seen any of them holding it in unt
Chapter 95
Dark Universe System/Jibu
"Good morning, Lucian !" Have you heard anything about what happened the previous night?" She paused for a moment before turning her attention to Joshua, who appeared to be overjoyed. He had bright red hair that contrasted with his pale skin, and he was freckled all over. His hair was a sharp contrast. He was quite endearing with his excitement. His lanky build and slight jerkiness in his movements suggested that he was still adjusting to the effects of a recent growth spurt."What happened?" Lucian asked, greeting him with a warm smile. He had a sneaking suspicion that he was talking about him, but he couldn't be sure. It's possible he was referring to another significant event that occurred in town at the same time as the one he mentioned. Evan was the first to respond, flaunting his ripped chest in the process. His dark brown eyes seemed to be bursting at the seams with power and vitality, and he exuded the confidence of a man who was well aware of his own abilities."My cousin use
Chapter 96
Dark Universe System/Jibu
Lucian longed to be able to muster the necessary strength right at this moment. According to what he had overheard, the fact that they had only eliminated one mesmer the night before indicated that there were most likely still living people being tormented in the forest. This was indicated by the fact that they had only eliminated one mesmer of the dark universe meaning they are expecting more to come. Simply contemplating it gave him a queasy feeling in his stomach.He contemplated the mana sense in total silence, and as he worked to activate it, he became aware of a slight tingling in both of his eyes. Lucian tried to ignore it at first, but eventually it became distracting. He became aware that he could make out a barely perceptible blue aura emanating from one of the people in front of him, and as a result, his steps slowed down ever-so-slightly as a result of this realization. As Lucian quickly regained his composure, he kept a watchful eye on them and purposely tripped whenever
Chapter 97
Dark Universe System/Jibu
Concerning the soldiers, or should I say guards? Did they refer to them as troops when they talked about them? In any case, he whirled around to face the general populace of armed people and yelled "Attention!" in his military voice. Everyone tried to stand a little taller, as if it were even possible. "I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you to recruit Lucian at the base and as well a healer who has been researching the mesmer taint for quite some time." As Lucian continued to explain what he meant, the audience members let out a few shocked sighs and stared at him in disbelief.Lucian kept going up, You will treat him with the utmost respect and be available to him in any way he may require. That was a very thoughtful gesture on his part. While he continued to make what he assumed were routine announcements to the military, Lucian took advantage of the opportunity to observe the soldiers. He activated his mana sense and swept it over the crowd, and to his delight, he disc
Chapter 98
Dark Universe System/Jibu
Ashley gave a glum expression before moving to the first door, which she opened and then beckoned the man who was hiding inside to come out. After this, she proceeded to the next door. Ashley acknowledged that this individual served as the unit's commander. Ashley escorted him to Lucian and questioned him, "Tell us everything you know about the dark Universe monsters" Ashley was the one who introduced them. Lucian's response reflected his complete awareness of the situation. In the meantime, he gave the order for the guards to move closer to "Frank's" room, and he stationed them near the window in a way that wasn't too intrusive.It was time to check in with them and inquire as to whether or not they had noticed anything that was out of the ordinary. As they proceeded with their line of questioning, the commander of the unit, who he believed to be Hank Mike, exhibited some signs of confusion. “Frank? To tell you the truth, there is not much more that can be said. He is a good-natured
Chapter 99
Dark Universe System/Jibu
Lucian couldn't help but chuckle sarcastically to himself as he gave him advice. “No. I am not a tri-mage... My collection of various types of magic currently stands at ten, but I expect that number to rise in the near future. Despite the fact that his shoulders appeared to be completely taken aback, he merely smiled and shrugged. "Anyway, I think it's about time we moved on to other things." There is only so much time left as he would soon be be appointed a new duty at the Dark Universe Base. The mesmer would have triggered a new warning that another species have escape.Lucian had to take a short break to eat before he could complete going through the remaining guards, which added another two hours to his mission of getting through all of them. As a result, it took him four hours to get through all of them. The fact that seventeen of the guards were no longer infected with the virus was a bright point, and the blood jar containing the infection was nearly empty. The only thing that
Chapter 100
Dark Universe System/Jibu
"You're the healer, and you discovered the doppelganger, aren't you?" Given that Lucian had only recently arrived at this location, it was remarkable how well informed he seemed to be about what had already occurred there. It occured to him the Dark Universe monsters had already engaged the village before they arrived and it was because they attack and injured the queen may be the reason why they didn’t attack afterwards and it seems to him they may attack again sooner when they regain strength. Jolting his attention back to the present, Lucian reasoned that Count David had briefed him on the situation before being taken away, so he was aware of what was going on. The real puzzle was figuring out how the mesmer had traveled such a long distance in such a short amount of time to arrive at this location without being noticed. David could have communicated with him several hours ago, when he was just getting started, but it seemed too coincidental that he would appear at this precise mom