While the lightning domain was held at the center of the typhoon, all the thunder and lightning were being compressed into 64 different points around the domain.In the center of the domino a person remained still while lightning bolts like poisonous snakes surrounded him waiting for the moment to show their fangs and attack him."It seems that I have no other options" Chris.Appearing out of nowhere nine glass bottles could be seen, each one had a red substance inside.Each of the bottles had the blood of each of the girls around Chris.(Mana, Astrid, Lulu, Visia, Kaguya, Beatriz, Kira, Lily and Aurora)In order to refine the Eternal immortal body, he had to be exposed to great pressure that destroys his body both internally and externally, so that each time it refines and rebuilds itself, becoming more and more powerful and stronger until in the end it becomes the physical. Divine Immortal and the horrific power of the heavens that was accumulating on him, was more than enough to fu
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