All Chapters of Marie: Chapter 21
- Chapter 30
94 chapters
Story of a friend
The torture of the student lasted for a while longer until Joseph managed to convince the three boys that they need to leave the poor student.He also told Pythia that the student would be punished for touching her body.When he was put on a stretcher, the student had a dead look accompanied by a face of terror.Joseph followed the doctor to ask the status of the young man, but the doctor only replied, "This young man lived death and pain on different levels.As a doctor, I can only say that if he can move, it is a great achievement; most likely, it will remain in a plant state.His mind suffered great damage. You want, I can inform the general about what happened to his son, or you want to do it yourself. "Joseph smiled and looked at the young man on the stretcher while he pulled out his gun and put a silencer on him. "That is the protocol for living and in-service generals.A few days ago, we learned about the rape of two students by this student, the general intermediate, to avoid
Art class
After observing the training of the wrestling team, the bell that marks the end of the recess rang.Marie returned to her classroom, accompanied by Suzie and Naolin; when they arrived, they took their seat and prepared to receive the next teacher.To Marie's surprise, a woman entered who appeared to be in her 30s but had a large scar on her face that crossed from her left eye to her right cheek."Good afternoon, young people. I am your teacher in Arts and history.You can also call me Lieutenant Xanat before you ask me I will answer the question you ask me most."Xanat pointed to his scar on her face. "This scar I got while I was on patrol in the mountains with my battalion and we were ambushed by a gang of criminals.It reminds me every day that life can end at any moment, so the best way to enjoy the life is by doing what you love. "With a smile on his face, Xanat approached the board and began to write in large letters. Theater play."The project of this class by the end of the sc
Toltecayotl class
The teacher could see how her students seemed not to understand what Toltecayotl was.The only one who knew what the teacher meant was Naolin, who was happy and showed it with a slightly tender smile while looking at the teacher."Very well. Before I begin, let me introduce my name is Emma. I am your Toltecayotl teacher, an art brought by our great patron god Damian and taught by the guardian god Quetzalcoatl.Toltecayotl is a way of being able to reach a higher state in which one is not tied to the world.Currently, in our nation, there are only four people who managed to enter the first stage.I am one of those people, but let me explain a little more. "Emma started using her internal energy to release her internal energy in the form of a mist."We must know that according to the cosmology of our Anáhuacs ancestors, the body is divided into four equal parts and a center that maintains balance.The center of our body is the navel because our mother's womb is our beginning after conc
The truth 1/2
Marie, who was being carried by her sister, could only recharge on Pythia's shoulder while she could see how the other young people looked at her with curiosity and respect.When they went down the elevator, Marie remembered that her aunt had woken up in the morning. "Sister, you think it would be a good idea to discuss our origin with our aunt.She is Damian's sister, but at the same time, we don't know much about her, or the ideal would be to wait.Dad always says that it is not good to give information to the enemy because then he can use it against us. "Pythia hugged her little sister. "Even if she's an enemy, all the information she gets will be useless for her.This is because she belongs to another universe.You see, Papa Damian, before he convert in god, he was a human named Damian, was a Mexican who married a woman named Miyuki.But that doesn't matter what matters is that when he died in a train accident, he was reborn as a god. Our father's sister belongs to the stage when
The truth 2/2
After hugging for a few moments, the three separated to take a seat in their respective chairs.Quetzalcoatl, Naolin, and mother Tonantzin entered the dining room while they arranged the dishes.They did not want to ask anything about what they had talked about as it would be something of bad education, so they only limited themselves to preparing the table for food.After this, Quetzalcoatl started serving the food. "Today I wanted to prepare something a little different and much stronger than usual.A delicious Huasmole with pork, red rice, and handmade purple tortillas. "It was the first time Sunshine and Marie had heard about that meal. Pythia was very happy because Huasmole is one of his favorite foods.Marie, when seeing that her sister was happy and did not seem to bother her, the strong aroma of Huasmole, prepared her spoon and tasted the green broth of her plate.Her eyes widened in surprise, and her face made a rather funny face; for her part Sunshine after trying. The Huas
Starting the training
At dawn, Marie could feel some kisses on her forehead. When she opened her eyes she could see her sister Pythia, who was looking at her with a smile."It is time to wake up as we have to go with my father Quetzalcoatl to be able to train at Toltecayotl before the classes start. We don't have much time."Marie looked at Pythia oddly for a moment before getting up and stretching her little hands.After that, she scratched her eyes and clung to her sister's neck. "Come on, Marie is ready."Pythia scratched her head and charged Marie as she headed for the elevator where she once entered, placed her mark on a special panel, and the elevator began to descend.As she went down, Marie was surprised when the elevator lit up and became transparent, revealing a beautiful lake that was illuminated by artificial light.Somewhat sleeping, Marie could enjoy the beautiful panorama that her eyes could see, especially that it seemed to be a fairly clean and calm lake.When the elevator reached the grou
Cursed Artifacts
Quetzalcoatl, with his hands on his hips, began to give some indications "Very well girls, I would like you to open your eyes and see your bodies with your divine energy."Marie opened her eyes and could see the beautiful crimson color her sister gave off.Pythia, for her part, could see the beautiful gray color of her sister, but it was not until the two looked at their own hands that they noticed the colors they had around them.Marie scratched her head, "Quetzalcoatl, why my sister has a beautiful red color, and I have a gray color that depresses me a little."Quetzalcoatl started laughing. "Don't get carried away by looks. Try to think that gray is red like your sister's."Marie nodded and could see how the gray energy became red energy, although the energy did not have a beautiful crimson color but a tomato red color.Pythia and Quetzalcoatl waited to see Marie's complaint, but to their surprise, what they could see was Marie quite cheerfully playing with the colors of her divine
Meeting with the oracle
Quetzalcoatl began to teach how they should feel their divine energy because Marie did not find a color she would like to decide to use, a kind of rainbow of colors.So seeing Marie controlling energy with bright colors, make Pythia laugh at how funny her sister looked.While they were training from the lake, a kind of octopus made with a black mist came out.The strange being tried to leave the lake, but a muscular man appeared and using a macuahuitl of divine energy split in half the octopus while it became a fine black powder that was cleaned by the lake water.Pythia could recognize that this man was Naolin in his version of a big man. "Who would say that this little boy can become a male, but in his days off or the morning, he behaves like a three-year-old boy.The world of the gods is incredible. "Naolin cleansed the water from his body in a very cliché way while walking to Pythia. "What do you think of your fiance is beautiful and strong enough for a lady like you?"Pythia beg
Entrance to Marie's memories
Marie opened her eyes and could see how everything moved around her. It was the first time that something like that happened to her, so she lost her balance and fell to the ground.But she could never touch the ground, since Pythia stopped her before she fell. The oracle woman began to turn into dust, and everything returned to normal.Almost immediately, Quetzalcoatl and mother Tonantzin appeared to see what had happened.When they saw Marie with blood on her nose and reloaded in Pythia's arms, they used their divine energy to find the people responsible.Using divine energy could be felt throughout the world, so all prepared nations entered into surveillance mode, pointing their satellites to Mexico in order to wait and see what will happen.This is because the divine energy that Quetzalcoatl and mother Tonantzin were releasing was aggressive, which ignited the red lights.In the north, Lucifer, who was on his throne, could only smile when he felt the energy coming from Mexico. "I w
Father's work
Pythia could see Apollo and Damian walking towards where they were.When they arrived, the first to do for Damian was duck and hug their two daughters. "My daughters, sorry for not being with you.But I had to go at that moment. This area is a small inner world that I create for you two, where you will be taken in case you are in danger.I am just a memory that lives deep inside of you, and I can only appear for a very short time, but I promise that the time I am with you will take advantage of it as best I can. "Apollo looked at Damian while shaking his head. "So you are my brother in another universe. That explains why you two have the purest blood of Olympian gods at this time.But where are my manners?I am Apollo, or rather I am a thought that has self-awareness.The true Apollo died long ago, but seeing this young man makes me understand many things. "Damian cleaned the tears from the face of his two daughters and looked seriously at Apollo. "I understand what you want to do,