All Chapters of Wolfed: Chapter 41
- Chapter 50
66 chapters
Chapter 41
Lyall stood frozen in pure shock of what was before him. The Gamma’s headpiece had fallen out in the chase and Lyall decided to go personally to let his father know about the status of the car. He never imagined to see his tough, hardened brother to be crying while practically cradling Lucian. Lyall didn’t know what happened to her but whatever she’d done had damaged the BMW enough that it lost control.While taking in the scene, he looked more closely at his friend and noticed her severe wounds but that couldn’t amount to the emotional pain that stabbed him like a knife in the gut. His brother was in love with his best friend who he also had strong feelings towards. They weren’t romantic feelings but he didn’t want his friendship with Lucian to be severed because of his brother.Lyall slowly walked backwards deciding to go through the front door of the house instead of returning through the back entrance. When he finally turned around, all he could see was his brother and Lucian in hi
Chapter 42
“Lyall,” Eliseo was at the door, “Let her rest. It is not yet time for her to receive visitors.”I almost smiled behind my bandages if it didn’t hurt so much. Eliseo was ready to let Freki and Lupe see me but not Lyall? Maybe because he was slightly emotionally unstable.“But Draugluin gets to,” Lyall glared daggers at the doctor as if to challenge him but Eliseo did not avert his gaze. What was with that childish response anyway? It took a lot of energy not to giggle knowing it would be really painful.“He is not recovering from an injury and is the one person besides myself and Amelia who is to report her condition to Alpha. Alpha wants Lucian to be healthy so he can speak with her.”‘Yeah, right,’ I wanted to snarl. What he meant to say was that Alpha wanted to scream his head off at me for doing something so reckless.Without a word, Lyall stood. The way he was slumped over made him look like a zombie. That sent a shiver down my spine. Good thing zombies weren’t real. I watched Lya
Chapter 43
It was too bad I couldn’t learn my new duties because my plane ticket to Paris was in three days. It was a nonstop flight to Charles De Gaulle airport which was the largest airport in Paris, was twenty two miles from the catacombs; a 47 minute drive if traffic was generous after being dropped off at our hotel, the Solar Hotel, which was roughly $81 per night. By the time we got there it would 9:53 pm as Paris was about eight hours ahead of my home. At least that’s what I assumed, I wasn’t quite sure. Maybe seven hours.“For ticket prices for both ways, food, hotel room expenses and transportation, your entire trip will cost about eighteen thousand easy,” Ermengarde counted on her fingers as she, Rusty and I sat at the island in the kitchen sipping hot cocoa. “Perhaps twenty thousand depending on the type of restaurants you go to or if you’ll eat at the hotel. You might want a room with a refrigerator in it so you can just buy food from the grocery store and eat that instead.” Leave it
Chapter 44
After twenty minutes outside our gate, we boarded the plane with no issue but our seats were across the aisle from one another. Nice move Alpha Mother. Clear irritation showed on Draugluin ’s face as he glared at me. I chuckled at his immaturity then stuck my tongue out at him. It seemed as if he were about to move seats before a heavy set man in a very nice suit sat between him and me in the aisle seat. I had an aisle seat as well while Draugluin had a middle seat. There was already a man with glasses reading a newspaper by the window on Draugluin 's side so he was trapped.“Mom, can I sit by the window?” a young boy tugged on the skirts of a woman with short, caramel-colored hair who was staring at the seat numbers. Her eyes lit up when she saw my row.“Yes, yes,” she gently pushed her son forward as there were other passengers waiting to find their own seats standing behind them.“Look Mom! I can see all the different planes!” The boy had to be about seven and he resembled his moth
Chapter 45
‘Of the pillow?’ He mouthed back.‘No. That I have better company.’‘Oh sure, you looked like you were having a great time,’ Draugluin then smiled, knowing I hadn’t been very happy listening to Patty and I glared at him as I was given my pillow. I regretting being able to read his lips so easily.I actually fell asleep, probably truly mentally exhausted. When I woke up, the plane was getting ready to land in Charles De Gualle airport. Patty was shaking her son awake when I glanced to my left. I couldn’t believe she didn’t try to tap me to wake up just so she could talk. I noticed an open notebook on her lap and read one page with my excellent vision. She was actually sad that she wouldn’t get to see Woody for five more days and hoped that everything went smoothly for the both of them. She even admitted to hating planes so much that it made her ill and that distracting herself was hard. Patty then complained about how easy her son adjusted to flying and behaved well. I never met a pers
Chapter 46
“Bonjour,” I replied in one of the few French words I knew. My voice alerted Draugluin that the waitress was speaking to us.“Une table pour deux s’il vous plait. De préférence dans le dos?” Draugluin smiled politely at the woman who blushed.“Suis moi,” the woman grabbed to menus and weaved through some tables until she reached one near a window.“Merci,” Draugluin nodded as he sat across from me. I also nodded in thanks, still feeling like a complete idiot. “She seems nice.”My eyes traveled up and down Draugluin ’s face, curious of why the waitress blushed. He was handsome and, when he smiled sincerely, he could be considered charming. Draugluin was currently looking over the menu, his lips moving slightly as he read.“What do you want?” He looked up at me and I quickly averted my eyes to the window.“I can’t speak French nor read it.” Hopefully I sounded like myself and didn’t seem awkward after staring at him.“They have broccoli cheddar soup or tomato with basil, ones you're par
Chapter 47
“I probably wouldn’t go along and have at least one other trustworthy person with me who knew the catacombs as well or better than I did.” Draugluin interjected.“But you’re a guy, girls aren’t like that. If she was truly down here to hide Randolph’s writings, she wouldn’t bring a man or woman with her lest they do something to her or the books and she definitely wouldn’t want them to betray her if they ever made it to the surface. Girls in love can be pretty possessive and if she was infatuated enough to hide his works, she would’ve done this journey alone. Just like if you died and someone tried to steal your research that you’ve done. I wouldn’t take Freki or Ermengarde or Lyall with me because I don’t want them to carry the burden of knowing where it is, nor would I want anyone else to know since it isn’t any of their business.”“Well, when you put it like that, it kind of makes sense,” Draugluin grumbled. With no lights, the catacombs became eerier than I’d remembered on the tou
Chapter 48
“The voice, it’s male and slightly rusty. What does ‘Libérer mon espèce’ mean?”“Liberate my species? No, free my species,” Draugluin joined me at the fork in the road. “Unless Randolph knew magic, there’s something definitely wrong here.”“Maybe, or maybe it’s a protective charm so that only werewolves could understand and pick it up. Perhaps the gypsy’s only purpose was to hide Randolph’s writings and preserve them. She might not have known about it being a beacon to wolves.”“Interesting theory but technically we aren’t even halfway through the catacombs. T find something so soon is almost unsettling.”We sat in silence except for Draugluin translating a few things such as “Help free us”, “Save me and mine” and just a few other phrases that constantly repeated themselves. Finally I stood, making a firm decision.“I’ll go first and you can follow.”“No, Lucian, I forbid you.”“As Alpha Son, our pack needs you. I can’t allow you to go first. It’s not that I don’t think you’re capable
Chapter 49
“That’s it!” Bayard pounced and landed on me. The sudden attack and smack to the ground only temporarily paralyzed me before I quickly shoved the boy backwards, grabbed his scruff and pulled him to the ground, now pinned beneath me.“Poor puppy,” my antagonizing sent the adolescent wolf into a squirming rage. Shockingly enough, Julias didn’t move a muscle to defend his packmate. Probably as punishment for not following orders and to keep the boy’s pride in check. “We are Argent Pack members, also called the White Guards of France. Our main purpose is watch over all historical artifacts to werewolf history throughout France."The Argent pack was the third largest pack in the world, spread throughout France with only one main house but branch homes throughout reclusive areas. There were certain werewolves who watched, or guarded, certain parts of France and the entire pack was known for only having white or light grey fur and spent most of their lives in wolf form, only becoming humans
Chapter 50
After hopping in the passenger seat, Bayard said, “Take this,” and handed me a blindfold, similar to a superhero mask that partially covered the top of the nose and to top reached my hairline. He tied it tight and I felt the sting of pulled hair. I growling at him and I smelt a twinge of fear before it quickly dissipated. “You can’t see where we’re going if that wasn’t obvious enough,” Bayard snorted before probably securing a mask around Draugluin ’s head with a thorough inspection by his superior that it was on correctly.Once everyone was seated and buckled in, Bayard locked the doors and revved the engine. The truck roared to life, startling some passerby’s as I could hear their squeals of surprise and fright.“When we arrive, you will act as if you were cordially invited as guests,” Julias instructed us as we drove out of the city. “There will be werewolves there that do not have deep knowledge of the inner workings of the pack and don’t need to know the real reason you are there