All Chapters of Strongest Prisoners: Chapter 231 - Chapter 240
317 chapters
Chapter 232 : No Body
The Deep of the Overborn Prison. Low-Hats Laboratory.Looking at his own brother's body floating within the laboratory vial, Vahn already couldn't tell who he was right now.Vahn thought that the reason his older brother could control his body was that the spirit possessed by Vahn's older sister had been wandering everywhere, making him easily accessible to her older sibling.The last memory that Vahn had was from when they were children. During the mission carried out last time by Vahn carrying the Teddy Bear doll. Tony, exploded in the last mission. And they might not be able to get back together afterward.“Vahn… I thought that you loved your brother. However, do you love her like you think you do?” Lyra asked Vahn now.Vahn stepped back, suspicious and afraid of who Lyra's true form was now. "Who are you? Why did you find my brother's body?” Vahn asked fearfully.Lyra who wanted to touch Vahn's hand was even immediately hit by the man. He didn't know what was really going on in th
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Chapter 233 : Red Twins
"Hah? Truth? What kind of truth can you take from me? I don't know anything about this prison?” Vahn answered. Thinks that Lyra has the wrong person. Vahn wasn't quite the sort of person Lyra had guessed there would be.“No Vahn. There is an explanation for why you got to the deepest point of this Overborn dungeon. The reason why you were able to survive until now...” Lyra replied to Vahn there."What kind of reason?" Vahn continued to answer.“You are the one who will open this prison. You are The Twins!” Lyra said as if what she said was very important. Though, Vahn had absolutely no idea what the girl meant.“It's really hard for me to explain now. Because it is a very long thing. However if you want to know about it, I can explain to you in the simulation room...” Lyra replied to Vahn there.“Simulation room?” Vahn asked again uncomprehendingly.“In the simulation room. You will be able to see and live within your former memories. That way, you will be able to find out about your
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Chapter 234 : Dishwasher
Vahn awoke in a semi-conscious state. All he could see was a cabinet filled with people's writings inside. He sat there with heavy eyes indicating that he was very sleepy.“Where am I...” Vahn asked himself now. Trying to find out about its whereabouts.On the right and left, there were many people who were sobbing like they had lost something very, very precious to them.Some brought roses and jasmine flowers by reading letters that were read while crying. Vahn didn't know what made them feel so sad right now.Just looking at the names in the cabinet, Vahn had the feeling that indeed people were just reading the sad stories within the letters. Drifting into a time that might happen to them later.A time when they might experience the sad story themselves later."Kid... Are you awake?" asked an old geezer with gray hair already covering all of his hair sitting over to Vahn right now. Vahn didn't know who the geezer was, but he could tell he wasn't a particularly dangerous figure."Awa
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Chapter 235 : Locked Memories
The current Vahn, was the Vahn years ago who was still a child and had just lost his Tony figure. Even the clothes he was wearing were the same clothes at the time of the explosion at the mall.Several streaks of blood were stuck to Vahn's shirt as well as his current pants. Stains of smoke as well as the explosion also stained his shirt. Bloodstains that made him look so scary at the same time.He looks like a kid who was a hit-and-run murder victim or a kid on the run from a serial killer. None of the things made Vahn look like your average little boy.Those who had been sobbing uncontrollably before even turned to face Vahn now. Looking at him with cynical eyes like a child who has lost his way.Vahn hated the stares so much. A gaze full of judgment as well as contempt. Even though no words came out of their mouths. Vahn could still tell what was going through their minds right now.“You son of a bitch! He must be a wandering bum who knows neither norms nor manners! How could a bra
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Chapter 236 : Downroad to Earth
“What do you mean code red?” the police asked simultaneously.Vahn, who heard that, was completely taken aback. He had no idea who the man was all along. And he introduced himself as Gervais. One of the highest ranking people inside the prison. While it was true that Vahn and Gervais had some things in common, Vahn felt that there was indeed something odd about the two of them.Vahn still had memories of when he was an adult and in prison. He now felt like he had stepped back in time.Even though, Vahn certainly didn't have the courage to reveal to the police the current state of the two of them. The risk Vahn would have to take was going inside the prison again and rotting away all together.The two policemen seemed not to understand the code or what Gervais meant when he mentioned code red. But from under the dashboard of the car, Vahn saw that Gervais was holding the glock and cocking it at the moment.“Sir... could you give us your papers? Who's that kid in the back? Is he your so
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Chapter 237 : Please Don't Catch Me
The sound of the siren was getting louder and louder following the journey from Gervais' car now. Even when Vahn tried to peek at her from the very back seat, there didn't seem to be a single police car chasing them.Gervais also kept checking his front mirror to look behind him. But every so often that Vahn blocking Gervais' view made her angry and immediately ordered her to get away from there.“There are no police cars on this highway at all. How can we still hear the sirens?” asked Vahn innocently.“If you think with that little brain of yours, you might understand what's happening now! Look where we are now! They are right below us!” Gervais replied to Vahn.Vahn didn't realize it until very well, as apparently the motorway forked at the top and bottom so the police cars kept trying to chase him even though they weren't sharing the road with him.But suddenly, the road above the toll road began to look deserted. There didn't seem to be any cars there. Which made Gervais even more
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Chapter 238 : Message from the Limbo
Vahn was in the dark. The last memory he had was of him being in a police car now. Staring at the deserted highway because no one was chasing him anymore.Vahn was like he was inside the black hole himself, the longer he tried to open his eyes the harder it was for him to see anything there. Vahn could never try to truly know the state he was currently in.“Vahn… are you there?” A girl's voice called out Vahn's name.Vahn recognized the voice and tone, it was Lyra who had previously tried to inject him into the simulated world.“Lyra! Where are you? I want to meet you and get out of this place! Are you still there?” Vahn asked expectantly as well as anxiously.Lyra never came and was in Vahn's presence right now. She could only call out the name of Vahn's figure right now.“Sorry, Vahn. I can not do it. I can't get my body in front of you right now. You're in a simulation world right now. And it's not that easy for me to get you out of there. Sorry, Vahn…”Vahn was naturally surprised
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Chapter 239 : Learn the Roots
The paths Vahn walked through together with Gervais looked completely different than the ones he had previously walked. They seemed to have been in the middle of a different country than before in this place.There were lots of road signs in foreign languages or even street paint that Vahn had never walked on before. The boy himself didn't dare to ask Gervais there directly."What are you looking at boy? We have plenty of time if you really want to ask about anything in this place. I don't want to fall asleep on the way because these streets look so boring...” Gervais blurted out as if she could read through Vahn's head at the moment."Where are we now?" Vahn asked quickly. He waited for the moment to ask.“The border between the United States and Mexico. A country that is not registered with the UN or other state organizations. Because it is the private sector that owns this place. You can probably guess which private party I'm referring to…”Gervais' answer explained enough about wh
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Chapter 240 : Tranquilized
Even if I don't remember it clearly. Vahn was very sure that this was the first time he had heard the figure of Gervais apologizing to him. Like something that is very unlikely to happen in this world.Vahn was starting to think about whether perhaps in this world there really was a simulation actually happening within his brain memory or indeed an illusion of what Vahn had been wanting all along.Despite knowing all the risks he was taking, Vahn actually felt that an apology from the figure of Gervais was something he had wanted deep down. Vahn was feeling very relieved now.3 hours had passed, they spent their time in silence and didn't chat about anything even after Vahn had tried to recount his day to Gervais at the start.It was also getting dark again. With the streetlights already starting to come on though it still made the situation in the place no more dismal than before.Right beside Vahn was a burger as well as some drinks that he could munch on since his stomach was alrea
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Chapter 241 : Lab Rat
“The Twins? Why did you only bring one? Where is the rest of the… Wait” Hudson was in a rush to check on the current Vahn. Figuring out where the possible fault points lay within Vahn's body.Hudson inspected Vahn like a robot or inanimate object. Go around it and feel it in many places to find out whether the item is genuine or fake. Though the reality was that Vahn couldn't possibly be anywhere else at the same time."Impossible! How could that be? The Twins can't live if one of them dies? How did you do that?” Hudson asked Gervais there."You say it like I understand what you're saying. I have absolutely no idea what you mean. Shouldn't you know more about that than I do?” Gervais asked Hudson again.“It can't be like this. Your mission is still not complete. You have to put it in the laboratory, I want to check it soon...” Hudson answered Gervais.Hearing the word laboratory seemed to awaken the sense of trauma and old wounds that resided within Vahn right now. On reflex, Vahn tri
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