“Alright then, what would you want in exchange for the support?”, Cyrus asked. “Two things”, Athanasius said “First, if you attack your home city and win, you will have the city to yourself, and form an alliance with me for future conquests. There are some wannabe empires out there, some even greater than mine, that I wish to take down and integrate into mine. I will need your help with that, as I cannot take down greater empires than my own.” “And what is the second option?”, Cyrus asked. “The second option applies if you fail the mission”, Athanasius said. “If your stepmother wins the battle, I will come with my full force and take down the city, forcefully integrating it into my Empire just as I have with the other regions. And if you are alive, you will be my subordinate, a puppet King over the land when I'm gone.” “So in other words, if I screw this up, my soul is your's?”, Cyrus said. “Exactly”
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