All Chapters of Mortal Runes: Sanxi's Supernatural System: Chapter 31
- Chapter 40
87 chapters
Mortal Runes: Sanxi's Supernatural System/ALPHA-PEN ORIGINALS
EARTH Of course they left in so much hurry that he could not process things properly. Still, he of all people should have done better. "If you do not have anything of his, then I'm sorry, there is nothing I can do to help the situation." Bret spoke to Crane expecting him to understand the situation. "Bret, we can go get something. But it might take more time to get it to you right here. May I suggest that you come with is instead" Crane asked, even though he knew Bret has his reservation about such. "Crane, you know I can't say No to helping you out, that's why I'm here. I owe you a lifetime of favor. But I'm trying to keep my head down. I'm trying to lay low." He took a deep breath "The best I can do I reschedule this meeting" he added It hit Jason as he remembered one minor detail he had overlooked "wait! I, I think I have his phone with me" Jason said as he tapped all over the front of his jacket for Minato's cell phone. "Oh! here it is, he left it in the car when he was f
Mortal Runes: Sanxi's Supernatural System/ALPHA-PEN ORIGINALS
EARTH Jason's ringtone blasted in the background, as he made his way back to bed from the restroom. Picking up the phone from the bed, he didn't need to check the identity of the caller. "Hello, Crane!" He croaked in a very sleepy voice. Jason barely had an hour long sleep. He spent the entire night brainstorming on the way forward on finding Minato. It was not just the case, The event which surrounded the disappearance of his brother has traumatized him greatly. "Got a text from Bret. He wants to meet up around 8am. I'll forward the location to you right away. See you around" The call ended as directly as it started. That is Crane's lifestyle, Straight to the point. Looking at the time on his phone It's 6:45am already. "Ouch my head!" the sudden pressure on his head is definitely a result of his stressful day and sleepless night. He fell back unto the bed holding his head. Jason was never one to endure stress. But in this case, he realizes he has to get up despite the migrai
Mortal Runes: Sanxi's Supernatural System/ALPHA-PEN ORIGINALS
★★★ The distance was more than Jason and Crane had thought. One should have known better when he already described the place as "Far out of town" The house looks lonely from the outside. The neighborhood itself is quiet, more like serene. As they walked into the house, the sound of their shoes clicking against the wooden floor echoed throughout the entire house. "why did we not take our shoes off exactly?" Crane asked trying to bring some humour into the moment to ease the tension. It worked in a way, Jason chuckled slightly and Bret smirked. They continued to walk until they got to a door which Bret pulled open. The door led to the backyard. Bret obviously knows this place well. He moves around with a sense of familiarity. The Man sat by a pool. he seemed to be relaxing or maybe, sleeping. "How did you know I was here" asked the Older man who looks like he is in his 60s. ""You are always here when there is no other person around" Bret said with a smirk on his face. The man la
Mortal Runes: Sanxi's Supernatural System/ALPHA-PEN ORIGINALS
THE UNDERWORLD Xenark stood wearing a hard expression his face completely void of emotions as he stood in the upper chamber of his tower, watching and observing in silence the activities that went on outside and below him. Not that there was anything much to be seen at this point. There hadn't been in a while since most af his plans seemed to be falling through. It had been a long time since he was able to succeed or accomplish any of the missions he had set out for. Way too long in fact.It was driving him mad with rage. He didn't turn when he heard the loud footsteps sounding from the dark hallway, approaching the door of the chambers. Not many of the underworlders if any at all had the privilege of coming into that particular chamber without first asking and gaining his permission. They knew better. None of his subjects would dare to step foot into his personal space unless they were begging for his wrath and if that ever were the case then that was exactly what they would get
Mortal Runes: Sanxi's Supernatural System/ALPHA-PEN ORIGINALS
UNDERWORLD "What do you have for me Roshi? speak." Xenark asked as soon as he heard the door creek open with someone stepping into the room and felt a presence coming up behind him. Roshi, his closest and most trusted minion came to a stop behind his Lord and bowed in respect before speaking. "My Lord, the materials and ingredients are ready as well as the location we are to use. It's time for us to begin my Lord." Roshi answered, bowing respectfully. But the hessistance in his voice hadn't gone unoticed by the dark Lord of the underworld.Xenark could tell that Roshi had something else on his mind but was holding back in fear of triggering his anger.This particular servant of his has never been one to keep his mouth closed. No matter how much Xenark wished he would. Always thinking he had the permission to speak whenever he wants. Or that someone, most especially Xenark himself could possibly care for one of unwanted opinions even if they were the only ones left. Xenark didn't
Mortal Runes: Sanxi's Supernatural System/ALPHA-PEN ORIGINALS
UNDERWORLD But his back was to him and Roshi reminded himself that it would be close to impossible to make out anything like that while his back remained facing him. Whatever he had to say he would have to go in blind and hope it doesn't end with his head on a spike. "What about the project Roshi, has something gone wrong? Are the ingredients not complete? Do we need a bigger cave?" Xenark asked, his voice void if emotions as he kept his back facing his servant. "No my Lord Xenark none of that at all. Everything is as it should be. Even better as a matter of fact."Roshi answered, his forehead starting to sweat as he prepared to say what was in his mind. "Then what is the matter Roshi?"Xenark asked again and Roshi blew out a breath as he started to speak, each word that came out of his mouth causing him to sweat even more as he addressed his master and lord, not having an idea what his fate would be after what he was about to say. "I just __ My Lord I just can't help but worry.
Mortal Runes: Sanxi's Supernatural System/ALPHA-PEN ORIGINALS
THE UNDERWORLD (PREPARATIONS) Whatever his Lord Xenark asked— more like ordered of him— Roshi made sure to do everything within his powers to get it done and that too to his utmost satisfaction. But it was times like this one that Roshi remembered exactly what it feels like to work for one as high and ad strict as the almighty lord of the underworld. Xenark permits no form of mistakes. There was no chance for errors to be made when you work for him and whatever he asks to be done he demanded be done with literal perfection. And now how was Roshi to tell him that the search for the gatekeeper had once again turned out to be futile?Lord Xenark detests it when things don't turn out his way, and at this very moment with this very issue, they haven't. All the teams he'd sent out in search of any clue as to the whereabouts of Kilishi had all returned with the same report.The leader of the was nowhere to be found. "Th_ there is still nothing about the whereabouts of the keeper my Lord
Mortal Runes: Sanxi's Supernatural System/ALPHA-PEN ORIGINALS
AWAKENING Xenark remained silent, not speaking a word for the longest time. Then he asked. "Everything is ready for the task ahead you say?" Xenark asked, finally turning around to face his servant for the first time since he came in. "Yes my Lord." Roshi nodded quickly, feeling the slight relief wash through him at the change in topic. "Very well then, let's not waste anymore time." Xenark said as he started to walk towards the door, his most loyal servant in tow. The mission and experiment for the gurs has been mapped out on Xenark's desk for a long time now.Many a night he'd spent pulling apart old books and ancient scripts in hopes of finding something to help with his mission. Gurrs were an ancient creatures that has been extinct for a time. They weren't supposed to be in existence anymore. But if they helped with what he was planning then Xenark would stop at nothing to have them brought back. He didn't care about all what he might have to do, he was more than ready to
Mortal Runes: Sanxi's Supernatural System/ALPHA-PEN ORIGINALS
THE GURS MUST RISE Xenark knows it won't be easy but he was set and determined to see his plans accomplished. There was nothing else he would have but that. Nothing else would suffice. Xenark knew exactly what he wanted, what he was after. And now that he had finally been able to gather up a the ingredients needed and required to recreate one of the vital instruments needed for his mission, he would stop at nothing to have his victory, or watch the world burn for that very purpose. "Is all in order?"Xenark asked as he walked into the cave where the activities was to take place, his voice ring out as he addressed the man in charge. "At your command my Lord."The man answered, his head bowed in respect as he addressed his leader. "Very well then, let's proceed!" Xenark ordered, giving his men the go ahead to begin with the project and the men immediately scattered, each man to his position as they began the work on the rebirth of the gurrs. A large fire was kept burning at the c
Mortal Runes: Sanxi's Supernatural System/ALPHA-PEN ORIGINALS
THE RISE OF GURS No one spoke as everyone stared confused at what was inside of the vesle. Instead a new born gurr coming out of it like Xenark and every other person in the cave had expected the giant man made egg remained.the same, expect for horribly smelling liquid now flowing out of it. "What is this?"Xenark asked angrily, his harsh voice finally breaking the silence. Still no one spoke as no single person had a real answer for had happened.Instead the men continued to look between each other as they quietly asked each other what was wrong. "Will someone explain this before I throw you all into that fire pit!? What is the meaning of this nonsense!!? Where is my gurr?!!" Xenark asked, his angry voice ricocheting off the walls of the large cave, sending his men cowering into themselves in raw fear. "Lord Xenark,"The man in charge started as he stepped forward, pausing to look back at the other men and then down at the obviously failed experiment before turning back to his