Attention Everyone: Hi it's me blue lace your author, am writing to inform you about the major events which has happened in the story. I want you all to learn about the major progress in the story, before I started writing, I classified the story into different interesting arch The first Arch is called: New world, comprises of chapter (1-52) The next Arch is finally opened, I named it, "Into The Central Continent" a lot of shit is going to happen in this arch, I just hope that it will all be to your liking. One more thing, you should have noticed a lot of mistakes from chapter 45-52, please know that I have done my best to fix them, it will probably be refreshed in a matter of days, I know that my writing isn't perfect but I will try to correct my mistakes and try to improve Anyway, thank you all guys for being my support and motivation to push harder, I love you all, please try and leave more reviews on the comment section, thanks, have a good day…..
Last Updated : 2023-09-23 Read more