All Chapters of Strongest Prisoners: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
317 chapters
Chapter 142 : No One Elses
While in prison, Greg had read one of the books there. A book that explains something beyond reason that is impossible for ordinary humans to achieve. On a few pages of the book itself, Greg thought that it was just a fantasy book written by someone with such a high imagination.But when Greg tries to put into practice what happened in the book. Something amazing came out of his body.Tethered Aura. A mechanic where the aura inside a person's body comes out and can help him to overcome obstacles and obstacles that he faces around him.This aura has many types and types according to each person. In that book too, Greg opened his own aura there.The Perception, a technique where he can see what other people might do or what he might be able to do to that person. Reading so many probability ratios in this universe.Likewise with The Armament. The ability to be able to change that aura into physical force which he can later apply to the target he will target.Greg felt that the power he h
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Chapter 143 : First Generation
Sometime after the incident, it turned out that the challenges faced by Greg and the prisoners had not been completed. They all have to face new challenges from the monitor screens in each room.Each dangerous challenge, of course, takes a toll of all of them. So, in the long run, little is left of the challenge.Until. Greg also managed to escape from the last hurdle. Each obstacle also trains every aspect of the resistance of the body itself.Greg never thought that he could last that long and that far. But the prisoners who continue to live and are always with him, say that the reason they are still alive is because of Greg himself.In the past, Greg might not have been the nicest person. He may not be someone who can be considered a role model whose actions can be imitated by many people. But in this place, somehow he felt different.Greg felt that this place gave him an opportunity that he never did before.As it turned out, besides the room and also the prisoners who were with G
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Chapter 144 : No Power
Several days had passed since Spike was isolated in the cell with GregSpike woke up in a cell that has much better facilities than before.The mattress in the cell still looked good and neat as if it had just been unwrapped. Spike doesn't know exactly where he is now.Until he saw a statistics screen on the monitor“Wait, this is... the Battleborn Cell I came from before? What really happened?" Spike asked himself.This cell looked exactly like the cell he had just entered the Battleborn prison. Complete from the color of the walls which are blue dim, lights that have small light power. The extent that iron bars are difficult to open from the inside, is a sign that he is still currently in detention.Spike is afraid that if he goes back in time and repeats everything he has done in the prison.He tried to look at his hands now. Realized that the dark skin on his hand was not his own. But Jacob's hands previously controlled his body and mind at the same time.“Zerg, are you still ther
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Chapter 145 : Warm Bodies
Moving like the wind, Spike tries to go to the toilet in the prison in a great hurry. He was really curious about what he would find in there.Not listening to orders from Zerg, Spike himself didn't know what he expected to appear there. Maybe a new piece of information in this prison would be enough to allow him to find out more about the prison itself.“Spikes. I don't want to be responsible for anything you will do now. If anything happens to you, I won't help you…” Zerg said to Spike.Spike just kept running. For him, prohibition is an order for the brave only. If going to the toilet is such a bad thing, then Spike doesn't know what cowards will do.Located right in front of the toilet. Spike realized that several people were already in there. Spike still had no idea what he might find, but the powerful aura rising from inside the toilet coming out of it was truly terrifying.It's like something is holding him back from going inside, preventing him from knowing about the informati
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Chapter 146 : Trapped in a Body
“Now what are you going to do Spike after seeing the horror? Are you going to run and chase hopes that you may have never achieved? Are you going to die in this simulation? I'm really very interested in what you're going to do now…” Said Zerg who was clearly reluctant to help Spike who was really in trouble right now.Without further ado, Spike immediately tried to run from the siege of insane people who had a tendency to act strange there.Even though Spike himself didn't know if running away was one of the things he could do and could save Jacob's own life.Spike looked back. And before he tried to set foot, he Brooke and his herd had suddenly surrounded him and were right in front of him.“Jacob... What are you going to do by looking behind the toilet? Do you really want to square off on this power of yours right now?” asked Brooke trying to play games with Spike now.Spike just smiled shyly, he couldn't possibly escape if they kept blocking the door of the toilet right now. He wan
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Chapter 147 : United as One
Spike is inside the cafeteria section. He realized that something was different now.The prisoners are still there, doing all the new activities they are doing. Which is also of course, testing the abilities they each have.Starting from prisoners who can emit fire from their hands, accidentally burning their own clothes and pants.To the extent that prisoners have the power to harden something. Thus making it unable to hold and also destroy objects that he touches.Spike wondered, was the neutralization system in the canteen still not implemented properly or did the guards escape their surveillance?All Spike knows is the fact that the guards are being replaced by robots nowadays.“Wait, Zergs. If all the guards become robots. Where were the human guards in this prison before?” asked Spike, realizing something.“You think those who guard us in prison are really robots? Huh. How innocent you are. They are not machines that are driven and think by using a chip like a smartphone. Right
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Chapter 148 : Hope of Freedom
A few days since supranatural power has been awakenedThe prisoners are lining up in the cafeteria right now. The place that was supposed to be a place to rest and also take shelter for the prisoners turned into a place where they all channeled their aspirations to be able to escape from the mud puddle now.Have the same determination to get out alive and fight to achieve what they have wanted.They could have killed each other's comrades as well as prisoners, making what should have been done easier and speeding up what should have been done in the first place.But the prisoners were reluctant to do so. They still believe that the power of hope is the main force that will not be shaken there.Right in front of the line of prisoners. There are 3 people who are leaders in this massive liberation plot today. They are a beacon of hope for those who have given up hope with the chaos and destruction of the world around them right now.Gervais, with his new ability, might become a new leade
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Chapter 149 : Golden Fist
“Gervais, what happened to you? It shouldn't be like this…” Greg muttered, still unable to believe what he himself was seeing right now.The big man immediately tried to help Spike who was leaning against the wall and holding the wound on his chest by pressing his hand deeply.“Jacob, go now. Hurry and treat yourself. I'll fix this ASAP." Greg said to Spike now.But on the other hand, Spike's iron fist has disappeared because it was stolen by Gervais now.Gervais' right hand which was just an ordinary hand before had turned into a giant golden yellow hand now.With his new power, Gervais won't be defeated easily if he has to face Greg alone now.Spike, who has no more power than moaning in fear, tries to walk with his feet and hands which are floundering on the floor. Splattered blood is a sign that a new nightmare is about to begin. A sign that their hopes will be crushed.Seeing that Spike was walking towards the outside, Greg tried to protect Spike now by blocking Gervais from chas
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Chapter 150 : Fragmented Memories
Spike struggles trying to get out of the fight between the two strongest people in the prison. If he remained caught between the two of them, the chances of him being squished to death and unable to breathe was extremely high.Gervais, who stabbed Jacob right in the heart, was absolutely right and almost stabbed him inside and out. Luckily Jacob was able to thicken his cardio vascular walls as well as his cellulite so that the knife would be able to keep him alive and not die instantly.He had arrived outside the control room, and was trying to find a way out and a safer place than where the room was now.And when he looked out of the room, Spike saw a truly horrifying sight.Instead of fighting robotic guards that get in their way, the prisoners fight with their own kind.The battle that destroyed many objects and the surrounding environment was extremely chaotic and had no order at all to be seen.Perhaps, this is what would happen if a human being was equipped with great and powerf
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Chapter 151 : Beneath the Mask
Several months before the first rebellion beganZerg, with its disfigured face was never considered by the prisoners in this prison. Because of his ugly face, he was shunned and ridiculed by the other prisoners. In fact, he is often regarded as a monster by all of them.But in the same group as him, Zerg is with members of the low-hats who are still in the same group as him. Cole.While in this prison, Cole never really showed his figure. He seemed to be hiding in the shadows. Set amidst the chaos and also monitor possible opportunities.And all this time, Zerg had been working for Cole to make sure that everything was okay.In fact, the reason Zerg was able to win and stay alive in the first challenge was that Cole was always trying to direct him. Provide options as well as strategies that can be used to stay alive.Cole is one of the reasons Zerg is where he is today.After placing each cell. Cole ordered Zerg to gather some members of the Low-hats who are in this prison. As Cole kn
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