All Chapters of The Billionaire Heir: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
200 chapters
101. The Mysterious Phone Call
Chapter One Hundred And OneKim didn’t want to come here and talk to Xander at first but she knew that something was off. Xander has added the number of security men and he always seems to be on his toes even though he acts nonchalantly as if nothing is going on. Kim is smart enough to know that it is related to Lucas the intern and she had to go back against her word because she promised to mind her business but she couldn’t just let that arrogant and mischievous Lucas have his way under her watch. The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon as Kim , the secretary of the young billionaire, walked into the luxurious office building. Her heels clicked against the marble floor, the sound echoing through the empty lobby. She headed straight to the elevator, her mind already buzzing with the day’s tasks. As she ascended to the top floor, she couldn't help but think about the new intern, Jake. She had a bad feeling about him since the day he arrived. There was something off abo
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102. Kidnapped To Get Thumbprint
Chapter One And Hundred And Two Xander’s POV The phone call had been unexpected, but not entirely out of the ordinary for a young billionaire like myself. The voice on the other end had been calm and controlled, giving me instructions that I couldn't ignore. I was to enter a black SUV alone for a brief meeting that couldn't be rescheduled or missed.As I made my way to the designated location, a sense of unease started to settle in the pit of my stomach. I had no idea who was behind the call, or what they wanted from me. But as a billionaire, I had always known that my wealth and success made me a target for those who wanted to take advantage.As I arrived at the location, the black SUV was already waiting for me. The tinted windows made it impossible to see inside, and I had no idea who or what was waiting for me. But as I stepped inside, I knew that there was no turning back.The interior of the SUV was dark and foreboding. The leather seats were cold against my skin, and the air
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103. Poor Again
Chapter One Hundred And ThreeXander Kings sat in his expansive office, staring blankly at his computer screen. He was deep in thought, his mind racing with worry and fear. His eyes flicked over to the painting on the wall, a priceless work of art that he had acquired at auction just a few months ago. He couldn't help but wonder if it was worth the risk.The room was quiet, save for the soft hum of the air conditioning and the occasional beep from his computer. He leaned back in his leather chair and rubbed his temples, trying to shake the uneasy feeling that had settled in his stomach. It had been three days since he had been kidnapped, and yet the memory still haunted him.He had been leaving his office late one evening when he was suddenly tricked by the mysterious phone call, grabbed from behind and thrown into a van. He had struggled, but his kidnappers had been too strong. They had blindfolded him and driven him to an undisclosed location, where they had kept him for several day
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104. The Legal Billionaire!
Chapter One Hundred And Four As the door to the opulent office swung open, a stunning young woman with long flowing hair and piercing blue eyes entered the room. She was dressed in a flowing, silk gown that draped effortlessly over her curves, highlighting her delicate features and porcelain skin. This was Anastasia , a woman who commanded attention and admiration wherever she went.Anastasia scanned the room and her gaze landed on Xander, the rich and powerful man who sat at his desk, engrossed in work. His brow was furrowed with worry, and Anastasia could sense the tension radiating off him. She knew he needed her, and she was determined to make him forget about all his worries, if only for a moment.With a graceful stride, Anastasia crossed the room and approached Xander. He looked up from his work and his eyes widened in surprise at the sight of his beautiful bride-to-be. She placed her hand on his cheek, stroking it gently, and leaned in to plant a soft kiss on his lips.But
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105. I Have To Kill Kim
Chapter One Hundred And Five Xander collected the newspaper from Kim’s hands and saw that his new shopping mall and his tech company that he suffered to build up was the investment that is having the highest stock in the both national and international markets. “This is amazing “ Xander whispered The young businessman, Xander, has been sitting on his desk for ages , scrolling through his emails with a furrowed brow keeping track of his fiancés especially after the threat. He had been anxiously waiting for news about his stocks and investments for days, and every hour that passed without any updates made him more and more nervous. But just as he was about to give up hope, his female secretary, Kim, burst into his private office with a huge grin on her face….in that very moment, Xander even forgot about Anastasia’s existence as he wore and re arranged his clothes."Xander, you won't believe it!" she exclaimed, her voice ringing with excitement. "Your stocks and investments just hit
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106. Backstabbing & Evil Mission
Chapter One Hundred And Six Lucas sat in his little dirty hiding corner and watched Kim and young master Xander get along. Lucas was so happy when Xander and Kim had issues because of Anastasia because Anastasia managed to tear them apart which makes Xander distracted with his work but somehow Kim always seems to know how to bring Xander back to order. Lucas sighed and kept watching the camera in his laptop trying his best to catch each and everyone’s decision and next plan. A rat came out of nowhere and made Lucas to quickly stand up scared and angry. The room was small and cramped, with barely enough space for one person to stand. The walls were a dull grey, covered in peeling paint and cracks, giving the impression that the room had not seen any maintenance in a long time. The only light source came from a single flickering bulb hanging from the ceiling, casting a dim glow over the room.In the corner of the room, there was a small desk covered in a layer of dust, with a laptop
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107. Multi Billion Empire
Chapter One Hundred And Seven As the sun sets over the city, Lucas eagerly rushes home to get ready for a night out. He's been working hard at his internship all week and is looking forward to blowing off some steam. He spends hours getting ready, carefully picking out his outfit, making sure he looks sharp and stylish.Finally, he steps out onto the bustling city streets, feeling the energy of the night pulsing through him. He hails a taxi and directs the driver to the hottest club in town. He's heard all about it from his coworkers and can't wait to experience it for himself.As he enters the club, he's immediately struck by the booming bass of the music and the flashing lights of the dance floor. The air is thick with the scent of alcohol and sweat, and he can feel the energy of the crowd pulsing through his veins.Lucas quickly makes his way to the bar and orders a round of drinks for himself and his friends. He throws back shot after shot, feeling the warm rush of alcohol cour
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108. Best Graduating Student
Chapter One Hundred And Eight Xander sat on his bed, his heart racing with excitement and a sense of accomplishment. He had just received the news that he had graduated as the best student in his university, and he was overcome with emotion. The room was quiet, save for the soft whirring of the ceiling fan and the occasional rustle of papers as he flipped through his diploma.His eyes scanned the room, taking in the familiar surroundings of his bedroom. The walls were adorned with posters of his favorite bands and artists, and his desk was cluttered with textbooks and notes. But today, everything looked different. The room seemed brighter, as if a spotlight had been cast upon it, illuminating every corner with a sense of pride and joy.As he sat there, memories flooded his mind. The long hours spent studying in the library, the late-night cram sessions, the anxiety and stress of exams, all of it seemed worth it now. He had achieved what he had set out to do, and he felt an overwhelm
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109. From Bullied To Billionaire
Chapter One Hundred And Nine The sun shone brightly on the streets of the bustling city as Xander Kings made his way towards the entrance of the luxurious shopping mall. He was dressed impeccably in a crisp white shirt, a navy blue tie, and tailored black trousers that hugged his muscular frame. His hair was slicked back neatly, and his clean-shaven face exuded a quiet confidence that spoke of his success in life.As he walked through the gleaming glass doors of the mall, he was greeted by the cool, refreshing air-conditioned atmosphere that enveloped him. He paused for a moment to take in the opulent surroundings, admiring the sparkling chandeliers that hung from the high ceiling and the polished marble floors that glimmered in the light.Xander strode purposefully towards the elevator, his footsteps echoing on the marble floors. He pressed the button and waited patiently for the doors to open, surveying the busy crowd of shoppers as he did so. He was surrounded by people dressed i
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110. The Grand Party
Chapter One Hundred And Ten The sun was shining brightly on the lush green lawn of the university campus, as a group of graduates gathered with their families and friends to celebrate their achievements. Among them was a young man, dressed in a crisp black suit and a royal blue tie, holding a shiny camera in his hand. His friends surrounded him, all dressed in their graduation gowns, beaming with pride and excitement.As they walked towards the grandstand where their families were waiting, Xander's grandfather, a wealthy and powerful figure in the business world, joined them. He was impeccably dressed in a tailored suit and a golden watch, exuding an air of authority and confidence.Xander greeted his grandfather with a warm hug, and they exchanged pleasantries before the grandfather's eyes landed on the camera in his grandson's hand. "Ah, a camera! Are you planning to capture this moment forever?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.Xander smiled and nodded, "Yes, Grandfath
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