There comes a time when "pushing" one's ideas that could save our world becomes morally the right thing to do. And so, if you have the time, I urge you to read my book, "Nexus. A Treatise in Defence of Love as Mankind's Answer," so that we can rescue each other and our planet from the trouble of our current era. There is a link to a free version and a Kindle version from my bio (bio-link below). Since ye olde times, since times of yore, the morally bankrupt have sort to capitalise on hate. From our trauma populations come the natural healers of society, our artists of words, sound, dance and image. For this is what happens when mental pain hits fever pitch, when the community needs to find love, togetherness and re-bond. It's how we come back to sustainability, to love of nature and one another. A dysfunctional world is a torture to its children. Yet the solutions are simple. Millions, likely billions, would gladly spend their lives in joyful service, working toward making a healthy
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