After hearing that Shin was happy, Christa also was happy. Shin asked him how he was going to do that as Dave replied ' You don't have to worry about that just send me your picture against a white wall. I will handle everything else from there, i have a friend know someone who work for a someone who deals in all kind of illegal transports and other things. So it will be a peace of cake for him and you won't have anything to worry about, you won't get caught that i can guarantee you. ' Shin after hearing that thanked for helping him, but Dave said ' Man, you don't have to thank me even a bit. We all are alive all thanks to you, i am willing to do anything for you. So don't hold back asking me anything, i am here for you. Just take my number. ' Shin took his number and saved it and asked if the id will work to get a sim card, as he said that it might not so he told he will get a interna
Last Updated : 2023-05-01 Read more