(LOS ANGELES)Dr. Trisha was with Robin in Mr. Allen’s house, both seated and having a quiet conversation. Trisha exhales and said, ,” You're perfectly fine now” “better than ever”, he replied, “like I was made whole again”Trisha smirks and replies, “Now we’re all free from the troubles of gods… we can have…” “I was gonna ask you out on a date…”, he interrupts, “if you're interested… Doctor” Trisha smiles and replies, “and what would I be doing around you” “We’re but humans… and we require medical care frequently… you'll always be there for me”, he answered and she giggles before rising up, “I’ll go with you, Robin”..************** .(UNITED KINGDOM)(HOUSE OF GATES)Board members of the company were having a meeting, and this included Mr. Gates himself, and Felicia; his daughter who was actually lost. She wasn’t paying attention to the discussion as her mind was far off away from it. She seemed to be thinking of Robin, but he's with som
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