All Chapters of Strongest Prisoners: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
317 chapters
Chapter 192 : Sky Castle
The transformation of Malony's figure into a bear is of course not the realm of supernatural powers anymore. Spike is sure that this has something to do with Dimitri's scientific abilities and his thin brain.Because there was no way, a power like smoke could turn someone into that. Moreover, Tethered Aura ability. It is certain that there are other factors that influence it.Dimitri released the smoke hold he had given to Jahn Mitch as well as Henry now. They of course looked at their friend with a very worried looks.“Malony… are you still there?” asked Henry quietly, calling out to the bear and hoping that Malony would return the favor.From the bear's back, there was a lot of green smoke that was the same as the enemy Spike's bear before. Only he didn't know why the bear kept emitting so much smoke when Dimitri himself had created it.“I hate to say this. But the man's change process is not completely perfect. Part of his body is still in the form of human organs. The reason I was
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Chapter 193 : Tell The Smoke
The moon aura that belonged to Jahn and Henry now almost filled the entire room. If they kept at it, then it was likely that the aura would counter the existence of the smoke that Dimitri had there.And Dimitri, still showing no sign that he didn't have a trick in his pocket.The man in the crow masks most likely still had another weapon to use."What do you think you're going to do now?" Ask Jahn. Confident enough that he could take on Dimitri easily in a moment,“Did you think, by pulling off such an easy trick, you could beat me! Don't be so confident you failed baseball player!” Dimitri yelled out several large flakes of smoke from his hands.Every bit of smoke can make anything that touches it disappear. Because the smoke itself is a vacuum that sucks up all the material that crosses it. If indeed Jahn or Henry were touched by the smoke. So there is little chance for them to survive.Jahn and Henry of course knew that the two of them couldn't just rely on their abilities there. T
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Chapter 194 : Long Way Home
All the glass in the control room had exploded by now. The smoke that enveloped the place was also filled with so many corpses of people, thrown here and there.The fate of the members of The Six who previously fought Dimitri is still unclear. But what is clear is that the explosion did not make Spike fall or die easily.He could still stand straight as if he had not done any battle in this room.The bear that had previously been Malony had been defeated by him, without causing his internal organs to be injured or anything. Because Dimitri said that inside the bear's body, there was still Malony's figure in it.But Spike just realized something, if indeed he was like that, is it possible that the bear he previously fought was a human before? Or is it possible that the cases of the two bears are so different that it is no longer possible to be human?Whatever the odds, Spike already felt he had saved Malony. Somehow the body of the bear suddenly shrunk and turned into something else.S
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Chapter 195 : Unbounded
Spike is trying to get close to Bart Sehn now. He felt that he had indeed found someone who had been missing from the radar for a long time. Although Spike himself did not know how his condition was.By trying to be so friendly. Spike was holding Bart Sehn's shoulder now.The man's head was still bowed as if he didn't want to look at Spike now. I don't know what was on his mind, Spike actually felt so worried about him.To the extent that Spike, who activated his The Vision ability, saw so much aura emerging from within Bart now. I don't know if from the start Bart was blessed with such an abundance of aura power, or if something suspicious had happened to him. Spike really didn't know what was going on.“Spikes, back off. There seems to be something off with that guy now...” Bonnie said to Spike.But Spike doesn't feel that Bart isn't a dangerous person. In fact, he was so happy to know that the person he thought was missing and most likely dead was found in this place. Spike just ha
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Chapter 196 : Gods Invention
Spike couldn't see Dimitri anywhere. Most likely, the smoke crow-man is hiding and afraid that Spike or the survivors might find out about his whereabouts.He only dared to bring up Bart's figure to fight against him.Spike didn't know what else to define someone like Dimitri as anything other than a coward.“You son of a bitch! Quickly return Bart to the way he was before!” Malony shouted to Dimitri, who didn't know where he was right now.Seeing Bart in such a condition, of course, gives rise to such painful feelings for every member of The Six today. The partner they always cared for and trusted only became a figure of experimental material for Dimitri there.There was no telling what kind of strength Dimitri had in this state. They didn't know if Bart could really go back to how Malony was now. Spike couldn't believe someone could lack that kind of empathy.“Spike... I will help you...” Jahn said that even though his body was still injured. He felt that his burnt body was still ca
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Chapter 197 : Evolutionary Tree
Spike wants to tell the other members of The Six that there is a high probability that the real Bart is still alive and living there. But look at the situation now. Spike felt that this was impossible to do.Bart's body which expands into a giant-like monster is completely uncontrollable. Even for Dimitri who had done the experiment.Spike can only hope that he can fight Bart with such satisfying results."Iron fist. Why are you just standing there? Quickly attack him!” Jahn shouted who kept trying to aim for the head from Bart now.Spike was silent because he wanted to know which point he could attack and look for the weakest point in Bart's current figure. Even using The Vision, Bart's body which is now too complicated to be scrutinized.“Bonnie, I can't fight him alone. We have to do it together from now on…” Spike replied to Bonnie the Devil who was already on guard to be able to attack the enemy.But Bonnie's focus has always been divided to protect the other The Six so they can
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Chapter 198 : Speedy Recovery
Spike's silver hands are back on his arms now, with rocket power and mysterious powers at his disposal. His silver hands had also changed to the iron fists they were supposed to be. Indicating that maybe it is a sign that the power possessed by Bart has disappeared now.With the remaining strength that Jahn and Malony had, they immediately tried to approach Bart to check on his condition.Really, they shouldn't be worrying about others like that now. Because to be honest their condition is no better than Bart himself.Jahn touched the pulse in Bart's throat, he could feel that the prisoner's pulse was very weak and almost imperceptible right now.Malony who was looking at Jahn anxiously asked for an answer from Jahn now. "I don't know, Malone. I don't know if he can be said to be alive or dead…”Bonnie looked at the three of them. He is a demon, not a savior. He couldn't save the fate of those 3 people easily now.Only Spike was there who had fought several enemies at once and was sti
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Chapter 199 : Trashy Flashy
Instead of worrying about himself, Hunn even tried to approach Bart who was lying there. Bart's condition is indeed quite deplorable because his body, which has holes in it due to Spike's previous actions, still cannot heal easily.Moreover, Bart who might have turned into a full-fledged figure by experimentation might already be unable to return to his original consciousness.Hunn tried to run to catch up with one of his members. But he had forgotten that his legs, which had taken so long to be tied up, were having a hard time getting through it. It looked like Hunn was going against his limits now.Jahn as well as Malony who was near Hunn were trying to stop the leader of his guild right now. He knew that if Hunn kept trying to force it, then he might not be able to be as healthy and fresh as before."What's with Bart?" Hunn asked the two members.“Why is everyone in this gang such a stubborn person? At least take a look at the state of yourself right now Hunn before you look at any
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Chapter 200 : Blood Clot
The robed prisoner still wearing his orange uniform with fur around his neck was in front of Spike as well as Bonnie now.There was not only one person, a figure with a very athletic face and body still wearing a robe but very brightly colored was beside that man.His hand touched a head of a man whose head was almost crushed. It was confirmed that the right side of the skull of the man had been crushed and chipped because of their actions Spike can see the contents inside the skull of the figure.Several fragments of armor with a material similar to the beak of Dimitri's bird were also seen around the man's fall. Making Spike even more suspicious about the man who is currently being crushed in an unusual way."Thank you for what?" Jahn shouted who had no idea what might happen to them now.Until finally Spike realized again that the debris around the person who was falling was like a crow's beak. Which also means that maybe that person is Dimitri.He has a big nose and is sharp too.
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Chapter 201 : Let The Flower Blossom
Spike, who is still in pain, tries to escape the attack. Assisted by Bonnie who is loyal to being by his side, he is finally able to break free after previously getting stuck inside the wall.The power possessed by Fatal Hit members is indeed a power that cannot be underestimated. And Spike's decision to challenge them to a fight was a wrong decision. He finally got the reward for his own actions now."Why are you doing all this? Killing your own members despite knowing that in the end, you were the ones who spread all of this in the first place!” Malony asked Andro there.The robed man with a pale and mysterious face looked up. He seemed to have almost forgotten The Six was in this room. So cowardly and not brave enough to fight them as Spike did before.“Ah yes... The Six. Prison dog. Of course, we do this according to calculations and also a mature plan. Not that, the plan goes without any sacrifice. Several people had to die in our plan, one of them being Dimitri himself. I don't
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