All Chapters of Return of the S-class Young Master: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
106 chapters
Semifinals Round: Healing & Protecting
It was Rito!It was common knowledge that Cielo, the top genius of the Regalia Clan of the Hidden Families, had awakened and contracted the clan’s guardian beast during the Claiming that was not meant for him – he practically gate-crashed and still got away with it. His contracted beast was a powerful black serpent that even her Ling Long was wary of for some reason ever since the two beasts met countless years ago!After realizing that the injured person in the broken pagoda might be Cielo, Velicia, who wanted him to fight his own battles, changed her mind.Velicia would not allow any room for regrets. Never.He was clearly the crème de la crème of the Hidden Families that could ward off the ambitious Free Cities and Major Tribes, but he didn’t have the arrogance that the supposed peerless geniuses should have.Despite not knowing who she was, Cielo Regalia showed benevolence to her. Though he did it as a friend, the complete opposite of what she felt for him, Velicia still appreciat
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Semifinals Round: Cielo VS. Xerxex
Xerxex Hiperia, who was sporting tattered and bloodied combat gear, remained silent. Unmoving from his spot, his eyes flashed with deep hatred and greed.Cielo cursed in his mind as he subtly summoned his God’s Eyes. On cue, his eyes flashed with a deep blue glow.Ping![ENEMY: XERXEX HIPERIA]Ping![KIND: HUMAN, BEAST TAMER]Ping![BRIEF BACKGROUND: ONE FIGHTER OF THE HIPERIA TRIBE. HE IS THE SON OF THE HIPERIA TRIBE’S GREAT CHIEF. HE IS THE TOP FIGHTER AMONG THE PRODIGIES OF THE MAJOR TRIBES.]Ping![UNIQUE SKILL: NONE. BEAST TYPE DID NOT MEET THE STANDARD FOR A UNIQUE SKILL]Ping![ATTACK FORCE: SACRED TIER (CLASS A)]Ping![STRENGTH: STRATEGY. MIND GAMES.]Ping![WEAKNESS: SURPRISE ATTACK]“You are finally using your God’s Eyes.” Xerxex Hiperia sauntered forward, slowly and arrogantly closing the distance between them. “Too bad that you were not able to use it during your fight with the witch. It would have served me a purpose.”Cielo’s grip around Velicia as he carried her had ti
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Finals Round: Opening Of The Mysterious Pavilion
As soon as Cielo Regalia held Velicia Aberon, the space and time around them distorted. What was once a red sky was replaced by the stale gray roof of the arena. What was once an eerie silence of the Avici Hell was replaced with the bombarding noise and cheers from the audience and the staff.Cielo Regalia immediately adjusted his senses upon knowing that there was no more unexpected danger lurking around him. He also noticed that Rito had come back to him. What was left standing on the big stage at the center of the arena was Cielo Regalia who was carrying the sleeping Velicia Aberon.The same ol’ announcer sauntered toward Cielo with a microphone in her hand. With a big grin on her made-up face, she announced. “The victors of the Semifinals Round finally came out!”Cheers and boos clashed.“We have witnessed how Cielo Regalia fought head-on with Avici Hell’s witch number one while Velicia Aberon fought head-on with Avici Hell’s witch number two!”Realization dawned upon Cielo Regali
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Finals Round: Jumping Down The Death Valley
As soon as Cielo Regalia and Velicia Aberon followed the Pavilion Master, they stopped minding the hatred-filled gazes from the opposing factions even from the other Hidden Families such as the Satova Clan and the Ruen Clan.Pavilion Master turn around and looked at the calm-looking warriors whom he had approved of ever since he had lost hope hundreds of years ago. He handed them an emergency survival bracelet on their right wrists. He reminded the two. “If you encounter any trouble that you can’t solve, call me. I will come to save you. But of course, it will also mean that you are forfeiting the chance to get any cultivation technique. Once a person enters, they will not be able to enter twice. Each person got only one chance in their lives.”Velicia touched her bracelet and acknowledged it. Then, she walked towards the Mysterious Ancient Pavilion with firm footsteps with Cielo Regalia in tow.The Mysterious Ancient Pavilion was open to all the beast tamers and warriors without any
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Finals Round: Chasing Cultivation Techniques
In the deep valley, Cielo Regalia stuck his upper body onto the bird’s back. He bit his index finger and dripped a drop of blood into the bird’s eye. The bird resisted violently and almost threw Cielo off its back.Cielo quickly mobilized the energy in his body and forcefully formed a temporary contract with it while ignoring the bird’s resistance. After successfully merging his core with Rito’s, temporary contracts with beasts with tiers under Witch Tier (Class C) were possible already.Under Cielo Regalia’s powerful energy pressure, the resistance in the bird’s core became weaker and weaker until it completely disappeared. It was completely subdued by him in a matter of minutes.After the contract was completed, Cielo controlled the seven-colored bird to shuttle among the light clusters and began to choose the cultivation technique he liked.On the cliff, Velicia Aberon and Ling Long saw Cielo’s actions and widened their eyes in shock before Velicia smiled at herself. There was a hi
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Finals Round: A Bold Bet
Cielo Regalia licked his lips as an adventure plan flashed through his mind. It was a bold move. But as he said, opportunities and risks came hand in hand.At this moment, Cielo Regalia noticed something. “Velicia, your energy is about to run out. Go down and rest!”Cielo looked toward Velicia Aberon and saw that the red light around Velicia’s body was almost transparent. He guessed that Velicia Aberon’s condensed energy was about to be exhausted, so Cielo rode his bird and flew toward Velicia Aberon.Realizing that Cielo Regalia was approaching, Velicia Aberon could not help but reveal a sweet smile on her face. If Ling Long was here, it would have rolled its eyes upon seeing the starstruck look in its Mistress’ eyes.“Why are you here?” Velicia’s grin widened. “I took a fancy to this. Why? Are you going to snatch it from me?”Rolling his eyes from Velicia’s theatrics, Cielo extended his right hand. “This is not against the rules and I am doing this for free.”Velicia swallowed the h
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Finals Round: Falling Into The Death Valley
They were too close to the Death Valley vortex and had no way of reversing the situation. Cielo suddenly turned around and stretched out his right hand, striking Velicia’s chest forcefully. That palm directly pushed Velicia to the top of the deep valley.Pavilion Master noticed the situation on Cielo’s side. He ran over to save the two of them, but he was still a step too late. The Pavilion Master grabbed Velicia’s hand and lowered his head to look down. He happened to see Cielo being sucked into the empty valley by the vortex.Upon seeing this scene, Pavilion Master also revealed a trace of pity and a sigh.A good seedling was gone just like that.“Cielo!” Velicia watched helplessly as Cielo was swallowed by the Death Valley. Her face was pale, and she was on the verge of a breakdown.‘No! Not again!’ She screamed repeatedly at the back of her mind.Pavilion Master pulled Velicia to the peak of the cliff. She stood at the edge of the cliff and looked down. When she saw that there was
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Finals Round: Turning Misfortune To Opportunity
When Patriarch Ren Regalia heard the door of the Mysterious Ancient Pavilion open again, Ren Regalia, hoping to see Cielo, immediately stopped his meditation and stood up to look at the entrance. However, only two people walked out, but he did not see Cielo even after a long time. Ren Regalia finally felt a little panicked. Where was his grandson? He did not believe the heresy about his son dying inside because of the connection of the black serpent did not return to the altar – it meant that Cielo was still contracted with Rito. But not seeing his grandson was still alarming. Ren Regalia quickly walked over and tugged at Velicia’s sleeve. “Have you seen that child of mine?” Velicia Aberon froze. She just stopped crying, but the mention of Cielo Regalia kicked off another round of waterworks for her. Ling Long, who was inside Velicia, could also not take it and curled himself into a small ball. With a cracked voice and runny nose, Velicia Aberon answered the poor old man. “Cielo
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A Divine Tier Illusion?
[TRIGGER WARNING TOPIC AHEAD!]In Cielo’s first lifetime, he spent his days being a burden to his little sister, Shiela. From getting dressed to taking a bath, dumping waste, and eating – he needed Shiela to do all that for him. He was a useless person in the second half of his life in his first lifetime.At that time, Cielo badly wanted to end it all. He was too ashamed of Shiela. He pitied his sister and he loved her in his own way that the only thing he could do to help her was to kill himself.A year after he became a useless cripple, he tried many ways to end himself. But every time, he failed – that was how useless he was. Committing su*cide was something that he could not even do himself!So he surrendered to fate. Cielo gradually became a shell of his former self. His once sunny disposition about becoming a hero for the people was scrapped at the back of his ass. He could not even protect himself and his family, how could he even protect the world?Because Cielo was physically
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God Tier: Plunderer Cultivation Technique
The red-dressed woman staggered back as she held her bleeding shoulders. She shrieked in anger. “You will pay for this!”It was only when Cielo Regalia noticed that the red-dressed lady’s hands were overly wide and powerful. They did not look like a woman’s hands but more like a man’s. A bold guess surfaced in his mind.His grandfather had told her before that Divine Tier (Class S) cultivation techniques could give birth to intelligence, and some God Tier (Class SSS) cultivation techniques could even give birth to witches. The stronger the cultivation technique, the more cunning the witch would be.Therefore, Cielo suspected that the woman in front of him was a kind of witch. Now that Cielo heard the woman’s words, Cielo knew that he had guessed correctly.Cielo asked the woman, “You’re not the consciousness that the creator of the cultivation technique left in the cultivation technique. You’re the consciousness born from the God Tier cultivation technique. You’re a witch, right?”See
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