Just as she said, Lena drove Brenda to Monroe's house. But she left as soon as she dropped her off. Brenda entered the house. It wasn't locked at all. Maybe he left it open for her? Anyway thieves won't be able to get in here anyway. The place is a highly guarded Villa with heavily guarded estates in it. This kind of property, it must be worth millions.Brenda entered the house and sat on the sofa. There was no one else in the house. Brenda decided to wait for him, soon, she fell asleep on the sofa.When Monroe got home, it was already late. Very late. Immediately he entered the house, he saw the woman sleeping on the couch sleeping. Subconsciously, Monroe moved closer to her.Now that he was looking at her, she looked more and more like that girl. Seeing her sleeping face like this, if she had not told him those things herself, he would have been convinced that she was her.He reached out his hand and touched her face. But her eyes snapped open at once. "What are you doing?" She aske
Last Updated : 2023-03-19 Read more