On the third of the fourth month of the 132nd year of athbhreith beithíoch calendar, the battle of the shadow serpent began.At 900 hours, Ronald Fuinseog's advance team left to head through the forest guarding the human settlement. They made sure to stealthy past through their surveillance, and made an effort to not spring any traps.No more than three hundred men could have been brought by Ronald as any larger would have been suspicious and ruined the impression that they were on a scouting mission.At 1100 hours, they reached the other side and proceeded to move forward.At 1200 hours, they are spotted by choice and proceed to start running away.By 1330 hours, they are forced into their first confrontation. Ronald's advance force consists of around three hundred men, versus around three thousand humans.Location: Eastern BattlefrontΦ To the east of Ronald's positions is a slightly mountainous area that guards a river further east river, which is where they are pretending to flee.
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