All Chapters of The Billionaire Heir: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
200 chapters
111. Game Over
Chapter One Hundred And Eleven As the first rays of sunlight streamed into the luxurious bedroom, Xander slowly stirred from his slumber. Stretching his limbs, he felt a surge of excitement course through his body. Today was the day he had been waiting for – the day he would officially resume work as the full-time CEO of his business investment company since he was done with his university and Xander also noticed that Anastasia wasn’t in bed, she must have left he thought. He got out of bed, feeling invigorated and full of energy. He walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the city and opened them wide, taking in the fresh morning air. The view was breathtaking – skyscrapers punctured the skyline, their glass facades glittering in the sunlight. He felt a deep sense of gratitude and accomplishment as he gazed out over the city that he had helped build. Xander turned away from the window, his eyes falling on the sleek, modern decor of his bedroom. The bed was king-size
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112. The Legal Billionaire Heir
Chapter One Hundred And Twelve As the grandfather Kings sat in his luxurious office, he surveyed the room, making sure everything was in order for the emergency board meeting that was about to take place. The walls were lined with exquisite paintings and the furniture was made of the finest materials. Everything in the room exuded elegance and power.He sat at the head of the long conference table, his imposing figure commanding the attention of all those in attendance. His suit was tailor-made and his cufflinks were made of pure gold. His hair was silver and his eyes were sharp, as if he could see through anyone's lies.the grandfather Kings was a billionaire, and he had worked hard for every penny he had earned. He had built his empire from scratch and he was determined to protect it at all costs. The emergency meeting was called because he had received word that one of his competitors was trying to buy out one of his key suppliers. He was not going to let that happen.The room was
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113. Please Marry Me
Chapter One Hundred And Thirteen The sun had set on the city, casting a warm orange glow over the buildings and streets below. The air was cool and crisp, with a hint of excitement and anticipation that seemed to linger in the atmosphere. And at the center of it all stood a beautiful and arrogant woman, gazing out over the city with a look of determination on her face.Her name was Anastasia , and she was engaged to a young billionaire named Xander . Anastasia had always been a woman who knew what she wanted, and she wanted Xander . She had set her sights on him from the moment they met, and now that they were engaged, she was eager to make him hers forever.But there was one problem: Xander was in no hurry to get married. He was still building his business empire, and he didn't want to rush into anything. But Anastasia was not one to be denied, and she had made it her mission to persuade Xander to marry her as soon as possible.So on this evening, as they stood on the balcony of Xand
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114. The Corrupt Father In-law
Chapter One Hundred And Fourteen As she sat on the couch in her living room, Anastasia reached for her phone and dialed the number of her longtime friend, Josh . He picked up after a few rings, and she heard the sound of his voice on the other end, warm and familiar."Hey, Anastasia. How's it going?" he said.Anastasia couldn't help but smile at the sound of his voice, but she quickly reminded herself that she was engaged to marry someone else."I'm good, Josh ," she replied. "Just catching up on some work and trying to get everything ready for the wedding.""Right, the wedding," Josh said, his tone somewhat melancholy.Anastasia could sense the sadness in his voice, and it made her heart ache. She had known Josh for years and had always enjoyed his company, but she had never felt the same way about him as he did for her."You know, Anastasia" Josh said, "I just wanted to say that I'm happy for you. I know you've found someone who makes you happy, and that's all that really mat
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115. Boss Bitch Kim
Chapter One Hundred And Fifteen As she sat at her desk, the young beautiful secretary Kim couldn't help but feel the weight of her heartbreak. Her once bright and cheerful demeanor was replaced with a solemn expression as she gazed out the window, lost in thought.Her mind wandered back to the day she first met her boss, the young billionaire who had captured her heart from the moment he walked into her life. She remembered how charming he was, his smile and the way he carried himself with such confidence and poise.They had worked together closely for years, and it wasn't long before they both began to develop feelings for each other. They would often share intimate moments, stealing glances and lingering touches that hinted at something deeper than just a professional relationship.But then, everything changed. The young billionaire Xander had announced his engagement to a duchess, a woman of high social status and wealth. The news had shattered secretary Kim’s heart, leaving he
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116. The Arrogant Bride
Chapter One Hundred And Sixteen The beautiful and arrogant young lady, Anastasia , strode confidently into the luxurious wedding gown shop in Paris, followed by her equally wealthy and spoiled friends. The shop was a grand, spacious building, with white marble floors and crystal chandeliers glittering overhead. The air was filled with the heady scent of fresh flowers, and there were racks and racks of exquisite wedding gowns, ranging from the traditional to the avant-garde.Anastasia and her friends were greeted by the shop's staff, who bowed deferentially and ushered them towards the most exclusive section of the store. As they walked, Anastasia 's eyes gleamed with excitement and anticipation, and her friends chattered excitedly about the wedding.The group arrived at a private area, where they were offered champagne and caviar by a team of waiters. Anastasia sipped her champagne and looked around the room with a critical eye. She was used to the best of everything, and she wasn'
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117. Private Jet To Italy
Chapter One Hundred And Seventeen Xander’s POV“The plan is to go over there for a short vacation and then I will also use the opportunity to buy a wedding suit. Besides I have never travelled out of the country since I bought this private jet” I said to Zion who was grinning ear to ear. “Dude, you don’t have to convince me! I’m game on” Zion said while slapping my shoulders in a teasing manner. I stepped onto my private jet, my heart pounding with excitement. I had been looking forward to this trip for weeks. Milan was my favorite city in the world, and I couldn't wait to spend a few days there with my best friend.The interior of the jet was luxurious, with plush leather seats and polished wood accents. The walls were adorned with artwork from my personal collection, and the windows offered breathtaking views of the tarmac.I took my seat next to my friend and buckled my seatbelt. As the engines roared to life, I felt a surge of adrenaline course through my veins. I had worked ha
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118. My Dreams Becoming A Reality
Chapter One Hundred And Eighteen Xander’s POV After buying the suit and spending some few more days in Italy, Zion and I board back our private jet and as we reached cruising altitude, I opened my eyes and turned to my friend. "Hey, I was thinking. Maybe we should plan another trip like this soon?"He grinned. "Absolutely, man. Any ideas?"I paused, thinking for a moment. "What about Tokyo? I've always wanted to go there.""Tokyo? That sounds incredible. Let's do it."And just like that, we began planning our next adventure, excited for the possibilities that lay ahead.As the hours passed, I couldn't help but reflect on the past few days in Milan. It had been a trip of a lifetime, filled with unforgettable moments and experiences. I felt reinvigorated, my passion for life and adventure reignited.As the private jet began its descent back into our hometown, I felt a sense of bittersweetness wash over me. I was sad to leave behind the luxurious lifestyle and beautiful city of Milan,
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119. Wedding of The Year
Chapter One Hundred And NineteenThe news of the upcoming wedding of the young billionaire Xander Kings and the beautiful duchess Anastasia Ambrose had taken the social media and news platforms by storm. Everyone was talking about the couple and their upcoming nuptials, with the anticipation and excitement building up day by day.As the wedding date was announced, the buzz around it reached a fever pitch. The news platforms were awash with the details of the wedding, with every aspect of the event being dissected and analyzed. The social media feeds of millions of people were filled with pictures and updates about the couple, as well as their opinions on everything from the wedding dress to the guest list.It was impossible to escape the excitement that surrounded the event. Everywhere you went, people were talking about it. The streets were lined with posters and billboards announcing the wedding, and the newsstands were filled with magazines and newspapers dedicated to covering ever
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120. Extraordinary Royal Wedding
Chapter One Hundred And Twenty The grand cathedral stood tall, its towering spires piercing the sky like reaching fingers. The sun shone down, casting a warm glow over the building's intricate details, highlighting the delicate tracery of the stone carvings that adorned its walls.Inside, the cathedral was transformed into a vision of beauty. Hundreds of candles flickered, casting a warm light that danced across the walls and ceiling, illuminating the intricate details of the stained-glass windows that lined the nave. The colors of the glass seemed to come alive, glowing in rich hues of red, blue, and gold.The pews were draped in yards of shimmering fabric, woven with intricate patterns of gold and silver threads. The effect was breathtaking, as if the entire cathedral had been spun from gold and silver itself.The altar was adorned with garlands of flowers, their sweet scent filling the air. Roses, lilies, and carnations intertwined in a rainbow of colors, creating a stunning tapes
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