All Chapters of The Billionaire Pauper : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
268 chapters
I PROMISE TO TAKE CARE OF HER! The day set for the wedding ceremony drew nearer.Reuben and Annabelle had prepared enough for the ceremony.Secretly, Reuben was still worried about the security of himself and Annabelle. Now that he knew Mrs Anderson was after him, he was not giving any chances.He did not react nor retaliate when he found out she was the one who planned her kidnap.He did so intentionally to protect himself and Annabelle. He planned on waiting for the right time before striking back.The time was surely not now.Now all he needed to do was to first protect himself and his innocent would-be wife from this danger.A few days before the ceremony, Reuben spoke to the police who investigated his planned kidnap.He urged them to be present at the ceremony but not in their uniforms.The police agreed and everything was schedul
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THE STALKER " That's good then" Grandma said and adjusted her sitting position on the couch.After about thirty minutes of the trio having a chat with the majority based on Ethan, Louisa requested to leave and left with Ethan. Grandma escorted them downstairs and into the garage.Ethan and Louisa had come in Ethan's car.Ethan quickly went ahead of Louisa and opened the door to the passenger side for her. Louisa waved at Grandma and sat in the car.Ethan closed the door and waved at Grandma too.He walked to the driver's side and got in.Slowly, he drive out of the compound after the security guards opened the gate for him.Grandma watched as they drove out of the compound.She headed back to her apartment with a smile on her face.She was glad Louisa had heeded to her advice.Now all she needed was to speed up the process and get Ethan and Louisa legally married.Then she could easily carry out her plans.But before that, she had another plan.She wanted to try nab Reube
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TELL ME THE NEWS. I CHOOSE Reuben's apartment was half a kilometer away!!He intentionally alighted at Altezza so as to avoid anyone tracing him to his house.He knew for sure his stalker was sent by Louisa's Grandma.He walked hurriedly to his apartment and upon reaching the apartment, he looked around to make sure nobody saw him enter as there were not much people around.He got into his apartment and sank in an armchair.He took out his phone and opened an app.He punched some commands and it displayed a location. The location was the same restaurant he went to eat in order to confuse his stalker.He smiled and dropped his phone, heaving a sigh of relief. It appeared that there was a mobile tracker atta he'd to his motorbike and he intentionally left it at the garage of the restaurant to keep it safe there.He had opened his phone to see if his motorbik
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YOU HAVE BREACHED THE DEADLINE Oh, uh, yes sir. Just alert the security and tell them what you just told me.They are going to help you because they are in charge of that" The waiter replied politely " Very well thank you. Have this" Reuben thanked him and handed him a hundred dollar bill.The waiter thanked him profusely and directed him to the security.Reuben walked to the security guard, he consciously scanned his environment to see if anyone had his eye on him.Who knows, maybe the stalker might just show up once again. Knowing that he was here.Reuben walked to the security man." Good evening sir" He greeted.The security officer saluted him in response and stood at full attention in front of him." How may I help you sir?" The officer asked." Well, uhhm yes. I acrually came with my motorbike to this place, but it has a fault at the moment and I can't ride it home.
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YOU CAME LOOKING FOR MEReuben went to work that day with a pinch of excitement.He went through his normal routine.Since it was the last day of the week, the workload was unusually heavy but he managed to pull through.Some few hours before his closing time, he was returning from a delivery when he saw his colleagues all gathered in the compound of the company's premises. He went to park his bike and got down from it.He quickly went over to his colleagues to find out what was happening that had caused them to gather that way.Immediately they saw him coming, they began paving the way for him to enter.Surprised by his colleagues' act, he walked through the paved way till he got to the middle of the circle. He saw his manager standing in the middle of the circle with a smile on his face. " What is going on here?" He asked with a surprised look." We are gathered here because
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MY INNAUGRATION IS TOMORROW Reuben rode for about a minute with stalker behind him.Then he stopped and parked by the roadside He noticed the stalker had also stopped some hundred metres behind him and was pretending to be busy on the phone.Reuben got down from the motorbike and began walking back to the stalker.He walked and was looking on the ground as if he had lost something.He did that so as to make the stalker think he was unaware of the him. He walked until he got close to the man on the motorbike.He realized the man was the same man whose picture he had seen earlier on the iPad in the morning.He nodded as he kept looking on the ground. When he got to the man in his motorbike, he asked him a question." Excuse me sir, it looks like I dropped my wallet a minute ago, have you by any chance come across it?" He asked "No… I just…." Before the man could c
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INNAUGRATION DAY" Well, my inauguration is tomorrow," Reuben replied." Oh kk, can I come with you?" Annabelle asked." Unfortunately, no. It is restricted to only the staff and board members of the company." Reuben said sadly." awwn. All the same good luck on it.You need to sleep early tonight so you prepare for the occasion". Annabelle said." Oh no, let's talk for sometime, I will not go there early so you have nothing to worry about" Reuben said " I don't like that sound. I know you, you need to sleep. Go to bed now. Good night and sweet dreams. Bye " Annabelle said and before Reuben could say anything else, she hung up.Reuben shook his head while smiling." Always stubborn" He exclaimed as he walked towards his dressing mirror. Although he wanted to speak with Annabelle for a while, he was also glad he had gained enough to to rest.He was very tired and need
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THE NEW SUPERVISOR By the end of the ceremony, Reuben had officially been given the position of the supervisor.The key to his new apartment was given to him and so were the keys to his new vehicle.His new office was allocated to him.That day after the ceremony, Reuben went home in a brand new Hyundai Tucson. At about 2pm, he was on his way home.The company had arranged for a truck to convey Reuben's goods from the company's residence to his new apartment in the Altezza Estate.In essence, Reuben did not drive to his former residence but to the new one.His plan was to wait for the goods to arrive before he left to see Annabelle. ***************Grandma woke up the next morning to the ring of her phone.She answered the call and placed the phone to her ear." Hello, Good morning Mrs Anderson, I am on my way to your place now" The voice said." Okay" Grandma re
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THE DINNER Annabelle emerged from her bedroom with a gift box in her hand. " This is for you, on your promotion" She said as she handed the gift over to Reuben. Reuben took the box from her with a surprised look." Thank you sunshine. You are the best." Reuben said.He tried to unwrap the box and open it but Annabelle stopped her immediately." You are not supposed to open it here. At least wait till you get home".Annabelle said as she restricted him from opening the box." Fine, I hear you. So are you ready for our outing?" Reuben asked." Oh yes, as you can see I'm already dressed up, we can go but just give me a moment" Annabelle said and ran to her bedroom once again.Reuben walked to the outside of the apartment and stood on the veranda in wait for Annabelle Annabelle emerged a minute later in the veranda with a hair clip in her hands trying to bind her hair together.She was finding it a bit hard since the clip was a new one." Let me help you," Reuben offered
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THE BEST OPTIONReuben and Annabelle walked into the restaurant and chose a table at a corner.As soon as they sat, a waitress approached them." Good evening and welcome to our restaurant., what would you like to have today?The waitress said with a bow.He handed them both a menu each." You go first. Order" Reuben said as he placed his menu on the table" I'll take the jollof rice and chicken sauce. A bottle of water and a champagne" Annabelle said to the waitress The waitress took the order and turned to Reuben. " I'll take the same thing except the champagne. Just come along with two wine glasses"Reuben said to the waitress.The waitress left to get their orders."So, how do you see this place?" Reuben asked Annabelle. " The place is nice, how did you get to know of this place?" Annabelle asked him." I came to deliver something here a few days ago. I found out this place was quite good and affordable" Reuben said with a smile." I guess so, the place looks neat and serene
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