All Chapters of The Billionaire Pauper : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
268 chapters
TICKETS FROM THE " MANAGER"Reuben and Annabelle got to Annabelle's apartment and got out some of her belongings. As much as the car could carry and drove off to Reuben's apartment.They reached the house and reuben unlocked the door after parking the car in the garage." Whoah, we have got a lot of cleaning to do sunshine," Reuben exclaimed as he saw the room.Since they had left for a week, the room was unkempt and untidy.Annabelle entered staggerring with one of the luggage. Reuben quickly went to her aid and took the luggage from him." Hey, you have to take it easy. I'll do that myself. There is no need to stress out." Reuben said as he took the luggage from her.He dropped it at a safe place and came back to meet Annabelle, sitting on one of the dusty sofas gasping for breath." Hey sunshine, you don't need to stress out yourself. Help me clean up this place, and I will bring the items in myself, " Reuben said to a panting Annabelle and walked back to the kitchen.He returned
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THE UNPUNISHED MANAnnabelle sat up on the bed with the tickets in her hand. "Wow, your manager is a very generous man," She exclaimed." Yeah, he sent me a message that the company has gained some tickets to attend the succession ceremony of the Brooks family. So, since I was a supervisor, I was entitled to two of the tickets.I thought they would be given to me tomorrow. " Reuben explained " Wow, you are privileged to be the supervisor of the company. I can't imagine myself in the house of the Brooks family. Wow." Annabelle exclaimed happily. " Wait, looks like it's already evening, I heard the delivery captain say evening." Reuben said as he picked up his phone. It was half past six in the evening." Wow, we have to get dinner. I'll be in the kitchen, " Reuben said and stood upHe headed out.Annabelle stood up too and dropped the tickets in the wardrobe " I will join you soon," Annabelle said and entered the washroom.Reuben went to the living room and put on the music.
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ITS TIME TO WORKIt was a Monday, and both Reuben and Annabelle were both going to resume work.Annabelle was the first to wake up She had woken an hour earlier to iron their work clothes and prepare breakfast.By 6 a.m., she was done working and woke reuben up." It's morning. You've got to wake up and prepare for work." She said as she tapped Reuben to wake him up." Good morning," Reuben greeted as he stretched lazily on the bed." Good morning," Annabelle responded and left the room. Reuben sat up for a while and stood up from the bed and headed to the washroom.He came back minutes later to meet Annabelle, already dressing up for work." Breakfast is ready. Please hurry and get dressed," Annabelle cautioned.Reuben did not respond. He went to hang the towel on a hanger and came back to dress up.Annabelle walked out to the dining hall to serve breakfast.Reuben went to the dining room in a pair of trousers and his singlet.He went to sit down while Annabelle served breakfast.
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WE NEED TO TALK IN PRIVATEReuben worked right from the time he sat down till his fingers went numb, and his back was aching him seriously.He felt really hungry at this timeHe ignored all calls and notifications from his mobile phone. As he felt his back aching, he stood up from his chair to stretch and relax a bit.He stood up from the chair with a grunt of pain.His eyes were blurry as he had been focused on the laptop screen for hours without break.He was pacing up and down the office, throwing his arms in the air as a form of a stretch out exercise.His eyes chanced upon the wall clock, and he couldn't help but look again to satisfy his curiosity.According to the clock, it was already midday, and it was time for his lunch break.He picked up his phone to confirm the time, and it was true.It was then he understood why his whole body was aching and his fingers had gone numb on the keyboard. He had been working without a pause for the past four and half hours. He picked up his
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PRIVILEGED TO BE GIVEN SUCH OPPORTUNITY Reuben's alarm sounded, signaling the end of the day. Reuben heaved a heavy sigh of relief as he finally closed the file he was working on.He closed the laptop and rested his head on the headrest of his chair.He stood up from the chair and did some simple stretching exercises to get rid of the aching on his body.After a while of some stretching, he felt okay and sat back in the chair, this time adjusting himself so that he felt relaxed in the chair.He took his phone and dialed Annabelle's numberAnnabelle answered it on the first ring." Hello, I was about to call you. Have you closed yet?" Annabelle asked as soon as she answered the call." Oh yes. Just about leaving the office. I just called to know if you've closed yet." Reuben replied." uhhm, yes. But I'm currently working on my last file. I need to close before the end of the day, and I will be done within ten minutes. That means I will be ready by the time you get here, " Annabelle
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I WILL PUT HER THROUGH A TESTMonday morning, Louisa prepared to go to her former workplace to inspect Christine's works as directed by Grandma Anderson. She left the house very early to go to the office.On reaching the office, Christine had not yet reached. All the workers had arrived and started working except Christine.She asked the secretary about the whereabouts of Christine and was given the response that she had not arrived.Annabelle nodded and walked into her office.Everywhere was in order.She sat on her chair and waited for her to arrive.A few minutes later. Christine came rushing in at the office.She looked frightened when she saw Louisa sitting. She looked quite surprised but pretended she was not." Good morning, louisa," she said and dropped her handbag and her laptop on the table in front of Louisa." Good morning. Why are you so late to the office? As the manager, you should have been here about at least an hour ago. " " Sorry, I passed by the second warehous
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AN EXPLICIT WORK OF ART ON.Reuben drove about fifteen minutes to the house.The journey to the house was exciting as they chatted happily. Enjoying each moment together.They got to the house in no time, and the two alighted from the car.Reuben carried the groceries to the kitchen. She joined Annabelle in the bedroom and they both went to the kitchen to cook their food.As they unpacked the groceries, their cozy kitchen was filled with the aroma of fresh produce and spices. Reuben setted down the bag of vibrant vegetables on the counter while Annabelle organized the pantry, readying it for the cooking session ahead.They exchanged smiles, and their tiredness slowly faded away as they embarked on this shared culinary adventure. Reuben began chopping the vegetables with precision, his knife skillfully slicing through each one. Annabelle stood by his side, attentively observing and occasionally offering helpful tips.Their conversations flew effortlessly, punctuated by laughter, an
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THE TEST IS OVER, WITH RESULTS" However you want to get the truth, you can. But remember I'm telling you the truth. You can as well go see the files for yourself if you want, " Louisa said and relaxed on the sofa, biting her lower lip in frustration." Alright, then don't worry, I will take care of that," Grandma calmed Louisa down.She picked up her phone and dialled a number. She instructed the receiver to get her some recent files that Christine had worked on. After speaking with the receiver and giving her all the instructions, she hung up and dialled another number.This time, she told the receiver to get some cctv cameras fixed in the office and the manager of the hardware company without anybodys knowledge.After her calls, she sat down and heaved a sigh of relief." Don't worry, Louisa, everything will be okay. I will see to that, " Grandma said and sat into the sofa.That evening, Christine's secretary came over to Grandma Anderson's apartment.She was seated with Louisa in
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ITS TIME TO MONITOR Christine stood up silently and shamefully left the living room.Sge could not look back. Grandma waited till after some time when her footsteps could no longer be heard before she spoke." I'm sorry for not believing you, Louisa. I was thinking she had turned a new leaf, but it seems I was wrong. I'll keep her under my watch and see to it that she takes the job seriously, " Grandma said.Louisa did not say anything. Instead, she nodded in the affirmative." Please, I will need you to go to the office on Monday and redo some of the important files with her and correct all the mistakes. Then, after that, you leave her alone to sort the rest out. I will keep a close eye on her?Louisa nodded again without saying a word.Grandma stood up and left for her room.Louisa laid back on the sofa and heaved a sigh of relief.She was glad that grandma had found out the truth for herself. At first, Christine posed to be an angel. Her attitude had made it hard for grandma to
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TURN OVER A NEW LEAF On Monday morning, Louisa prepared to go to Christine's office.Before she could set off, Grandma had shown her in the CCTV footage that Christine was already at work and was trying to work on correcting one of the files.Louisa set off from the house and drove over to the office.She entered the office to see Christine still working on the file. She was struggling to overcome a particular problem and had done that over and over again.A sweat had formed on her forehead.Louisa stood at the door to the office, which was open when she got there.She looked at Christine for a while and knew she was seriously struggling." Good morning Christine," Louisa said, beaming with a smile.Christine looked up. Louisa was leaning on the door frame and smiling." Good morning, louisa, come in," Christine responded and looked back at her laptop screen." Can I help you with what you are doing?" Louisa offered ." Just a minute, please," Christine said without looking up.Lo
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