All Chapters of Getting a Technology System in Modern Day: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
720 chapters
The Board Meeting
"They accepted our offer, and it appears that the dictator's words were the decisive factor in their swift agreement." Felix relayed the news to Aron."Has he asked about his $20 million remuneration?" Aron inquired while he was at Professor Janusz A. Zajdel's residence, where he was collecting professor's brain data, while conversing with Felix."He didn't directly state it, but he insinuated it, and in response, I assured him that I would transfer the money to whichever bank account he preferred," replied Felix."Once he provides you with the account number, forward it to me so that I can promptly initiate the transfer, as we wish to avoid any misunderstandings" instructed Aron."Sure.""Now that we have completed Phase One of the plan, let us immediately start with the consolidation of the company without delay," Aron said."Of course. When will you be sending us the details for Phase Two?" inquired Felix."I just sent it to you now, read it and call me back if you have any questio
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Terry's Situation & Rina's Appointment
In the hospital.Terry, barely opening his eyes, woke up after three long weeks of recovery following his operation. His gaze was fixated on the ceiling, but it was evident that his eyes were filled with hopelessness and despair.As the reality of his situation sunk in, Terry couldn't help but question his own actions. "Why did I do that?" he murmured to himself, his voice trembling with emotion. The memory of the incident that resulted in him getting shot was still fresh in his mind, and he couldn't shake off the regret and the pain.The weight of his mistakes seemed to bear down on him as he lay there, alone with his thoughts. The once energetic and carefree Terry was now a shadow of his former self, consumed by the consequences of his actions.Just as he was about to continue to berate himself for doing that and thinking of ways to save himself, someone entered the room but since he could not turn due to his body still being in pain he could do nothing but wait for the person to mo
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Rina Seeing the Plan & Liam and Felix Meeting
Rina continued her conversation with Ava after she calmed down."Now that I have been assigned to the financial company, as you guys wanted, can you show me the plan?" She had previously asked to see the plans, but she was told that it was not yet completed and was still being collected.{A few hours ago, the plan was sent to me. My mother said that it had gone through a few revisions to fit the conditions of your assigned company. Here it is,} Ava replied as she immediately pulled up the plan on her screen to show it to Rina.Rina wasted no time and started reading through the plan immediately. She had been eagerly waiting for this information for over a month, being told repeatedly that it was not yet complete.As Rina finished reading the first page, she had to pause and take a deep breath. The information on that single page had almost made her forget to breathe from fear."Are you sure that they really came up with this plan?" Rina asked as the plan was something a level higher
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Lab City
A month later.After traveling extensively across Europe for two months, constantly moving from one place to another, Aron was finally returning home.Aron boarded the private plane for his return journey to the United States after successfully collecting brain data from the list of individuals all over Europe."Is everything going smoothly?" Aron inquired from Felix over the phone during the flight."Yes, we are currently in the process of consolidating the user information from the four companies," Felix explained, updating Aron on their progress."Great, so the consolidation will be completed in the next two months as planned," Aron confirmed with Felix."Yes. We might even finish ahead of the scheduled time since the workers are highly motivated due to the attractive pay which is above the country's average," Felix explained."Okay, great. See you then," Aron bid farewell to Felix and ended the call.After putting the phone back into his pocket, Aron asked Nova, "How many hours do
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Lab City At work.
Inside the universal simulation.Twelve hours had elapsed since the creation of the new inhabitants, and the morning had finally arrived. The Lab city, shrouded in the perpetual glow of artificial daylight, slowly awakened as the sun raised.The newly formed denizens, emerging from their dwellings, prepared themselves for the day ahead, heading to their respective laboratories and workplaces. Before setting out, they ate their breakfast that seemed to materialize out of nowhere which to them appeared as a normal thing.Once they had finished their meal, they converged at the nearest public transport station to catch a ride to their destinations. The commuters, seemingly moving as a collective, boarded the communal transit system, eager to carry out their tasks and fulfill their roles in the vast simulation......Lucas, a material scientist, boarded a bus to travel from his residence to his work office. Upon arrival, he disembarked and was greeted by a towering building with white c
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Back Home
"Brother!" Henry shouted as he ran towards Aron, who had just stepped out of his car.Aron caught Henry mid-air, embracing him like a basketball, before setting him down and giving him a warm hug.After he entered the house, his mother greeted him with a warm welcome, saying "Welcome back!""Thank you. How have you been?" Aron asked, settling into a seat in the living room as he continued his conversation with his mother."Not much has changed since you left. So, how was your trip to Europe?" his mother inquired."It was quite good. I think you should go on a trip with father. I don't recall seeing you two go on a vacation since my childhood," Aron suggested, encouraging his mother to take some vacation."During your childhood, we couldn't go because we couldn't afford it," his mother replied, her face reflecting the hardships of that period."But now there is no such problem," Aron affirmed, determined to help his parents live their lives without any regrets and to encourage them to
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At the Edge of a Cliff
Within the solemn confines of the military courtroom, an atmosphere thick with tension engulfed the air, saturating every nook and cranny and casting an ominous shadow upon the faces of the gathered spectators. The culmination of the proceedings had arrived, and the destiny of a courageous soldier, whose life had precariously teetered on the edge of judgment, now lay in the hands of the presiding judge.General Robert Sinclair, a figure of distinction adorned with graying temples and eyes that bore the weight of his responsibilities, sat upright behind the elevated bench. His gaze, a fusion of resolute determination and a profound commitment to justice, swept across the room, commanding attention from every individual in its path.The time had come for the judge's final pronouncements and the delivery of the verdict, a moment that held the collective breath of all present in suspense. Without hesitation, he commenced the delivery of his verdict. "Throughout the course of the procee
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Whispers of Hope
Aron pulled up his car, parking it approximately one kilometer away from John's residence. He switched off the engine, retrieved the key, and stepped out of the vehicle. With fast strides, he began his journey on foot towards John's house.When he was approximately three hundred meters away from the house, he carefully assessed his surroundings. Assured that there were no individuals nearby, he immediately activated the concealment rune. Instantaneously, he vanished from the sight of any potential onlookers or observing entities.Upon reaching the house, Aron meticulously searched for a quiet entry point. He carefully surveyed the premises, quickly spotting an unlocked window that had been closed but not secured. With a gentle push, he gradually opened the window and silently slipped inside the house, skillfully maneuvering his way through.Upon entering, Aron discovered John sitting on the spacious sofa, his face revealing signs of having just awakened from a distressing dream. Aron
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As John's body began to sag, surrendering to the effects of the rune-induced slumber, Aron swiftly intercepted his fall, gently laying John down on the sofa, ensuring he was in a comfortable position, providing support for his weary frame.{You seem to be thoroughly enjoying your play as a magician} Nova remarked once she was certain that John had fallen into a deep sleep."No, I was merely assessing the extent of his depression," Aron replied, carefully lifting John's leg from the ground and positioning it on the sofa to ensure his comfort."You seem to have missed the mark. He ran out of pills today, not within your projected timeline," Aron said, playfully teasing Nova.{I said within three months, and today falls within that time period, so technically, I am correct,} Nova retorted.{However, it seems my approximation was off. He must have been using the medication at a higher dosage than previously calculated. Perhaps his body became accustomed to the normal dose, prompting him t
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The Changes and His Backstory
Inside the Universal Simulation."What are the other changes that happened to him?" Aron immediately asked after passing through the gate, wanting to know the complete extent of the changes that had taken place within John's body due to the relentless barrage of healing runes he unleashed upon him for hours on end.{Nearly every aspect,} Nova responded, conjuring a holographic representation of John's physique before delving into a detailed explanation of the remarkable changes.{In addition to healing and regenerating his limbs, the extended exposure led to meticulous fine-tuning, revitalization, and fortification of his muscles, organs, and bones, pushing them to their absolute limits. In essence, you've transformed him into a super soldier, doubling his strength compared to what it was previously,} Nova elucidated, emphasizing the profound changes that occurred within John's body."That's fantastic! Absolutely fantastic!" Aron exclaimed with great excitement upon hearing Nova's det
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