All Chapters of The Billionaire Pauper : Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
268 chapters
NO INTEREST“ You have to use this in your story for a book.It is actually very touching” Annabelle said.Reuben heaved a sigh and smiled.He started the engine and slowly drove out of the parking lot.“ Where would you like us to go for our date?” Reuben said as he drove on the highway.He wanted to change the subject.“ I have not planned on anything yet. Besides, it is somewhere later on friday, we will decide later” Annabelle repliedReuben nodded.“ Now that you have officially taken over from your grandfather, what do you plan on doing?. Especially now that you have two competitors at once” Annabelle asked.“ I know that they have teamed up against us, but I can handle them.Currently, there is nothing to fight them about.I will lay low and work and forget about them. However, if they stand up against me, I will fight back.Dont worry about me” Reuben replied.Annabelle nodded.The whole environment became qui
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PLAY THE VICTIM" I still take my stand that I am really not interested in anything.If it is because of the kinship, I have to get married, cool, I will definitely get married, but not to him.He is not interested in me, and I am really not interested in him.If it takes me to get married before you can hand over to me, it will be so, but I will not marry him, " Louisa replied.Grandma realized Louisa had made up her mind, but she decided she had to convince her enough.She knew she could just discard the idea and let Louisa be. However, she had a lot of things to gain if Louisa got married to Jakes.She had forever dreamed of her granddaughter getting married to a man from a rich family.She had a lot to gain from the relationship between Louisa and Jakes, and so she decided to press further." You know something really serious here, and you are joking about this.You are not the only girl in the family.There is still Christine and four other cousins of yours.This is really a c
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I HAVE PLANSTuesday Morning, Anderson Mansion.It was already morning, and a few decorators were seen in the Anderson Mansion busily changing the atmosphere in the conference room of the Andersons. Grandma was in the living room speaking to the boss of the designers while the workers went about their daily business.Louisa had heard some noise coming from the outside of her room, and that was what had woken up.She entered her washroom and came back minutes later.The noise could still be heard, and it was really persistent.Louisa wondered where the noise was coming from, and in curiosity, she got out.She took the hallway leading to the living room and realized that the sound and noise were coming from the other side of the hallway that led to the conference hall.She took that turn and saw that there was a gro
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TIME FOR A MEETING Brooks Mansion, Tuesday morning. Annabelle had just woken up from her peaceful night sleep.She looked around and sat up.Reuben was busily covering himself well with a blanketAnnabelle glanced at the wall clock.It was already 6am in the morning.Annabellle tapped him and shook him vigorously.Reuben sat up and looked at her." Is it morning already??" He asked as he looked around.Annabelle nodded Reuben yawned and nodded.******Two hours later , Reuben and Annabelle were busily preparing for the meeting ahead.The two had been alerted that the managers had started arriving, and they were supposed to be there in about thirty minutes.They were all done already, and they were already heading towards the hall.They got there and found out that all the managers had arrived and were waiting for them.Grandpa Roland was already seated and waiting for them.The people gave them a standing ovation as they entered.Annabelle looked through the crowd.There w
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A NEW PLANAnderson Mansion.The meeting was over. They had all introduced themselves and gotten to know each other well.Grandma made sure not to explain the inner details of their contract to her family members.After the meeting, Grandma quickly went over to Jakes to speak with him." Hello Jakes, I bet you will be going with them today," Grandma said. Jakes nodded " Definitely, Mrs Anderson, my work here is finished, and I have some other things to take care of, back home.So I will leave with them, or probably, after them.Is there any problem? " Jakes asked.Grandma smiled wittily." Well, not at all.It's about my girl.She is soon about to take over from me. However, she is a very shy person and does not like to socialize with people.And I also know you are soon going to be the ruler of your family
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DEAL FOR TWOLouisa looked around." Not here. This place is actually not safe for us to discuss this.We can find somewhere to sit and discuss this, later" Louisa said.Jakes nodded." You are right, I was supposed to leave for my country tonight, but I will wait behind, I can hold on with what I am going to do over there.When we finish with this, then I move.But first, give me your contact information so we can communicate later today, " Jakes said and took out his phone. He unlocked it, opened the keypad, and handed it over to Louisa.Louisa took the phone, dialled her number on it, and handed it back to himAlright, saved.Louisa felt her phone beep.She was about to check it until Jakes spoke." I just beeped your phone.I will call you later in the day so we can talk better and schedule a place and ti
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ISSUE OF THE GOLDEN RULERThe whole place turned noisy again." That is the reason why I called for a meeting between the two families so we could all get to know each other and for you all to know what is going on.What do you want me to do, huh? " Grandma fired back.She was visibly furious.Louisa sat there quietly, looking at them. She knew the whole issue could easily be solved, but all tempers had risen, and there was no way to calm them now.She just sat quietly, observing all of them.Madam Rebecca hit her hand loudly on the table, drawing everyone's attention to herself. " This should no longer be an object of contention.What we need to think about now is the fact that one of our members is not here with us.Now Evelyn, now that everything's back to normal and in place, I suppose we should go and get Christine released, that poor girl has already grown lean in the prison.From all indications, she has learned her lesson and changed for the better.Reconsider your decision
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GOOD NEWS, BAD NEWSThey all opened their mouths in shock as they heard that.The GOLDEN RULER was a long, flat, and flexible cane that had the shape of a ruler. I had a golden color and hence its name.The material it was made of was elastic .The kind of pain inflicted on the receiver was severe and sometimes led to injuries.I'm from the Anderson family, the golden RULER was severe punishment for the offender and whenever judgment is declared for the use of the golden ruler, the offender would usually beg for pardon and change in punishment. The golden ruler was not used on all offenders. It was only used on offenders who had committed grave aberrations and crimes.Grandma had intentionally said that to scare them away from accepting that.Five strokes from the GOLDEN ruler would render serious injuries on the body of Christine, and that was going to take days, if not weeks, to treat the afflictions Grandma smirked as she saw the look on their faces and how they looked at each o
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A DATE FOR A PLANLouisa shook her head." I am sorry, but I can't make itYou will have to go without me I have a tight schedule tomorrow. I have some personal things to take care of, and besides, I will be leaving for my apartment very soon." Louisa said.Grandma looked at her in disbelief.She just kept to herself and smiled at Louisa." Okay, that's fine if you can not go with me. I will be okay, " Grandma said." Alright then, I'll excuse you.I will be in my room, " Louisa said and stood up.Grandma just nodded and looked at Louisa as she left for her own room.Grandma wondered what was going on that made Louisa suddenly turn cold towards her.She just decided to keep an eye on her and find out exactly what was happening with her." Her inner mind told her it was because she had tried linking her up with Jakes. Grandma noticed that ever since she talked to Louisa about getting her married to Jakes, Louisa had suddenly turned into a silent monster.She stood up after a while o
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THIS DOES NOT LOOK GOODReuben and Annabelle got to their apartment, and the first thing Reuben did was to get his laptop and switch it on." He sat behind it and began operating it.Annabelle quickly changed herself and headed for the kitchenShe left Reuben alone and went to serve their lunch.After about twenty minutes, Annabelle went back inside.Reuben was sitting behind his laptop and smiling to himself." What is happening here?" She asked.Reuben looked at her with a smile." Some really good news here," Reuben replied." Mind sharing with me?"." Do you remember the hotel where we went to spend our honeymoon?" Reuben asked.Annabelle nodded in the affirmative." It's, honeymoon hotel or something of that sort," Annabelle replied, quite unsure about her answer." Exactly, they have sold eighty percent of their company shares.And I bought them all, that means we are officially the owners of the hotel now." Reuben said happily.Annabelle opened her mouth in disbelief.Her eyes
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