All Chapters of Strongest Prisoners: Chapter 281 - Chapter 290
317 chapters
Chapter 282 : Next
Chi is the energy that flows in the body. Unlike the Tethered Aura, Chi indicates that a person's life is still vibrating and also flowing fast.Chi is also one of the characteristics and characteristics of every human being. All humans who are born into the world will definitely have the same chi. However, when these humans grow up, the flow of chi will also change according to the life path or fate of each of these humans.And with that, it is very difficult to find the same characteristics between human chi and other humans. Because basically, the life of each human being has differences and also their own destiny.With a very strong flow, Chi can become a weapon or a weakness for the human himself. Strong Chi will be able to break through all the barricades in the world around where humans live. However, a strong Chi will also consume the mind and human peace itself if it is used excessively.The science of Chi has been passed down from generation to generation starting from East
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Chapter 283 : Best of Both Worlds
Spike walked towards where Amber was before. Even if he can't trust the prisoner completely, at least Spike will be able to trust him sometime soon.And with such circumstances, Spike also tried to see the surroundings.Fighting someone like Tomahawk obviously made Spike's stamina erode so much. The strength it has also increases so rapidly because it has adapted to extraordinary strength.Even though he hates it, Spike has to thank him with his iron fists because it allows him to experience extraordinary improvements. Spike can easily subdue opponents who, based on common sense, cannot possibly fight him.And maybe, Spike's Hardened Wall skill also increases along with his opponent who also gets stronger.Spike will probably continue to grow stronger if indeed he has a high enough adaptability. No one knows how much power Spike himself can reach.If indeed the legends about the Iron Fist were true, then Spike would gain powers as incredible as he couldn't even imagine himself.The to
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Chapter 284 : System Override
Spike didn't understand what Gervais meant at this point. Why should he watch two people fight and see who is the strongest between them.Shouldn't they kill Spike right now knowing that Spike really is very easy to kill when he's in the same room as them? Spike actually still doesn't understand what they're doing."Why would I know about this? What is the real purpose of you guys holding this stupid tournament?” Spike asked the two men.Gervais looked at the man from Fatal Hit. Like wanting a hint from him if it was appropriate for him to tell Spike what was going to happen any minute."You think we are the ones holding this tournament with an iron fist?" Gervais asked Spike.Spike just shrugged. He didn't know and didn't want to think any further about the question.“Ever since this prison was created. There is already a failsafe where there is a scenario as well as the possibility that one day the prisoner will become stronger than the guard himself. Knowing this possibility, the f
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Chapter 285 : Troll of Ice
Struck by such a humiliating defeat, Spike could only look at the two prisoners who were about to fight.They were standing facing each other quite far from where Spike was now. Because of course, neither Gervais nor Denzel wanted to get Spike killed in the action."What will we do now? Shall we just start with that?” Denzel asked Gervais."Of course! We don't have much time to talk to each other!” Gervais shouted at the confused Denzel.He's releasing Gervais's Tethered Aura now. By having so many auras agglomerating within his body, it was as if Gervais really wanted to unleash all the abilities he possessed.Gervais didn't care if maybe all of these abilities would have a bad impact on himself. He just wanted to do this fight with totality and nothing he held back because he wanted to make the fight more exciting.But even so, Spike really felt that all he would do was watch like a prisoner in the previous arena.Watching the fight between the two strongest people in this arena.Al
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Chapter 286 : Servant of Hell
Denzel, who has released so much strength, is in contrast to Gervais, who seems to have done nothing until now.He only relies on the strength of his Tethered Aura to be able to survive the siege of the attacks issued by Denzel right now.How come. Lots of Denzel's powers, starting from his snowman or even to his giant hailstones, have a high probability of being able to kill Gervais instantly.This snowman has the ability to freeze someone instantly if the enemy is hit by just one hit. It can be seen that one of the objects touched by the snowman turns into ice cubes when touched.While the giant hailstones that fell from the sky were able to stab people and make them die instantly. Confined in the cold ice, Spike only hopes that he doesn't die by being accidentally stabbed by one of the ice cubes.With Gervais's agility, he is able to dodge every attack Denzel is currently making on him. There weren't any strange or unique moves he should have bothered to do. Gervais was indeed able
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Chapter 287 : Coconut Shell
Denzel had no chance at all against Gervais' demons like now. Like a chicken in a cage, Denzel's strength is very different and also not equal at all when compared to the demons.Denzel's fire creatures haven't even been touched by Gervais, they've disappeared and turned back to ashes, even just being stared at with his own aura. Denzel is really confused about how to face Gervais now. Because all the methods he knew were completely useless.Denzel also activates a forbidden skill that has the potential to kill himself right now. He turned his full body into a flame. Removing the body or physical body of an ordinary human being.And Denzel managed to do that for free. He even eliminated all of his fire creatures so he could fight on par with Denzel's demons.But of course, fighting with Gervais' demons is still not enough to be able to do it. Denzel still needs to do more than that.In total, there are 4 demons from hell that Gervais summoned in this arena. And all of them did not get
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Chapter 288 : Ascended Warrior
"Amber! Is that you? What happened to you?" Spike asked confused.The appearance of Amber's current figure is completely different from the Amber figure that Spike knew before.If previously Amber looked like a brave martial warrior full of manners and loyalty, Amber now looks very pitiful. Even though he's known her for a short time, Spike believes that the current Amber is difficult to recognize even by his own colleagues.“Shut up you Iron Fist! I'm not talking to you!” Amber said screaming at Spike now.Gervais also looked at Amber. With his current vision and the effects of radioactivity, it was difficult for Gervais to identify who was talking to him now."You. Who are you?" asked Gervais confused with a face full of questions."I'm Amber! Zodiac Warrior don't you remember?” Amber answered enthusiastically. But unfortunately, Gervais didn't know Amber at all at this time.Gervais just stood there. Seeing that some of his charred body was confused about what to do so that some of
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Chapter 289 : Energy from Within
"Hah? What do you mean? I've come this far yet you can't even help me end this tournament now?” Amber asked confused.His hopes to be able to continue this session more quickly had to just disappear. Gervais who is now unable to move even close to Spike's figure though.The rest of his body can still be moved if only to protect himself from enemy attacks. But to attack, Gervais could not do it at all.“I can't move because of that stupid radioactive attack. I don't know when this effect will stop. But I'm sure that you can beat the iron fist alone. You've collected all the zodiac and grow to be stronger right? Gervais asked Amber.Even so, Amber still felt very angry right now. Bringing Gervais the two heads of an enemy he had just defeated felt like nothing there.Because without those two heads, perhaps Amber could have defeated Iron Fist earlier and lifted the curse about it all.“Why are you so eager to need Gervais Amber's help? Are you that scared if you have to face me?” Spike
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Chapter 290 : Eastern Tarot
“Hahahah! I really like your confidence. Even though I haven't taken out my strongest emblem yet to be able to fight you. Yet you've been battered so badly like that. Sorry Spikes. Yet this arena is where you are buried!” Amber shouted who was preparing to attack immediately.Still using her feet, Amber attacked Spike in great succession and one after another without leaving Spike any pause.Fortunately, the barrage of attacks could be avoided or parried by Spike so perfectly. So that makes it quite easy to be able to survive all kinds of attacks later.“You can dodge and parry it all the time. But everything will have a limit. You won't be able to withstand the attacks of i-"Spike let Amber's kick hit him. But instead, Spike immediately tried to remove the badge that was on Amber's neck to pull it off. So that the armor set that he had instantly disappeared and turned into an ordinary person.With maximum iron fist strength that he has, Spike immediately punched Amber in the face an
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Chapter 291 : Unbounded
Asura is an ancient being who is very famous in Hindu-Buddhist beliefs. Asura himself is a supernatural being who used to live with the gods in heaven but for one reason or another, was sent to earth to live there forever.The reason Asura was expelled by the gods was because while living with them, he always experienced conflicts and also the very opposite traits of the gods of heaven.Some of the gods thought that the creature was unsuitable to remain in heaven and the only place he could fit in was to plunge into the underworld with humans who had many vices.Not wanting to obey the words of the gods, Asura of course rebelled against the emperors of heaven to be able to keep himself in the holiest place in the entire world.But unfortunately the asuras cannot carry out the rebellion alone, their strength is very far compared to the gods that are there. Asura also devised a scheme to be able to overthrow the gods without dropping himself there.Asura had heard that one of the rulers
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