All Chapters of WISH TO BE RICH: Chapter 171
- Chapter 180
337 chapters
“For the next item, I have to inform everyone that there’s a little treat or should I say catch to it as that’s the correct term to use here,” The auctioneer said and everyone started grunting in confusion and complaining amongst themselves.Usually, all the rules are given at the start of the auction so why was the auctioneer trying to bring something new now? The bidders wondered and weren’t appreciative of what was happening.“What exactly do you mean by that?” Master Kora asked just as the worker with the item to be auctioned stepped forward.“First of all Master Kora, I know that this is very unconventional but the client that provided us with this item explicitly instructed that we should start the bidding price at a million dollars. The second thing they requested is that we give it to the first person who makes a bid for it which means that there isn’t going to be a competition for who can pay the most as whoever raises their paddle first wins the item. We are also to hand ove
“It’s vibrating as well? Why? Grandmother never told me that things like these would happen to it so what’s going on?” Johnathan asked himself as his heart was beating really fast.He was afraid that the pendant was going to explode because this is the first time he’s experienced anything like this but then something else strange happened.“The Blood Cross, I can feel it trying to go somewhere,” Johnathan said, feeling the pendant pushing against his hand as he held onto it.Curious about this new development, Johnathan looked in the direction that he felt the pendant was being pulled towards and said “Wait, it’s getting attracted to that box? What’s going on? What’s up with that strange box and the Blood Cross anyway?”Johnathan was really confused, also doing his best to stay calm so as not to draw any attention to himself while he stared at the closed jewelry box that was similar to the one his grandmother has.“Is the Blood Cross telling me that I should bid for whatever is inside
Johnathan stood tall and confident, accepting the impressed gaze that the other bidders were showering him with. They did not only look but also murmured and gossiped about Johnathan.Their minds were blown that he had the last name Cross and because of how much he spent on an empty box, their minds were firm that he had to be from that Cross family.“I guess everything paid off. They respect me now and look like they want to form relationships with me but I can’t stop from wondering, are they acting this way because I paid for the box or because of my last name?” Johnathan asked himself but then he felt a little tug on his trouser.He looked in the direction of where the tug had come from and he saw that it was from Blessing.“What is it?” Johnathan asked and Blessing gestured that he comes closer which he did.“Another lesson to ingrain into your head Mr. Johnathan” Blessing said and Johnathan creased his forehead, wondering what this lesson could be.All her lessons so far have bee
Johnathan thought about what the man just said and he looked at Zachery.“You said these people, everyone, would do whatever it takes to maintain what they have and also grow to the next level. Does that mean you’re the same way as well?” Johnathan asked.Zachery smirked, looked the young man straight in the eyes, and said “Yes I am and so will you one day. You can’t make it in this world of ours by being pure or else you’ll end up like your parents, trampled by someone else with more ambition. Hopefully, that’s not you one day” “A good person does his best for the sake of everyone even to the detriment of themselves. A great leader on the other hand does his best for the sake of only those he looks after even to the detriment of others. Your goal is to become a leader to your family, isn’t that right Mr. Johnathan?” Zachery asked and Johnathan nodded his head.“Then you should strive to be a great one” Zachery advised then stopped focusing on Johnathan and sat upright.Johnathan tho
“Five hundred million dollars? Are you serious Mr. Zachery? I’m not even sure that the necklace is worth a quarter of that so why would you willingly offer such a grandiose amount?!” Master Kora asked Zachery while having a look of utter shock.Everyone else murmured and asked something in line with that question while they wondered if Zachery had lost his mind because only a mad person would do what he just did.The auctioneer wanted to say the same thing but he makes more money the more someone spends on an item and so he didn’t want to say anything that would affect his pockets. “Mr. Zachery, if you don’t mind me asking but what on earth is driving you to spend this much on this jewelry? There has to be a reason because pardon me for saying this but you don’t seem like the type of person who does things on a whim. Even though you try to give off that kind of aura I don’t think anyone in here buys it” The auctioneer said and Zachery smirked.“What’s there to know? The Red Panther B
Johnathan reached into the box and brought out the necklace that looked so much like what the auctioneer presented as The Red Panther, Black Souk necklace.“What’s going on? Was there some kind of mix-up? Can’t be, right? The opening that this came from wasn’t there before so how could someone have mistakenly put this in here—“ Johnathan asked himself then he remembered Zachery.The be specific, he remembered that Zachery had spent half a billion dollars on the Red Panther Black Soul necklace and then he remembered how the man in a heartfelt manner, told him that the necklace was for his daughter whom he hadn’t seen in almost a decade.All Johnathan could see while holding the necklace I’m front of his face was something meant to fix the broken relationship between a loving father and his now grown-up daughter.Also, just holding on to the necklace made Johnathan feel like he stole something very important from a father and his daughter. So, with an intensely pricking heart, Johnatha
The assistant grabbed the wrist of Johnathan’s hand that held his box and because of what the box was housing, the action made Johnathan more apprehensive than he normally would be.“What the—? Who held me back?” Johnathan asked with a hostile tone then looked down at his hand and saw who held on to him.“Forgive my assistant’s boldness in touching you without permission Mr. Cross. He was just following my instruction so take your offense with me” Masker Kim said as his assistant let go of Johnathan’s hand.“Mine would have done the same if Master Kim and his assistant weren’t so fast in the uptake. Because of that, please accept my apologies as well, Mr. Cross” Master Kora said and Johnathan scrunched his forehead and turned to face the men.“Don’t worry about it cause no harm was done but still, what’s this about? You guys know I’m trying to catch up to Mr. Zachery before he leaves so why are you trying to delay me?” Johnathan asked and the two men smiled.“Mr. Zachery left this roo
“What?” Johnathan said in a weak voice as his eyes fidgeted uncontrollably.He got dizzy from seeing the Red Panther Black Soul necklace in Zachery’s possession which destroyed his previous belief that he was the one who had it with him.Johnathan was so lost that he didn’t know when he squeezed his box against his left thigh and the sensation brought him back to his senses to look down at it.“But I thought— this doesn’t make any— huh?” Johnathan stammered then looked at Zachery once more.“Mr. Johnathan, are you sure you’re okay? By any chance, are you having a fever? You were fine a moment ago so I’m surprised that you could have been struck with a fever spell this quickly” Blessing said as she stepped closer to Johnathan and placed the back of her hand on his forehead to check his temperature.Johnathan wasn’t by any means sick but his confusion from trying to grasp why he currently has what looked like Zachery’s Red Panther Back Soul necklace inside what used to be his empty box
Johnathan who didn’t expect to hear those encouraging words scratched the back of his head and chuckled bashfully.“It wasn’t a big deal Mr. Zachery, I was just doing what I thought was right so there’s no need to thank me,” Johnathan said and Zachery extended his hand for a handshake.Johnathan shook the man’s hand and Zachery said “You might not have been raised by your real family but you still ended up becoming an honorable man like your father. This just proves that the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree and I’m sure that this tree in particular is proud of how his apple turned out” Johnathan smiled warmly and the two broke their handshake after thanking Zachery back for his kind words.Johnathan stood there as Zachery and his people entered the cars, leaving only the auctioneer who stood by Zachery’s open back seat door so he could close it for the man.“Mr. Johnathan, I guess this is goodbye. Hopefully, we will see each other again. I will like to see how much you’ve gro
Johnathan closed the letter, folding it the way it used to be, and said “Should I read this? Am I even allowed to read this? A love letter is like a diary and should only be seen by the owner and maybe someone else if they’ve been given permission. Would it be right if I go ahead with reading this?”Johnathan didn’t want to pry into someone’s privacy so he contemplated what to do with the letter in his hand but then he looked at the box on his car’s dashboard and then at the necklace resting peacefully on his passenger’s seat.“Without knowing why, I paid and got these two strange items which weren't because I wanted anything specific but because my Blood Cross, an heirloom entrusted to me was drawn to either if not both items,” Johnathan said then looked down at the letter in his hand.“Doesn’t that make me involved in whatever this story is? I think I’ve been permitted to read this, right?” Johnathan said then sighed “Yes I have and I should be able to read this without worries”Aft