All Chapters of Unknowingly The Billionaire's Heir: Chapter 21
- Chapter 30
146 chapters
Do You Have Any Idea?
Unknowingly The Billionaire's Heir/Winner Girl
In the car back on the road, Jason turned on the radio to fill up the awkward silence. José had gotten into the car and taken the long way home, and Jason was wondering why, since the short way would take them 20 minutes. They drove past some familiar homes, and Jason pulled out his phone, observing that Jose seemed nervous about something. Watching him in the mirror, Jason noticed that Jose was looking out of the window and at the rearview mirror. Confused, he looked out and saw nothing, raising a brow at Jose. “José, I don't mean to be rude, but what the hell are you looking at? You've been looking out of the window since we got on the road, and I'm starting to get worried.”“Now, don't panic, but I think there is a car following us. It has been tailing us since we pulled out of the shopping complex. The black car.” Jason looked back once more, just in time to catch the car, and he shivered. “Well, can we lose it?”“Yes, that's why I'm taking the long way back. If it takes the ex
The Truth About His Wealth
Unknowingly The Billionaire's Heir/Winner Girl
Around 3:30 in the afternoon, he got a text from Jake, and he rushed to open it, wondering what it was about. Jake: could you come outside and open up the door?Jason: I could, but is there anyone there?Pulling open the door, he was met by Amy and Jake, who pushed him and went into the house. “Woah, that is SO crazy,” said Ashley, heading towards one of the statues, rubbing its head. “How do you have this? I want to get one, it's so perfect!” Jake ambled over to where they were standing and peered up at the statue, rubbing on it too. Upon seeing that he had guests, Paula arranged for them to be given some parties as a welcome gift, and they gladly accepted, putting food in their mouth as they moved along. “Tonight is gonna be crazy,” said Jake, tossing himself into a chair. Smiling, Ash did the same. “So where are we decorating?” asked Ash, looking around. To her, the entire room seems absolutely accurate for a party, and no one should have any issues. But just in case, she would
Call My Dad
Unknowingly The Billionaire's Heir/Winner Girl
The next morning, Jason woke up with a start. His 6:30 alarm had sounded, and it was a school day. His friends were still in a room downstairs, and he did not want them to be late, so he got them clothes, a pair from his new pike for Jake and some from his sister's closet for Ashley, since they were around the same size. His sister was not yet back from her trip, which was fine by him. He simply went to their doors, knocked and set the clothes in front of their doors. Just then, a knock sounded at the door and he went over to it, waving over the maid who had already started towards it. “Don't worry about it. I'm already down here.” When he pulled open the door, it was Jose, covered by the rest of the things he had bought at the store. Pushing the door open wider, he ushered Jose in. “Come in, come in! Did you go over to pick them up, or?”“Oh, no,” said Jose, impassive. “I signed for them a few minutes ago and now I'll bring them up.”Shouldering the heavy bags and walking up the s
About The Party
Unknowingly The Billionaire's Heir/Winner Girl
When he turned around, he saw a pair of limited edition shoes and looked up just in time to catch the ball that was whirring towards him in the other direction.From all around him, they crawled out until they were five in number. He recognized all five of them as heirs in their own rights, the Big 5, richest, coolest and most good looking heirs in the school. He had heard of them, and had admired them before he had become rich, just like them.One of them walked forward and took the ball from him, throwing it behind at one of the other boys. After which he placed his hands over Jason's shoulders, “ walk with me.” Nodding, Jason fell into step with him, wondering what this conversation was all about. “So. All five of us have noticed the recent development with you. You have recently come into a bit of money, yes? Well, we like what we've seen so far. We saw your car come in this morning and we think we'd like you to join us.”“Oh, that's cool,” said Jason, a smile on his face. He h
You Changed
Unknowingly The Billionaire's Heir/Winner Girl
Over the next week, he started to invite more and more people to his home, and it became a staple for Ashley and Jake to hang out at his home. Almost a whole week had passedvwince his party when Ashley suggested that he should throw another party again. “Wait, you can't be serious. At the last one everyone got so hammered that I had to get quite a number of people to take them home. No way!” “Well, didn't you say that the Big 5 were watching you? This time you can host a party and get them to attend,” supplied Jake, looking up from his phone. Biting down on his tongue, Jason thought of their idea and decided that it didn't really sound half bad. If he threw a party, he knew that this time people would show up, and all he had to do was invite the Big 5 and they could see for themselves in real time. “Okay," he turned to them. “Spread the word. Friday night, party here.” Nodding, Ashley immediately whipped out her phone and put it on her Instagram story, and Jake texted their frie
Her New Boyfriend
Unknowingly The Billionaire's Heir/Winner Girl
Pretending like he could not see her, he went into the kitchen and poured himself a fresh drink, using the cup as a makeshift scoop to pick up the ice cubes. He watched as Macy crouched down behind the cupboard and intentionally walked close to it, opening up the fridge instead to pick up an apple. Walking into the living room, he picked her up, following him and then took a seat on the chairs, waiting for her to inevitably crouch down behind his chair. As soon as she did, he turned around and sighed, muttering.“Macy, I know you're following me. The question is why are you following me? What do you want?”Caught, she lied and said that she wanted to be taken on a tour around the house. “Okay, you caught me. I'm sorry, I just wanted a tour around the house.” Biting down on her lips, she said, “Could you show me around, please?” Laughing, Jason called out Paula's name instead. ”Paula, please take this guest on a tour around the house, would you?” “No, not her!” said Macy, squeezing
Legitimate Money
Unknowingly The Billionaire's Heir/Winner Girl
P.S; Dear readers, it will be of great pleasure to see you drop your reviews in the app for this book.Comment what you think may happen next? If you want me to continue this book please do well to leave a rating as well. Thank you.*****Dumping Macy onto the soft tuft grass, Jason went inside and into his room so he could change out of his wet clothes. He had no idea why helping Macy had ended up as a cussing match, but he did not appreciate what had hayat the end of the day. Irritated, he picks a pair of board shorts and decides not to bother with a shirt since he would still be at the poolside. While he was inside, he prayed fervently that Macy would be gone so he could go ahead to enjoy his party. Her presence alone had pissed him off and made things harder for him at the party, and he regretted making his party an open invitation. As he walked out of his room and back to the party, he noted that she was gone and fought the urge to give out a celebratory whoop. Finally she had
The Big Six
Unknowingly The Billionaire's Heir/Winner Girl
As he sent the money and the rest of the legal issues were sorted, he was satisfied, and soon the company went public, selling stocks. Since he was a member, his name was used to publicize the entire thing. As the youngest member of the Jackson family and the youngest hair, his name being attached to the business brought a lot of buyers. In a matter of months the company became close to buyers, and Jason made headlines once again, being highlighted as one of the youngest shareholders of a booming textile business. He had been interviewed for the magazine in his home and had given them quotes about how the business had come into fruition. He had been careful enough to give credit to his business partners, and although he had promised on only one interview, reporters began to flood his mansion, while José attempted to keep them away from him. He could not go to school without being followed by the reporters, and before he left his home he would be ambushed by them, unable to leave his
Mr. Jackson, I'm Very Sorry
Unknowingly The Billionaire's Heir/Winner Girl
When the news that the company was employing people and in need of employees, it went around like wildfire , and it seemed to be all that people could talk about on social media. Many of them saw it as an opportunity to get closer to Jason, and even more of them thought that they could use it to climb the ladder of success. He had scheduled the interview date for a few weeks ahead, and had given a P.O box and and address for applications to be sent to, yet he struggled with finding anything in his email box as he was sent folder after folder.It got so bad that he could not go out to get his mail or deliveries without receiving at least 6 resume copies. He had forgotten how the people of his town were and how they saw business opportunities, and he was paying very dearly for his foolish mistake.He had gotten Instagram DMS, calls so incessant that he had to change phone numbers, and had even put out disclaimers so people would stop reaching out to him. When he tried to ask Ashley wh
You Are Hired
Unknowingly The Billionaire's Heir/Winner Girl
He noticed that he could only hear the click of his and Jose's shoes on the tile, so he turned around and pointed at both men. “You and you, follow me"When he still did not hear the clatter of their shoes, he turned around and raised a brow.“Are you coming?” As the two men walked forward towards him, the rest of the people in the crowd began to grumble, muttering about the unfairness of the situation. In all honesty, one one hand, Jason understood where they were coming from because he had arrived late and almost immediately singled out those two men. And now it seemed like he had done that to skip them ahead of everyone else on the line. But then again, on the other hand, he was still the employer and he was still the one with all the cards to play, so he could do whatever he decided he wanted to. Getting into the elevator karma he waited for the two women to get closer to him.Upon seeing that the elevator was waiting for them, they both rushed forward and shoved themselves in,