All Chapters of Dark Universe System: Chapter 61
- Chapter 70
177 chapters
Chapter 61
Dark Universe System/Jibu
Before going on, Lucian gave him a nudge in the side, batted his eyelashes at him. After that, he carried on talking. "Holly f*ck, what a doting and kindhearted dude! I had no idea that was something that interested you!" At this moment, he was entirely on Lucian's side. After being prodded, he couldn't help but let out a short laugh and swerved to the side, but it was a little bit too late to avoid getting hit again. Lucian gave him a critical look "Hey, it's not my fault that they can't close the library until you leave." He shot a disapproving gaze in his direction before doing so. Because of how widely known your name is in the neighborhood, Jackson decided against rousing you from your sleep. If I hadn't gone by on my way back, he probably would have spent the whole night there if Lucian hadn't interrupted him. "excuses, excuses. Let's go!" Lucian reached for his backpack, only to discover that it contained nothing, and then looked in the direction of the corner to see where he
Chapter 62
Dark Universe System/Jibu
It is impossible to trust him... That was his final thought before Lucian clicked his mental choices and once again welcomed the sharp pain that had become all too familiar just before he slipped away into a blissful state of oblivion.In accordance with what was anticipated, Lucian did, in fact, awaken in the middle of the night. Yes, but only to a certain extent. The gradual brightening of the sky that Lucian could see through the window led him to believe that it was probably closer to four or five in the morning, although he could check what the time is on he system but Lucian was also trying to know what the time is by just staring at the sky.He made this estimation based on the passage of time.On the other hand, Lucian was unsuccessful in rousing anyone during this particular attempt. It's possible that it was because his gait had nearly returned to normal, or it could have been because he had developed some degree of stealth ability, even if it was only a little bit. Either exp
Chapter 63
Dark Universe System/Jibu
Lucian was unsure as to which of his statistics was to blame for the shift, or whether it was the result of a mix of several of them. He was just concerned with one thing: making sure that they continued to grow! Lucian was finally able to pull off his disguise by making himself look like a normal recruit.Lucian began his descent into insanity with a maniacal grin on his face as soon as his change was complete. Since his arrival at the base, the common area has never had a higher population density than it had at this precise moment. Lucian noticed probably about twenty separate recruits who appeared to be of at average age at several tables that were strewn about the area. Joan immediately acknowledged Lucian's friendly wave as soon as she saw it, and then she turned around and headed into the kitchen, where she hurriedly hoped to get some food for Lucian.In an effort to have a better understanding of the recruits, Lucian performed a quick scan of their eyes. There were a few indiv
Chapter 64
Dark Universe System/Jibu
Recruit Wilson was examined by Lucian in a manner that was brief yet thorough. A figure made of whipcord was topped with golden hair that was unkempt and spiked in a very specific way. His eyes were a cornflower blue that offered a startling contrast to the perfect sculpture of his face. It was obvious that he was muscled, the same as nearly everyone else in this room; nevertheless, in comparison to the others, he had a physique that was more indicative of someone who runs long distances. Wilson clothes were of a far higher quality than those of anyone else Lucian had seen at the base up to this time, with the exception of the girl seated at the table, who was very close to him. In addition, Lucian was able to make out the outline of some kind of crest on the left breast of the clothing, which contrasted well with the dark blue of the Wilson's shirt, which provided a great contrast.Yesterday, Lucian had read about the many degrees of titles, but he still did not have any knowledge ab
Chapter 65
Dark Universe System/Jibu
It appeared that he had at long last taken note of the fact that Lucian's "modest" attire consisted of the bare minimum and that his hair was in a state of disarray that was barely restrained. It was clear that he had also noticed that his hair was in a state of disarray that was barely restrained. He nodded. "Do you think that an hour and a half would be too much time for this?"In acknowledgement, Lucian nodded his head gratefully. "That'll get the job done, many thanks for your assistance. Please excuse me while I go get some water. I'll be right back." Lucian snuck a look in Joan way before continuing. "Thanks again." After wishing Prince Wilson a good day and giving him a nod of acknowledgement, he turned and walked away. Lucian was able to accidentally brush up against both of the meatheads, Jason and Samson, who Lucian had sat next to for the sake of convenience and on purpose. Lucian reminded himself that he had done this.When he was getting ready to walk past Miranda, he
Chapter 66
Dark Universe System/Jibu
When it came to imagining how it would look during the night, all Lucian could do was speculate. Behind it was the impressive sight of a massive mountain, which he immediately recognized as being the same mountain that was depicted on the reverse side of the coins.When Lucian finally turned around to look at Prince Wilson , he asked him with a beseeching expression on his face,"Please?" "When would you be able to bring me back, preferably at night? Is it even better? "It wasn't until after he laughed and gave the impression of relaxing in response to Lucian's request that Lucian realized he had kept up a calm and polite barrier with him the entire time rather than allowing him to express the typical exuberance that was characteristic of him. Lucian was surprised by this realization.It seemed as though Wilson had responded to Lucian in kind as well."That would be fantastic. ""Come on, just hold on until you see the inside of it. "At this point in the conversation, Wilson said it
Chapter 67
Dark Universe System/Jibu
He appears to have spent a significant amount of time in the open air wielding the fancy sword slung around his waist. The only indication that he was getting older was that the hair on top of his head appeared to be thinning out faster than the hair on his son's head. His carefully manicured beard appeared to be his way of expressing his displeasure with his receding hairline on top of his head.The king shaking Lucian's hand caused him to flush slightly, but she managed to keep his cool and say, "Thank you, and it's my pleasure to meet you." The fact that the king had kissed Lucian's hand caused him to blush. This is my third day in this world, and it's been a fascinating journey thus far.The king expressed his displeasure and muttered to himself, "Strange, why haven't I heard anything before this then...?"Lucian's smile revealed a hint of helplessness on his part. "Jason probably mentioned it in his report to Earth Defense Academy about his decision to let me in. Aside from that,
Chapter 68
Dark Universe System/Jibu
Lucian smiled slightly at the thought and his response was, "That hits all the right notes for me." Sharon gave the impression of being a truly pleasant person, and Lucian was a good target for increasing Sharon's ability to cast spells. Sharon's ability to cast spells was increased. There were no absent members of the family. It seemed as though the capacity to perform magic was in some way hereditary, considering that Prince Wilson had informed him that the very first King was a powerful earth magician and that two of his descendants had previously proven this skill.As soon as the magic was absorbed into the blood, it appeared to run strongly within the family, despite the fact that there were certainly some exceptions to this norm. If Lucian wanted to know something for definite, he would have to hold off and watch what the others chose to do.When the younger girl came up behind him, Sharon stepped to the side in a manner that was both graceful and subtle so that she would not be
Chapter 69
Dark Universe System/Jibu
As Lucian went through the motions of listing his personal possessions, he was suddenly brought face-to-face with the stark reality of how few there were. But other than a laptop computer, some headphones, and a few changes of clothes, it's not like Lucian brought a whole lot more to the hospital with him than that. Lucian was used to leading a plain life with few worldly possessions and he preferred it that way.“That’” Even Camille showed signs of being taken aback by what he had to say. Lucian did nothing more than merely nod his head in silence while at the same time stuffing something else into his mouth. He did this so that they wouldn't expect him to say anything. And additionally on account of the food. The focus of Camille's attention shifted to Ashanna."Mother, are we allowed to..." what we want to do?As Lucian continued to ramble on, Ashanna gave a slight nod. "Of course. See to it that Lucian is provided with whatever it is that he needs."Skyler let out a joyful
chapter 70
Dark Universe System/Jibu
It's a stroke of luck that we're all here, Prince Wilson laughed as he waited for Lucian to regain his composure before saying,"I guess it's a good thing that we're here then." He did this while snorting. Lucian nodded his head in agreement while mumbling something to him. He led him over to the window that Lucian had just observed, and he let out an exclamation of surprise as he looked outside the window.The two of them then walked over to the window together. Lucian was stunned as he stood there with his face pressed up against the window and looked outside. He was able to see, off to the side of his field of vision, other parts of the castle, such as other towers and the like.On his way in, Lucian hadn't noticed it, but there was a gorgeous garden area off to the left of the entrance, and then there was a wall after that. But beyond all of that was something that left him truly gasping for air and it was not what he expected. They could see the entire sprawling and active town t